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Secretary’s Secret Lover by Zayla Quinn

Chapter 271
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Chapter 271 Can’t Wake Up


Fiona was kicked to the ground.

This kick was full of strength.

“Who kicked me… Which bitch!”

The swift and fierce kick came too quickly, and Fiona did not see who kicked her at all.

By the time she stood up with her hands on her waist, Jamie had already carried Ellen into the car and


She hurriedly chased after him, and her face was sprayed by the exhaust of the car!

Fiona stomped her feet!


She chased after him unwillingly.

Inside the car, Jamie’s arm was still bleeding. He seemed to have not seen it and completely ignored it.

The wind and rain were fierce, and the car drove to New York’s funeral parlor.

Ellen was so quiet that she didn’t seem to be breathing.

She shrank into a ball in the corner of the car. If Jamie got even a little bit closer, she would go crazy,

scream, torture herself, and then vomit blood.

Jamie didn’t dare to get close to her.

It was just a few minutes, but Jamie felt like he had been through years.

If she wasn’t too weak….

If it was the right angle….

Then he would lose her.

This thought instantly shocked him!

In the funeral parlor.

The repairer was making urgent repairs to Chris’ body.

Ellen was unwilling to sit on the stool and crouched at the door.

Like a puppy that no one wanted, she stared at the door of the repairer’s room.

Her father was inside…

When she was young, he would put her on his shoulder and let her look at the sun. When it was rainy,

he would help her hold the umbrella to shelter her from the wind and rain.

When her father was there, she felt hopeful.

Now… there was nothing.

Her mountain collapsed.

The door to the repairer’s room opened.

Ellen moved in on her knees.

Jamie did not dare to touch her, afraid that she would suddenly go crazy.

Chris lay quietly on the white bed.

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After Ellen bowed three times, her hands trembled and she could not exert any strength.

She trembled and asked the staff for help, “Can, can you lift the cloth for me?”

Jamie heard the voice and walked over. Before he got close, he heard Ellen roar with resentment.

“Don’t touch him!”

The three words seemed to use up all her strength.

“Don’t touch him. Stay away from him. I beg you!” Ellen’s eyes were bloodshot.

Jamie’s veins popped up for a moment as if he wanted to say something. Suddenly, his phone vibrated.

Without saying anything, he turned around and went out to answer the phone.

The staff lifted the white cloth. Chris’ face did not look good even if it had been repaired.

His face was covered with dense stitches, looking particularly terrifying.


Ellen cried out in pain. It was too hard for her to accept.

She felt that his heart was dug out by someone with bare hands. It was too painful.

Even her stomach was like having a hundred holes. It was stirred up. She was in so much pain that she

wanted to die.

Outside the door.

Jamie was answering Jack’s call.

Jack was left here to deal with the follow-up.

“Mr. McBride, Ms. Robbins’ mother heard the news that Mr. Robbins jumped off the building. She was

in a hurry to walk through the safe passage and fell down. She was hurt in the head and her situation

was very bad.”

“What?” Jamie narrowed his eyes.

Jack replied, “The doctor said that the back of her head was injured. Her brain is full of blood clots. She

should not be able to

wake up.”

“Useless thing!”

“What are these doctors doing?” Jamie roared.

He pressed his knuckles against his temples and controlled his breath. “I want the best medical

resources. No matter what,

save Mrs. Wolseley.”

Jamie’s voice was trembling, and his hands were shaking. It was like he was talking to Jack or talking

to himself.

“She can’t die. Ellen can’t lose her mother now.”

This was the first time Jack heard his boss trembling in fear.

This was really serious.

“Okay, Mr. McBride.”

Jamie hung up the phone. He turned around and saw Fiona, who was carrying a dirty wedding dress.

There were footprints left by him on the white wedding dress.

He was too anxious just now.

“Jamie…” Fiona cried the moment she opened her mouth.

Today was supposed to be her wedding day, but it had been ruined by Ellen.

Although she did not see the kick clearly just now, when she recalled it later, she realized there was

only Jamie behind her.

If the person who kicked her was really Jamie, it could only mean that her kindness could not win his

feelings for that slut.

Fiona felt like she was about to go crazy.

However, she could not lose control. Especially at this time, she needed to be at her best.

She must be gentle and understanding.

She had to be different from Ellen, who hated Jamie so much. So she could win back Jamie’s heart.

“Jamie, are you alright? Just now…”

Fiona pointed at Jamie’s dyed red sleeves and asked, “She bit you. Are you okay?”

Jamie’s gaze was unclear. He looked at her for a few seconds and said, “I am fine.”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t know that such a big thing happened to Ellen. I was a little worried when I saw her

bite you. I can apologize

to her…”

Fiona lowered her eyes, looking very obedient.

Jamie looked at her white wedding dress and suddenly felt that it was a little annoying.

He said, “No need. You don’t deserve what you suffered today. I will make it up to you later. Go back


Fiona was angry. He actually told her to go back. He was going to stay to accompany the slut.

But the good thing was that Jamie was calmer now.

She said softly, “Alright, I will go back. Take care of yourself.”

Jamie looked at her back, but his mind was full of Ellen. How good would it be if he and Ellen could

have such a peaceful relationship?

After Fiona walked around the corner, her eyes flashed.

If she had not heard anything wrong, Jamie was talking about Ellen’s mother. It seemed to be very


Would she die too today?

This kind of good news must be known to Ellen.

She made a phone call and ordered, “Go find out where Ellen’s mother was hospitalized. And check on

her situation.”

Yvette was locked up in the villa, almost unable to see the sun.

The only way to get information was to watch TV.

She was bored and nestled on the sofa. Suddenly, she saw a report in the changing room.

“A famous entrepreneur in our city fell from a building today and died…”

After a second, her mind went blank.

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Ellen’s father… passed away?

She rushed out like a madman, barefooted. The door was still locked, and the bodyguards were


“Let me out!” Yvette shouted at the person outside the door, but the bodyguards remained unmoved.


There was a loud noise.

When the bodyguard turned around, he was scared out of his wits.

Yvette actually hit the door with her head. Although her head was not broken, there was a big bump on

her head.

She said, “Call and tell Lance that I want to go out!”

The bodyguards did not dare to not call. They received the mission to ensure that Yvette was

absolutely safe.

Not even a strand of her hair was allowed to be hurt, let alone such a big bump on her head.

The bodyguards made a call. They did not know what to say, but they opened the door.

It had been more than ten days, and Yvette had not taken a step out of Serenity Villa. At this moment,

she felt like a lifetime had passed.

The bodyguards asked her to get in the car and said respectfully, “Mr. Wolseley ordered me to bring

you over.”

Yvette did not get in the car and said angrily, “I want to see my friend.”


No matter what Yvette said, they wouldn’t understand. In the end, she had no choice but to get in the


She thought that as long as she could leave Serenity Villa, there must be a way.

The car drove smoothly and soon arrived at the company.

Yvette went upstairs, and the bodyguards followed her all the way.

She had no way to escape, so she could only wait in the lounge upstairs.

After waiting for almost half an hour, there was no news.

She was so anxious that she wanted to fly to Ellen in a second.

When the bodyguards were not paying attention, she suddenly pushed open the door of the cubicle

and broke into the president’s office.

The bodyguards were not as familiar with the environment as she was. It was already too late to stop


Yvette was already standing on the carpet of Lance’s office.

In the room, there was not only Lance but also a woman. The distance between the two was quite


Hearing the noise, the woman turned her face.

In a second, Yvette’s little face grew pale!


Her voice trembled with immeasurable hatred, “Yazmin…”