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Savvy Son-in-law by VKBoy

Chapter 36
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When Rebecca tried to cover Benjamin with the blanket, a muscle in her ankle twitched, and she fell on

top of him. Her butt crash landed right on top of his belly, and her hand pressed down on his chest as

she sought balance. She quickly looked at Benjamin, but luckily, he was still in deep sleep. She found

herself staring nonstop at his handsome face, and his pink lips. She could lean closer and kiss them, but

she didn‘t want to do it this way.

Her hand that was resting on his chest could feel its definition, and for a second, she wondered if he got

abs. She could tear the shirt open, but she withdrew her hand. However, her other hand then

unintentionally ended up taking the support of his pelvis as she stood. And her eyes widened as she

looked at her hand and felt the feeling of touching his pelvis. “Did I just...”

She took a quick look at his face, and he was still sleeping like a baby. She couldn‘t tell where she was

putting her hand because of the blanket covering him, but she felt like she did something wrong. She

almost wanted to slap herself for it. “A mistake is still a mistake. I wouldn‘t want my private parts touched

ev... by mistake, either. I feel sorry for him, but at least he‘s not awake.” Shaking her head, disappointed

with herself, she walked away.

After going to her room, she tried to sleep, but it wasn‘t proving easy. She got up from bed and opened

her locker and took out her diary. It had been months since she last wrote in her diary, and she felt like

writing another page again.

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She started writing from her car accident till that night.

Meanwhile, Veronica was having dinner with Remedeus at a decent restaurant. Remedeus was a tall

guy with thick arms and legs and extremely short curly hair. His clean–shaven face was seasoned and

mature, but Veronica was having none of it. She believed that her boyfriend was not only younger but

also more handsome. Remedeus was a bit too macho for her taste, and he was eating as fast as he was

spealdng with her.

Veronica implemented all the plans her mother had told her, and she even went a step further and said

she didn‘t like his name.

Remedeus, however, didn‘t seem offended. He just smiled in return and said, “I thought you were smart,

but you‘re just a spoiled brat.” “What?” Veronica felt offended. “Say it again if you dare!”

“I will say it twice, you spoiled brat! That‘s once. You spoiled little –” before he finished, Veronica grabbed

the whole grilled chicken with her arms and threw it in his face like she was throwing a pumpkin. There

was no item for him to dodge. Once he recovered from the pain and wiped the oil and spices off his face,

he kept glaring at the empty seat where Veronica was sitting only seconds ago. He could hear the

onlookers murmuring and chuckling. “Veronica Sterling... you just made the biggest mistake of your life!

If I don‘t throw a whole grilled pig in your face in this very same restaurant, I‘ll change my name!”

Veronica took the taxi, brought a costly paint brush set along the way, and went straight to

her boyfriend‘s apartment, but when she came to his doorstep, she heard Akash talking to his father on

the phone, sitting on the windowsill, saying, “Dad, I‘m just dating her, that‘s all. It’s nothing serious.

Besides, I‘m not foolish enough to marry a foreigner.” Veronica‘s eyes tumed teary. She dropped the

paint brush set there and left. “You are already 32 years old, son,” Akash‘s father spoke through the

phone. “It‘s about time you stop wasting time with dating and commit yourself to marriage. A relationship

strengthens when you experience hardships together, not when you eat dinner together on an artificial

date night. Love before marriage is but a seedling. The real fruits of love are bom after marriage, son.” “I

get it, dad. I‘m busy, so I‘ll call you later, okay?” “Fine, but your hunger only keeps increasing with age, so

watch your diet and eat well.” “Yeah. Take care.” Akash ended the call and sighed. “I‘m serious about

Veronica, but how can I convince my parents about it?” he rubbed the back of his head. “Should I just

introduce her to them first? Wait, I think I heard a noise outside just now.” He opened the door, but

nobody was outside. “Mm?” he looked down and noticed a gift box. He picked it up and wondered,” Who

left this here?”

Meanwhile, Veronica was walking alone on the street, tears streaming down her eyes.( Nothing serious?

Yeah, I was a fool to think we had something serious going. I‘m a clueless idiot.)

Akash was a lean man who had little to no muscle mass or fat on his body. He had an unusually high

forehead, and she was quick to judge him like most others, but then he ended up being the winner of the

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

painting competition she attended. Normally, she wouldn‘t have bothered to apologize, but in his case,

she went out of her way to approach and apologize to him the next time she saw him at a party. He told

her that he was a partner of a start–up company, and she told him she was a rising product reviewer,

which made him laugh plainly. That was how their relationship started.

Now, she was regretting why she bothered to apologize to him. After all, her heart felt heavy yet broken

now because of him. A car passing by stopped and started moving backward in her direction. The man in

the driving seat sipped some beer and said, “How much?” Veronica looked at him and shook her head

and kept walking. “You are hot, so how about 250?” he asked. She kept walking faster. “300?” Again, no


“Soo? That‘s as high as I can pay for your face,” he said, stopping her in her tracks. “Heh, come and sit

in the front,” he smirked and began sipping the beer.

“500?” Veronica was grinding her teeth as he stepped down from the footpath and approached the car.

“That‘s the best you can pay for my beautiful face?” she picked up her

high heel and began hitting his face while he was still busy drinking. “Hey! Stop!” he tried to talk to her,

but she kept waving her footwear close to his face. “What the hell is wrong with you?” He squeezed his

foot down on the accelerator, and the car took off for thirty meters and then stopped. He poked his head

out and yelled. “If you didn‘t like the price, just say no, bitch!” “Wait right there if you dare, you bald

fucker!” Veronica ran after him and threw her sandal. It didn’t even hit the car, but he quickly drove off

and didn‘t stop this time.

Veronica waved her other leg and threw the other sandal away in frustration. She was still breathing

hard. “I didn‘t see the license plate. I can‘t let him get away with treating me like a slut even after I

dressed so modestly! I should tell Brother Shawn about this.”