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Secretary’s Secret Lover by Zayla Quinn

Chapter 74
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Chapter 74 Crawl Out

Ellen panicked. She would not dare to seduce Jamie in front of his fiancée.

It was known that Fiona had a bad temper. Ellen didn’t want to lose her life.

She struggled hard and refused, “I didn’t. Mr. McBride, please be kind. Your fiancée is here. If she


Jamie had taken a move and pushed Ellen’s clothes up.

A sudden chill made Ellen take a deep breath.

Jamie lowered his head and bit down, sneering, “I’m surprised that you care about your reputation.”

Ellen bit her lip, afraid to make a sound. She said vaguely, “Aren’t you afraid that Ms. Brown will get


“Why don’t you scream and see if I’m afraid?” Jamie asked Ellen calmly.

A voice came from outside, and Ellen was so shocked that she straightened her body.

Jamie felt it and sneered, “It seems that you are afraid.”

“Don’t do it here. I beg you.” Ellen softly begged for mercy, but Jamie only sneered.

“How about going to the corridor or the hall?”

Ellen didn’t know how to reply, feeling that Jamie might do this.

It seemed that he was fearless, he had nothing to be afraid of, and he had no morality or shame.

Jamie liked to see Ellen be speechless. He reached out and grabbed the back of her neck, turning her

over. Jamie forced Ellen to look at herself in the mirror in an extremely humiliating posture.

Then, Jamie said coldly, “Why did you cut off your hair?”

Jamie still remembered the agreement about long hair.

Ellen was like a pile of mud in Jamie’s eyes now, and he would not marry her.

However, Jamie hated it when others broke the agreement first.

Jamie thought he should be the one to break the agreement..

Only he could humiliate Ellen, but Ellen provoked him with a haircut.

Ellen staggered and spoke in a broken voice, “Long hair is troublesome.”

Ellen did not have the time to take care of her long hair. Of course, this was not the root reason.

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Ellen did not mean to provoke Jamie. She had no expectations or delusions.


Jamie snorted coldly. He grabbed Ellen’s arm from behind and squeezed his knee over. With just a

little force,

Ellen was in so much pain that she bent down. Things were getting hotter and hotter.

Jamie was a little uncomfortable. He gritted his teeth and said, “I think you are the problem that should

be solved.”

Ellen felt that Jamie meant to embarrass her. She glared at him from the mirror. “Can you hurry up? I

can’t afford to offend Ms. Brown. If she finds it out, I will be the one to suffer.”

“Why should I care about you?” Jamie laughed when he heard this.

He felt comfortable when Ellen suffered.

Ellen knew that Jamie would not care about her, so she could only grit her teeth and resist.

But Jamie was exceptionally fierce today as if he had been celibate for twenty years and wanted to

vent his

desire on Ellen.

Looking at Ellen’s painful expression in the mirror, Jamie did not show any mercy. He said coldly, “You

better be obedient. Remember who your master is.”

It sounded so insulting, like a sharp knife skinning Ellen’s face.

Ellen’s entire face was devoid of any color.

“Bang, bang, bang!”

The bathroom door was suddenly slapped loudly.

It could be seen that the comer didn’t mean to just go to the toilet from the way he patted the door. It

was as if he had discovered something.

Ellen’s entire body tightened up.

Sure enough, the next second, she heard a sharp female voice.

“Jamie, come out!”

Ellen was completely shocked. Her body suddenly trembled.

However, Jamie remained his fearless look as he coldly looked at Ellen trembling in fear.

The knocking on the door suddenly stopped.

The next second, Fiona said, “Break the door!”

The manager of the restaurant would not listen to Fiona and kept trying to comfort Fiona not to be so


However, Fiona did not listen. She took something heavy and began to smash the door.

Fortunately, the door was solid enough, but if this went on, sooner or later, Fiona would break the door.


With the sound of smashing the door, Jamie had an ejaculation.

After Jamie left Ellen, he was not in a hurry and slowly adjusted his pants.

Then, Jamie strode to the door and placed his hand on the doorknob, completely ignoring whether

Ellen had put on her clothes behind him or not.


Ellen called out to Jamie in despair. Her face was pale, and her body was trembling.

“Don’t open the door. I beg you… Don’t open the door!”

The opening of the door meant that the last layer of Ellen’s skin would be cruelly peeled off, and she

would become a notorious slut in New York.

Ellen didn’t care about herself, but her father and mother wouldn’t be able to stand it….

Jamie glanced at Ellen and then opened the door without any change in expression.

When the door opened, Fiona scolded, “Jamie, you bastard!”

Then, Fiona raised the chair and smashed it over. Jamie grabbed it and smashed it aside.

Fiona patted Jamie’s chest several times and cried, “Why did you do this to me?”

Jamie smiled, “It’s just playing with a woman. Don’t be angry. It’s not worth it.”

Fiona’s eyes were red. Jamie could play with all women except Ellen.

Fiona recognized that this was Jamie’s ex–fiancée, the eldest daughter of the Robbins family, Ellen.

However, Ellen was now in such a dire state. She sold her body everywhere.

Fiona pushed Jamie away and rushed inside. She raised her hand high and slapped Ellen until Ellen’s


was full of blood.

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“Bitch, how dare you seduce Jamie into the bathroom? All members of the Robbins family are bitches.


have no shame.”

“No, they are not…” Ellen retorted with blood on the corner of her mouth.

Ellen thought she was dirty, but her parents were clean and innocent. They ran decent businesses, but


encountered misfortune.

Ellen thought, all of this is my fault…

“You dare not admit it!”

Fiona reached out and tore Ellen’s clothes before beating Ellen’s head as if Ellen were a dog. Fiona


beating until Ellen felt dizzy.

Seeing that Ellen was about to faint, Jamie moved his feet and held Fiona’s hand.

Fiona was uneasy. She could not see through Jamie, nor did she know if Jamie had pity for Ellen.

Fiona pretended to cry and said, “Jamie, do you have sympathy for her?”

Jamie smiled and raised Fiona’s hand. He blew on it and said in a gentle and elegant voice, “Doesn’t

your hand hurt?”

Fiona felt relieved. She hooked her arms around Jamie’s neck and kissed him. Then she said, “Jamie, I

am angry.”

Jamie held Fiona’s waist and said lovingly, “Then how do you want to vent your anger?”

Fiona smiled, “I want to follow my method, okay?”

“Okay.” Jamie did not hesitate at all and only said, “But you can’t hurt her face. After all, Ms. Robbins

has to help me entertain the distinguished guests soon. It’ll be bad if you hurt her face.”

Ellen suddenly looked up. She understood that Jamie meant to ask her to receive his guests!

In an instant, Ellen felt that she did not know Jamie. His good–looking face suddenly became ferocious,

turning into a monster that would devour humans.

But the torture was far from over.

Fiona smiled and said, “Ms. Robbins, since you are so shameless, then I will give you a chance to

make a name for yourself!”

“Crawl out from here,” Fiona said as she nudged Ellen’s chin with her toes.