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Secretary’s Secret Lover by Zayla Quinn

Chapter 282
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Chapter 282 Belle Wants a Dad

In the airport passage….

The man who looked cold slowly frowned.

Frankie, who was behind, saw a girl blocking Lance’s way and quickly stepped forward.

Seeing that she was an exquisite girl, he bent his knees and said gently, “Girl, are you unable to find

your mommy?”

The girl had a pair of big round eyes and thick eyelashes, wearing a cherry–colored dress, making her

skin look fair.

At a glance, it was obvious that she was well protected by her family.

She nodded at Frankie.

The two buns swayed. She was so obedient that it could melt people’s hearts.

Frankie’s voice was very soft. He said, “I will take you to find an airport staff member. You ask them to

take you to find your


The girl shook her head. She stood on tiptoe and used her chubby little hand to pull Lance’s fingers.

She said softly, “You look

so handsome. Can you lend me your cell phone? I want to call Mommy.”

Frankie, who had been ignored, was confused for a second.

He did not expect her to like good–looking guys at such a young age.

He coughed lightly to hide his embarrassment and said gently, “I will take you to find a broadcaster.

That will be faster,


Hearing this, the girl disappointedly put away the sparkling look in her eyes, lowered her eyes, and


The expression in her eyes was very similar to someone…

In an instant, Lance felt as if his heart had been pricked by a needle.

Just as Frankie was about to reach out and help the girl to find the staff, he heard Lance stop him in a

low voice.

“Wait a minute.”

Lance bent down and looked at those overly beautiful eyes. He asked, “You want to borrow my phone,


“Yes, you’re handsome.”

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The girl nodded vigorously and looked at Lance with her large liquid eyes, making his heart tremble.

Suddenly, Lance felt warm in his heart.

He took out his phone and handed it to her.

It caused Frankie to widen his eyes in shock.

One had to know that Lance had been like an emotionless working machine for the past few years,

ignoring everything except


At this time, he actually took the initiative to lend his phone to a girl he didn’t know.

It was really jaw–dropping.

After the girl pressed her mommy’s number with her chubby little hand, the other side of the line quickly


“Mommy,” exclaimed the girl excitedly.

“Belle, where did you go?”

This voice…

It was so familiar that it made Lance’s pupils suddenly constrict.

“Mommy, look at the yellow sign. I’m right here.”

“Belle, stay there and don’t move. Mommy will come over to pick you up.”

In the VIP waiting room….

After Yvette hung up the phone, she got up in a hurry. Just as she stood up, her vision darkened, and

her body swayed.


The handsome man who was pulling a suitcase behind her loosened his grip and grabbed her by the

shoulders in time.

“Are you not feeling well?”

While feeling concerned, Marlon brought her into his arms.

“Maybe I was in a hurry just now,” Yvette said, still feeling a little dizzy.

Marlon sat down with her in his arms. After confirming that she was fine, he said, “Sit here, I’ll go pick

Belle up.”

At the airport…

Lance stood in place, his eyes cold and his lips thin. The high–quality shirt and trousers made him look

handsome and


The woman’s voice still echoed in his ears.

It was so similar. He would never find a second voice that was so similar.

Seeing that the meeting time was approaching, Frankie said, “Mr. Wolseley, why don’t you go first? I’ll

stay here with the girl. I’ll meet up with you later.”

Lance’s eyes were cold. “Wait a little longer.”

Frankie was shocked.

He never expected that Lance would be addicted to meddling in other people’s business.

Lance ignored Frankie’s surprised eyes. His eyes were a little cold, but his tone was gentle. “Are you



“How old are you?”

“Three and a half years old.”

Belle looked at the man with her big bright eyes. Her eyes were full of light, and she answered any

question he asked.

She wondered, he is so good–looking.

It would be great if he could be my dad.

Being looked at by the girl with admiration, Lance experienced that inexplicable warmth again.


Her age…

Lance said earnestly, “What is your mother’s name?”

She wondered, he is asking Mommy!

Her eyes rounded with excitement.

She thought, knowing that I want him to be my dad, he asked me for my mommy’s name.

Her cheeks puffed up, and her eyes curved with a smile. “Mommy is called…”

Before the girl could finish speaking, a soft reprimand interrupted her.

“Isabel Lynn.”

When Belle heard her full name, her shoulders trembled in fear, and she covered her mouth.

Marlon picked up Belle from behind and said to the man in front of him, “Thank you.”

When he looked up, their eyes met. The light on Marlon’s face suddenly faded, and his face became

slightly tense.

The subtle change did not escape Lance’s eyes.

He frowned slightly and sized Marlon up.

But soon, Marlon regained his calmness.

At this time, an airport staff member came over. “Mr. Lynn, have you found the girl?”

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“I found her.”

“That’s good. The broadcast will be dismissed.” The staff member felt much relieved.

After the staff member left, Marlon nodded to Lance to show his thanks and turned to leave.

Lance looked at Marlon’s back and fell into deep thought.

He wondered, Isabel Lynn? Mr. Lynn….

Are they father and daughter?

Frankie saw that the girl was taken away and reminded Lance again, “Mr. Wolseley, the meeting is

about to begin.”

Marlon hugged Belle and asked in a deep voice, “Belle, did you deliberately get lost?”

Belle lowered her head guiltily and did not say a word.

Marlon felt that it was necessary to educate her, so he said with a straight face, “Belle, do you know

how worried your mother

was? Her legs went weak from fright, and there are so many people in the airport. What if you meet

bad people and are taken away?”

“I’m sorry.”

“Then tell me, why did you deliberately get lost?”

Belle’s voice suddenly became lower and her shoulders twitched as she said in a wronged tone, “Anna

said that I’m a child without a dad, so I should drink the milk they don’t need. So I want a dad.”

Marlon’s eyes suddenly turned cold. He didn’t expect that such a thing would happen in a seven–star


He pinched her soft cheeks and said sadly, “Someone bullied you. Why didn’t you tell your mommy?”

“I don’t want Mommy to be sad.

“And I’m very strong. I won’t be defeated by their ridicule.”

Marlon rubbed her head. “Next time someone bullies you, please tell me, okay?”


Belle’s mood came and went quickly. At this time, her little face was already bright and happy.

“Marlon, Anna laughed at me. Can you not tell Mommy?

“Mommy loves me very much. You also love me very much. I’m very happy.”

Marlon frowned slightly and felt a little pity in his heart. “I won’t say it, but please don’t run around next

time, and you can’t casually tell others Mommy’s phone and name, okay?”


Isabel nodded her head vigorously and was extremely obedient.

However, the idea of finding a dad for herself had not changed.

She wondered, it would be great if I could let the good–looking man and my beautiful mommy meet!