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Secretary’s Secret Lover by Zayla Quinn

Chapter 269
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Chapter 269 Are You Happy That My Dad’s Dead?

Jamie hurried to call back, but no one answered.

Thanks to that, he became even more lost and fearful.

Then Jamie rushed out and said to Jack, “Get the car ready!”

Fiona, whose face turned pale, hurried to chase after him. “Jamie! Jamie! Our wedding…”

But she was left staring after Jamie, who seemed determined to leave no matter what, with his car

emitting exhaust fumes right onto her face.

Just like that, Fiona was left at the wedding.

Her eyes were filled with malice and resentment.

Fiona thought, it must be that woman!

Jamie actually decided to leave the wedding ceremony just for her!

He is completely crazy!

I didn’t expect that, with all that I had done, this woman could still seduce Jamie like this.

Damn bitch!

I need to make you spend your life tortured this time.

At the thought of this, Fiona hailed a cab in the hotel and went into it lifting her dress while shouting

fiercely, “Follow the car


Inside the car.

Jamie was sitting upright as he watched the live broadcast on his phone. His thin lips were tightly

pursed, and his entire body was filled with unspeakable viciousness.

Then a crack sounded.

The rain was pouring down, hitting harshly against the car window.

With dense raindrops falling like that, the whole city looked dark and overcast.

Meanwhile, the live broadcast was still on. Despite not sounding very clear with all the background

noise, Jamie could still hear

people screaming.

“Ah! That person is going to jump off the building. He is really going to jump!”

“Why did he choose to jump off from the building of the Robbins Group? Could it be that he is an

employee of the group and there is a dispute?”

“I’ve heard that he is the boss of the Robbins Group. Daily New chapters upload Only on

NovelsReads(dot)com I don’t know why he wanted to jump off the building. But it’s said that a

uniformed man was looking for him just now, wanting to send him to prison. Maybe the jumper couldn’t

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stand it…”

People kept discussing.

Jamie’s eyes were bloodshot because of lack of rest, and he felt a sudden surge of anger.

“Jack, find out what crime Ellen’s father has committed.”


Jamie rubbed his temples, which were throbbing nonstop.

He had interacted with Chris several times. Chris struck him as cunning and scheming.

Jamie thought, would a man like him commit suicide and jump off a building?

Is it even possible?

Well, if he really ends up jumping off the building. I might forgive him for what he has done to my


Wait! If Chris died, what would happen to Ellen….

I can’t believe I am thinking of what would happen to Eilen right now. That is something that I’ve never


But Chris is not really going to jump off the building, right? He must be pretending.

After all, the Robbins Group has run up so much debt. I believe it’s just a trick that he is playing so as

to dodge paying debts or


The live broadcast was still on.

Suddenly, the camera zoomed in a bit. In its wake, a woman’s mournful and helpless cry came.

Jamie saw the woman who he dreamed of at night kneeling on the ground and screaming at the top of

her lungs.

“Dad… Dad… Come down… Please come down…”

In a split second, Jamie’s pupils contracted violently.

He thought of that dream!

In the dream, that woman’s eyes had become two bloody holes…

With a suffocating panic creeping up on him, Jamie, who had always been calm, turned pale in an


Then, seemingly choked by something, he said with difficulty, “Speed up!”

In the Robbins Group.

The figure on the windowsill looked so old and weak

The rain was pouring, and Ellen was in a sorry state, kneeling on the ground while praying and


“Dad… Come down… Don’t leave me and Mom… Please don’t leave us alone…”

Her voice was hoarse to a point that, after a short period, people found it hard to figure out what she

was shouting at all. But her sadness seemed to be contagious, which had affected everyone present.

Everyone there was touched.

Meanwhile, the firefighters had pulled up a large air cushion already.

Everyone’s heart clenched as they looked at the man.

Noticing that Ellen’s lips were bleeding and her throat was hoarse, a firefighter handed Ellen a bottle of

water and comforted her, “Ms. Robbins, don’t worry. My colleagues are talking to your father now, who I

believe only did this because he was not

himself at the time…”

Ellen took over the water bottle and was about to say “thank you” when a frightened scream was heard

from the crowd.

“Ah! He has jumped down!”

Ellen jerked her head up, only to see a shadowy figure falling rapidly as if it was just a man–shaped



An extremely loud muffled sound rang out at the same time as the terrifying thunder in the sky..

It was ear–splitting.

In an instant, Ellen’s heartbeat and breathing all came to a halt.


The water bottle in her hand fell to the ground before rolling away for a certain distance.

Feeling dizzy, Ellen failed to see anything.

It seemed that the rain had gotten into her mouth and nose.

With her face filled with despair, she felt her body heavily burdened in a way that it was going to explode in the next second.

After a long time of darkness that had blocked her view, she could finally see a bit of hazy light.


Despite her mouth opening, Ellen failed to emit a single sound. Instead, she roared as she crawled

toward the pool of blood.

Now she saw it!

She finally got to see that pool of blood and the corpse, which was lying in it shapelessly.

The sapphire blue suit on the corpse was chosen by Ellen. Also, Ellen paired the suit with a blue tie

with dots on it.

Ellen still remembered how she had acted like a spoiled child in front of her father this morning. “You

look a few years younger wearing this.”

Chris smiled kindly, “It’s good to look young and strong. That way, no one will dare to bully you…”

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The rain was very heavy, and the blood that kept gushing out of the body flowed along the rain into

Ellen’s hands.

That was her father’s blood, the one who gave birth to her and raised her….

Why the hell was this?

She rushed over like a mad woman, only to be stopped by a staff member, who held her arm tightly.

“Dad, how can you be so cruel to leave me behind like this…

“Dad, do you not love me anymore? Why are you silent….

“Dad, let’s go home. Let’s go home together…”

Tears, together with blood, rolled down from the corner of Ellen’s eyes. There was blood coughing up

from the corners of her mouth as well.

The whole scene was so despairingly shocking.

Then someone covered the horrible corpse with a black cloth.

“Don’t! Don’t! Don’t take my dad away!” Ellen shouted.

“Don’t take him away. He is afraid of the cold. Don’t take him away in winter…”

Ellen murmured hoarsely.

The blood on the ground continued to spread all over. Where people could see, there was blood.

Her heart ached as if someone was trying to dig it out with a knife. She felt so empty, lost, and painful

that she thought she

was dying.


From now on, there would be no one that could call her lovingly like her father always did.

Her world was collapsing…

By the time Jamie arrived, Chris had already been carried into the car.

Only the blood that had not been washed away was left on the ground, telling him what had happened


Jamie stumbled and took a step back uncontrollably.

Then he turned his gaze to Ellen lying on the ground. And as if Ellen had sensed something, she raised

her head as well.

Now Jamie could see her clearly.

Ellen was shedding both blood and tears!

Instantly, Jamie felt as if someone was clenching his heart fiercely.

He did not dare to look directly at Ellen. He wanted to run away and hide.

Ellen saw him, and her eyes were filled with hatred.

“Jamie, my father is dead.

“Jamie, I don’t have a father anymore.

“Jamie, are you happy now?” Ellen laughed bitterly, her blood–red eyes full of disgust.