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Savvy Son-in-law by VKBoy

Chapter 132
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CHAPTER 132 Rebecca was reading private messages on her social media accounts.

“Do you do hook-ups? | can pay a thousand per night.” “You're much prettier than your mother. Please letlick your toes.” “Can we meet? I'll do whatever you want.” “I'll happily pay ten grand for your underwear.” “I earn over 100K a year. Can we go out on a date?” “Are you really married? If not, | can divorce my wife and marry you. Is that okay?” Rebecca was grinding her teeth as she scrolled through the messages. She was not much of a social media person, but she just wanted to check her online profiles once to see how they were doing, but she didn’t expect a long list of messages from perverts. “These idiots have no other business? How can they be so shameless? How can | change the settings so strangers can’t postmessages? | should ask Veronica. She knows better about these things.” She called Veronica, but her sister didn’t answer. “What's she doing?” she tried again, but there was no response.

She put the mobile aside, but she was still frustrated, not because of the online messages but because of Gael’s words. “Dad would never do such a thing for money, right?” Her memories offered her no solid answer for her question.

Meanwhile, Veronica was on a blind date, and the guy turned out to be a jerk who kept shamelessly staring at her chest. She would have gotten up and left already, but she liked the fruit delight, so kept having it while hearing his boring speech. She saw Donovan at another table sitting with a woman who wasn't Jane. She snapped spics and shared them with her sister and Jane.

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Seconds later, Donovan received a call, and he had to explain himself.

Veronica looked amused now that she had taken the smile on Donovan's face away.

“Do you know how to fix a light bulb?” she asked the guy sitting at her table.

“Of course,” his smile was a reflection of his inner thoughts. (Is she askingto enter her hwith this excuse?) He quickly finished his meal.

Veronica took him in her vehicle, but she didn’t go to the Sterling villa. She instead went to Shawn's office during closing hours and had his men beat this guy.

“I went to the date fully fitted, but he kept staring at my chest like he didn’t even care if | noticed it or not,” Veronica fumed at him. “Beat him! Keep beating him until his bulbs bulge thrice their normal size. He shouldn't even be able to have a wet dream for another year!” As this was happening, Akash just happened to be passing by that road. His trauma returned after seeing Shawn in action, and he ran away from the scene, sweating buckets.

After beating the guy, Shawn looked at his sister. “I've never asked you this, but what kind of hill are you trying to di(n)e on?” “A-Are you talking about the manly hills?” she asked back in a bit of a coded language so that the other men nearby wouldn't easily understand what they were talking about.

1 2, Shawn raised his brow. “What else is there to talk about? If it's not working out for you, | can show you strivial hills.” 1 11 -) NO i, “No thanks. The last hill Mom showedhad its head in the clouds.” “I can show you a more grounded one.

Someone from a humble background, if you want.” “Thanks, Brother, but | want to walk alone until | stumble upon sbeautiful hill.” “Suit yourself,” Shawn didn’t persuade her anymore as she always shut him out of her life, except when she needed him for something. She was much more natural at using him than he was at using her. “What shall we do with him, sir?” the men asked Shawn.

“Scrap him up,” he said, and they went for another round of beating even though the guy begged them to spare him. At Pure Waters bar. Benjamin was drinking with Alfred and shadow. “You've downed fifteen liters of strong wine in five minutes, Master,” Alfred tried to pull the wine bottle from Benjamin's hand. “You should control yourself, or you'll lose yourself.” “I'm not drunk, hic,” Benjamin didn’t let him have the bottle. He took a few more gulps before continuing to speak with a tearful expression, “They say nice things happen to nice people. I've always been nice to my wife, but she doesn’t even letkiss her. Why?” “I have no answer to such a question,” Alfred replied. “If she letskiss her, I'll kill all the bacteria on her lips, | swear,” Benjamin's eyes were half -closed, and it didn’t look like he'd stop talking anytsoon. “Just one kiss.

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That's all I'm asking for.” Alfred looked at Shadow and shook his head. “He’s losing it. It's better if you take him to his room.” “What room? This is my room,” Benjamin spoke. “Alfred, if you talk shit, you will get hit.” “Yes, yes, Master,” Alfred sighed and slapped the swollen belly of Benjamin, causing him to vomit all the wine on the floor. “Geez, what are you doing!” Shadow was shocked. “I'm not cleaning the floor!” “It’s all because of that witch,” Benjamin still looked drunk. “If she wasn’t there, | would have long won my wife's heart. It's all because of her.” He took out his mobile and dialed a number.

“Hello,”Selena answered. “Who is this?” she didn’t save Benjamin's number in her mobile, so she had to ask.

“Who am I? I'm your son-in-law, you cunning bitch, ” Benjamin yelled. “When will you lethave my wife, huh? Cover here so | can slap sfucking sense into you.” “B-Benjamin?” Selena looked frozen for a second, with her eyes popping out and all. “You little brat. You dare calland talk shit to me? Did you forget who | am after getting kicked out of my villa? Did you forget that you used to wash my clothes and polish my boots?” “Yeah, you madedo all sorts of things,” Benjamin's eyes teared up a bit. “And you will pay for it! I'll make you pay! I'll—" Alfred plucked the phone from Benjamin's hand and cut the call.

“What the— ” Selena wondered why the call suddenly ended, but her blood began to boil as she thought back on Benjamin’s words. She went over to Rebecca who was in the hall on the first floor and played the call recording.

“This is his real character. This is the man you married!” “Mom, he’s drunk,”Rebecca tried to explain, “and you two aren't best friends.” “Why are you backing that bastard?” Selena’s cheeks swelled with rage. “Didn’t you hear him use the B word?” “I'm not backing him, but...” Rebecca pursed her lips. “I'll talk to him about this.” “Talk?” Selena frowned. “So you're still talking with him... even after knowing he cheated you.” Rebecca didn’t say anything. “Alright,” Selena looked away. “He’s more important to you than your mother. | get it.” She strode away in heavy steps. “Don’t crunning towhen he breaks your heart AGAIN.” Rebecca smacked her own forehead. “What have | done to deserve this?” Meanwhile, at Pure Waters bar.

“I want to see my wife,” Benjamin got up from the couch and tried to leave, but Alfred and Shadow stopped him.

“She’s waiting for me.” “She’s not waiting for you, my lord,” Shadow said. “That much | can assure you.” “If she’s not waiting for her husband, who's she waiting for? You?” Benjamin elbowed in Shadow’s face, making him bleed from the nose. “Y-You’'ve misunderstood me, my lord. That's not what | meant,” Shadow tried to reason, but Alfred silently shook his head. Shadow stopped talking. They let Benjamin talk whatever he wanted, but they didn’t let him go out. As they were trying to take him into a private room, a man in a black suit, wielding knuckle dusters entered the bar.

“Unpaid Maid! Get your ass over here,” he raised his voice, but his lips forged a bright, cocky smile, “and giveyour balls.” “AHH?” both Alfred and Shadow glared over their shoulders.