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Secretary’s Secret Lover by Zayla Quinn

Chapter 275
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Chapter 275 A Fool

Fiona’s face and upper body were badly injured and bloody, looking horrible.

Although she was in such a critical condition, she didn’t give up framing Ellen.

“Hurry up and save me! She has completely gone crazy! Help me…”

Fiona cried out hysterically. With blood spattered over her face, she seemed to be extremely miserable.

Fiona’s eyes were so swollen that she failed to open them. Otherwise, she could see the terrifying look

on Jamie’s face and would regret saying those words.

Jamie felt fortunate that he had known the truth, or he might have been tricked by Fiona again.

He said expressionlessly, “Fiona, I heard everything.”

Fiona was dumbfounded.

She wondered what Jamie meant.

Faintly, there was a chilly feeling along her spine, up to the top of her head.

“No… Jamie… You are mistaken. Ellen forced me to say those words…”

With her tears streaming down her face, the wounds on it hurt more.

Fiona grimaced in pain, looking ugly as well as pitiful.

However, Jamie could no longer feel bitter for her. His expression was indifferent, and his voice was


“Fiona, I warned you not to touch my bottom line.”

Jamie was truly irritated by Fiona. He didn’t expect that she would dare to hurt his child.

Thinking of his child, Jamie felt like destroying something to vent his anger. However, he didn’t want to

touch the woman in

front of him at all.

He was sick of Fiona.

“Jamie, Ellen was insane. She wanted to kill me just now. All the words I said were false. I only wanted

to save my life. I’m

innocent. Trust me…

“As for what Cody has done, he didn’t tell me at all. It has nothing to do with me.”

Fiona had no time to care about Cody anymore.

The only thing on her mind was to maintain her relationship with Jamie. To reach the goal, she didn’t

mind exploiting her father, let alone her elder brother.

“At this stage, there’s still not a particle of truth in your story.”

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Noticing Fiona’s closed eyes, Jamie added, “You put Jack off with excuses and took the contract in my

safe, didn’t you?”


Fiona could no longer quibble. She felt ache all over and said fiercely, “I hate Ellen for taking you away.

Jamie, I am your fiancée. I didn’t do anything wrong to handle a woman who tried to seduce you.”

Fiona crawled on the ground and touched Jamie’s cold leather shoes. She held them tightly and

wailed, “Jamie, I did all these things because I love you too much.”

Jamie stepped on the back of her hand and rolled it over with the toe of his shoe.

In an instant, Fiona’s screams filled the entire hall.

Jamie said word by word, “Fiona, what I hate the most is deception.

“You not only deceived me but also used my power to harm that child. Have you forgotten my

relationship with that child?”

Jamie had been thinking that Fiona was just a little arrogant. He was sure that she was not evil.

Fiona’s willful character would remind Jamie of how Ellen used to be. That was why he agreed to

please Fiona sometimes.

However, it proved that he was wrong.

Although Ellen was arrogant, she was proud at the same time. She was born into a wealthy family and

coddled by her parents.

Therefore, she disdained to do evil. She seemed impatient, but she was actually warm–hearted.

Unlike her, Fiona was sinister and selfish. As long as she was unhappy, she would resort to every trick

to destroy others.

It was Jamie who fostered her to be such a person.

He felt regretful, but it was too late.

Ellen was sickened by how Jamie and Fiona blamed each other, especially when Jamie mentioned her


She pointed to the door, shouting, “All of you, get out of here!”

Rarely, Jamie didn’t refute. He ordered Jack to drag Fiona out and let others clean up the hall.

He didn’t leave. He looked at Ellen and said in a husky voice, “I don’t know what she did.”

He kept his voice low, afraid of Ellen’s disdain.

Even though he didn’t know about Fiona’s behavior, he was not innocent.

Without him, Fiona was unable to hurt Ellen at all.

