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Savvy Son-in-law by VKBoy

Chapter 121
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CHAPTER 121 Artur reached the Sterling villa. Kathy escorted him and Luther to a particular room.

“I believe this room used to be.” he was saying “Not even a bouquet or a bag of fruits?” Selena snorted. “Why am | not surprised?” “Haha, | doubt you'd actually eat any of the fruits | bring,” Artur sat on the couch prepared for him. “My father sent his regards. He hopes you recover fast. You know him pretty well, don’t you?” She softly laughed for a second. “Not as well as you might think.” “I heard him once say during one of his drunken speeches that he asked you to spend a night with him and you wanted 1 billion dollars per night. Is that correct? Did that really happen?” “He’s got the number exaggerated, but | did ask him to pay the number I'm sure he wouldn't.” “Is that so?” “Anyway, | wasn’t expecting you to visit so fast and at this hour to say the least. I'm sure it’s not just to see how I'm doing or to talk about my past with your dad. So, why do you have such interest in my daughter, Artur?” “Straight to the point. I like it,” Artur adjusted his suit a little as he said. “To be frank, Rebecca might not be the most beautiful woman in the world, but she’s definitely the most delicious.” He looked at the fruits on the table.

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“Just like these apples and oranges, she just glows in my eyes.” He was all smiles. “Not just me, any man would want to have her as their wife, | think.” “Delicious, huh,” she smirked a little but then her expression turned a bit serious. “You know your mother died from cancer, and two years later, your father married an actress twenty years younger than him. She's only a few years older than you, isn’t she? Do you know when she first met your father?” Artur’s expression changed. A sense of rage flickered in his eyes. “Ah, so you are not as stupid as | thought.

Thank God,” Selena smiled rather politely. “Your dad also used to use the word ‘delicious’ when talking about girls. I'm not gonna talk anymore about how your mother died, but | want the guarantee that my daughter will never go through the sshit your father made your mother go through, you understand?” Artur pursed her lips. Luther, his bodyguard, stepped into the room and said with his head lowered, “Pardon my intrusion, but Sir Artur treats his people extremely well, so how would he be treating his own wife?” “That's part of the reason why | called your master here,” Selena said and looked at Artur.” You know, I've read thousands of books. In one of those books, a character said, ‘Love is a river, and marriage are its biggest banks." | think no one has put it better than that. The potential for love in marriage can reach its greatest heights, but it either underflows most of the tor ends up overflowing out of its banks because people are often self- indulgent and don't like sacrificing for others. My daughter has seen a lot in this villa, but she still has no clue how heartbreaking and downright filthy married life really can be. As long as men prefer different flowers and women prefer different bananas of different age groups, marriage continues to be the sickest gthere is. So | want you to writea prenuptial contract that makes sure you wouldn't mistreat my daughter, and if you do, the contract will cand bite you in the ass big time. Now, are you willing to sign such a contract?” Luther swallowed his breath from tension. He didn’t want Artur to sign such a stupid contract, even though he hadn’t even read the terms yet.

“Is the contract ready?” Artur asked.

“If you want, | can get it written in a couple of days,” she said.

“Then I'll be seeing you soon again,” Artur stood and put his hand forward.

Selena smiled before shaking his hand. “Whether you speak of this with Shawn or not, I'll leave it up to you.” A corner of Artur’s lips curled up a little. “I can see why my dad was interested in you. If you were younger, | wouldn't have minded marrying you.” Selena raised her brows. “Watch your words, Mr. Artur. If Shawn was here, he would have killed you for saying those words.” “Ah, he’s a mommy’s man, huh. Good for him,” Artur amusedly smiled before letting go of our home. “I'm looking forward to working with you, Mrs. Selena Sterling. Let's help each other out as good businessmen would.” “You mean, as good humans would.” “You can view it however you see fit.” “My daughter still isn’t done with her simp of a husband,” Selena’s soul spilled vitriol. “I want you to make him look pathetic in front of her.” Artur siniled and assured, “It'll be a piece of cake.” At the stime, Rebecca was coming hin her Porsche. She kept looking in the rear-view mirror because someone was following her. However, she was smiling because it was Benjamin. He was kissing his hand and sent flying kisses at her every tshe looked in the mirror “I should have given him those two kisses,” she thought as she clutched on his jacket as though she was feeling it. “At this rate, he might sneak into the villa with the excuse that he’s cfor his jacket.” However, she was slightly wrong. Benjamin was only planning to sneak under her duvet tonight and get those two kisses no matter what.

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The Porsche suddenly stopped, making Benjamin wonder why. His bike also stopped about fifty feet away.

A few seconds later, Rebecca got out of the car and walked up to the roadside, where a dog was shivering from the cold. She removed the jacket and covered the dog with it.

“M-My jacket,” Benjamin heart felt squeezed that his personal favorite jacket was just given away to the dog just like that.

R121 Rebecca got back into the car and left. As Benjamin followed her, he briefly glared at the dog as his bike passed by. The dog barked at Benjamin as though it was annoyed by the bike's sound. “You better use that at least for the rest of the night,” he wanted to stop the bike and take his jacket back, but spart of him didn’t allow him to do it, ‘or | curse your cold to stay with you for the rest of your life!” The dog's barks turned into sneezes.

Seconds later, the dog calmed down. It was silent once again. Shadow appeared next to the dog. “I'm sorry, but you can’t have that jacket, buddy.” His words woke the dog up. He bent down and tried to take the jacket, but it bared its teeth at him and growled at him. “I'm telling this for your own sake, you little shit.” His pupils glowed yellow in the dark, and the dog dropped the jacket and skedaddled into the distance, with its tail tucked between its legs. He picked up the jacket and looked at the hidden ‘W’ symbol inside. A little bit of pride crept up into his eyes. “I'll save it so that my Lord’s son can wear it in his time.”