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Savvy Son-in-law by VKBoy

Chapter 112
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CHAPTER 112 The next morning Shawn had just cout of Rebecca’s room with the divorce papers, and he didn’t look happy. Asking his sister so many times hurt his pride, but he had no other choice right now.

Meanwhile, inside her room, Rebecca was putting minimum makeup on her face. Jane was on the call.

“You are going to see him on a date?” Jane couldn't believe what she was hearing. “For an entire day? Are you serious?” “You and my family may think I'm crazy, but I'm not ignoring my intuition,” replied Rebecca. “Your intuition?” “Yeah.” “Didn’t | tell he just hit Donovan yesterday?” Jane raised her voice. “That guy is a thug. He has no respect for others. It's because he was your husband, Donovan is controlling himself from going after him. You get that, don’t you? He's a seasoned fighter. He can eat Benjamin for snacks if he wants.” “You're not tellingthe reason he hit your boyfriend,” Rebecca said, “but I'm sure he had a reason, didn’t he?” “Tsk, do whatever you want. Why should | care?” Jane ended the call.

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“It seems having sex with a seasoned piece of trash has taken its toll on your brain, Jane,” Rebecca muttered under her breath. “I'm guessing Benjamin hit Donovan again? What do you wantto do? Wipe away the non- existent tears on your boyfriend's eyebrows?” She took her tto prepare herself, but just when she was about to leave the room, Kathy crushing to her and said, “Madam Selena has suffered a heart attack!” Rebecca's expression froze. Her arm handbag fell to the floor. Within the next hour, all the adults of the Sterling family reached the hospital. While Selena was being moved from the emergency room after getting her symptoms relieved, Selena’s eyes were clouded by tears after seeing her mother on a stretcher. Veronica's mouth was also turned down. However, Selena was still unconscious, so nobody from the family was allowed to cnear her yet.

Jacob had her put in one of the ICUs.

Louis and Bella were consoling each other.

George, who just got there, briefly looked at his sister. He couldn't go and talk to her after scolding her on the mobile, so he went up to his mother and asked her. She pointed her finger at Nolan, his father.

Nolan took George to the side and told him everything.

“What?” George was shocked.

A whole ton of nude pictures and videos of many actresses were leaked online by an anonymous person, and Selena was also among the victims. She suffered a stroke after hearing the news, even though her pictures and videos were of when she was young and rash and ignorant.

“Being an actress is a double-edged sword,” Nolan said in a rather sad tone. “The attention you get can really be harmful sometimes.” He then looked at George's hand that was wrapped up in thick bandage. “What's up with your hand? Did you jerk off too much last night?” “Stop it, dad. | don’t do that shit anymore. As for this injury, | got hit by a damn bullet.” “A bullet?” Nolan waved his hand, thinking George was joking. “Tella more believable lie.” “I'm not lying!” George pinched his dad, making him angry. “Do you believe it now?” “No. | don’t!” Nolan pinched him back harder, causing George to cry out.

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Meanwhile, Shawn was talking with a hacker on his mobile. “Can you find out who leaked those images?” he sounded furious.

“I'm trying, but | can’t guarantee anything.” Shawn ground his teeth. “At least remove those things from the internet. As fast as possible!” “Yeah. It'll take time, but I'll make it so that accessing those files is nigh impossible.” Shawn heard a strange noise on the call. “Wait, are you wanking?” “O-Of course not.” “You little shit. You think you can fool me?” The call was cut.

All the veins on Shawn's face bulged from fury. He wanted to kill this hacker, but that wasn’t the priority right now. He suppressed his rage with great effort and then dialed to the school and requested the receptionist to send the children home. When she asked for a reason, he told her their uncle George died, a thought that was at the top of his mind.

However, what Shawn didn’t expect was that the damage was already done. Lisa and Roshan’s friends were already shown the nude pictures of their grandmother by their friends and were humiliated and mocked during the recess. Lisa and Roshan left the school before even the receptionist cto them. As for Vlad and Mercie, they were just happy they would get to go hand didn’t look the least bit sad after hearing the news of George's supposed death.

At the Chief Justice's house.

Terry Praise and Langdon Campbell were sharing drinks in the afternoon. “Jacob would have been here if not for the recent mishap,” Langdon said. “I wonder how he’s doing. | thought of calling him, but then I also thought, talking about his wife's nude pictures wasn’t a good idea.” “Selena Sterling...” Terry raised his brows. “She still looks like she’s forty. I'm sure many men will be busy for a few days.” Langdon ended up laughing a little, even though he didn’t want to. However, he had no idea that it was Terry who had leaked the images. He had to leak the pictures of many actresses so that it wouldn't look personal, but his focus was always on Selena. “We all have our dark secrets that we don’t want to be revealed to the world,” Langdon said. “Indeed.” Terry didn’t look like he achieved something big because he was just getting started. Though he expected Selena would have a lot of dirty secrets, she was actually clean, so all he could find about her was snude images and videos of having sex with her ex boyfriends. However, he had something much bigger in store for Jacob and his entire family, especially their one and only son-in-law. “By the way, you said something about your son putting a bounty on someone and then withdrawing it all of a sudden last night. What's that all about?” “Ah,” Langdon was a sixty-year-old man who looked handsin all white from hair to suit and boots. “The former underboss of Black Feathers, Rodnie, approachedlast night and toldto withdraw a bounty on a certain person, and | did. | asked him why, and he said it’s better that | don’t know about it. My son is furious, but as long as he’s alive, | don’t care if his little ass is angry or upset.”. “Rodnie?” Terry narrowed the windows of his view. “I remember putting him in jail for seven years. So, he’s still involved in the underground businesses, huh.” “Well, once you go underground, you can’t cout of it even if you want to,”Langdon said, slurping on the wine. “Mmch, uhhh, that’s how it is.” At the Sterling villa.

“She forgot to take her mobile.” Kathy was staring at Rebecca’s mobile. There were 53 missed calls, all from Benjamin. “But this guy doesn’t give up, does he?” her eyes were full of envy.” If only he showed interest ininstead of blindly following his wife's tail, | would have shown him heaven!” As she cursed him, the phone rang again. As expected, it was Benjamin. She kept staring at the screen as Benjamin's image showed now. “How can | make this guy mine?”