Sure enough, Ellen sneered, “Jamie, are you here to make a fool of yourself? I have recorded your

wife’s remarks just now. Daily Latest Chapters Upload Only on NovelsReads(dot)com Hurry up and tell

me which hospital my mother was sent to. Otherwise, I will put your wife’s remarks online.”

Although the audio she secretly got could not be used as evidence and help her put Fiona and Cody

into prison, Ellen believed that it would hit a sensation if she released it.

As long as Jamie cared about his reputation, he had to cope with Fiona and Cody.

Jamie frowned and said, “Fiona is not my wife. I am not married.”

Ellen ignored his words. She fixed her red eyes on him and asked, “Where is my mother? I am going to

visit her.”

Other than Jamie, no one else could prevent Ellen from getting her mother’s whereabouts..

Jamie explained, “I didn’t mean to harm her.”

He feared that Ellen wouldn’t be able to take the blow, so he hid where her mother was from her.

Ellen was increasingly disgusted with Jamie. She felt dizzy as if there was a reflection in her eyes. She

had to see her mother before her health collapsed.

She repeated, “I want to see her.”

“I’ll take you to where she is,” Jamie promised.

Lying on the ground outside, Fiona cried loudly and refused to get in the car.

She didn’t know where Jack was going to take her. She was scared and shouted, “Where is Jamie? I

want to talk with him.”

As soon as Jack saw Jamie, he asked, “Mr. McBride, what should I do?”

When Fiona heard Jamie’s name, she crawled over crazily. She fumbled around and yelled, “Jamie,

you can’t do this to me. I saved you. Have you forgotten?”

Jamie stopped and asked the driver to take Ellen to the car.

Fiona continued to bawl, “Without me, you’d have been dead. Jamie, you are ungrateful.”

“Fiona, haven’t I been good enough to you?” Jamie thought of how Fiona had saved him and squinted

at her.

To express his gratitude, he was generous to Fiona. From money to the mansion, no matter what she

wanted, he gave her without batting an eye.

Given he decided not to marry her, he even prepared to compensate her with one–third of his property.

Even if they couldn’t get married, he would view her as his benefactor and always take care of her.

However, what Fiona did made him feel as if a fool.

She was not a kind woman in his mind anymore. Instead, he felt disgusted whenever he thought of her.

“Fiona, I appreciate you for saving me, but it’s the last time I repay you. I won’t kill you. You will live a

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good life.”

Then, Jamie ordered, “Jack, send her to the seaside villa.”

Fiona’s face was ashen as she lay on the ground and screamed.

“No, I’m not going to the villa. I want to go to the hospital…


“I don’t want to hear my name on your lips again.”

With a gloomy look on his handsome face, Jamie ruthlessly deprived her of the right to call him by his


“You should be glad that you saved me back then. Otherwise, you will end up in prison.”

In an instant, Fiona felt alert.

She couldn’t help shivering with fear.

She knew exactly that Jamie could get the evidence to prove her guilty without difficulty if he didn’t

want to let her off.

Jamie turned around and left without hesitation.

Soon, the car arrived at a high–class private hospital.

After entering, Ellen saw Bailee lying in the intensive care unit.

The latter was expressionless as if she had fallen asleep.

Ellen was scared and said in a trembling voice, “I want to go in.”

Logically speaking, anyone other than doctors couldn’t enter the unit without permission.

However, Bailee was currently in a bad condition. Ellen was allowed to go in and see Bailee for the last


Not long after, Ellen had to decide whether to remove Bailee’s ventilator or not.

Ellen got changed and stumbled to the bed with her weak legs.

She could hardly hold back her tears anymore.

Since no one else was here, she finally could show her weakness.

“Mom, I know you can’t bear to part with dad. Why can’t you stay with me for a few more days?

“Mom and dad, why don’t you wait for me?”

Ellen cried out of breath, her body was numb and hurt all over.

Her desperate and anguished cries reverberated around the unit.

She fell into deep grief.

Soon, it was time to leave the unit.

Ellen slowly knelt before her mother.

She muttered, “Mom and dad, I will come to you soon.”