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Savvy Son-in-law by VKBoy

Chapter 109
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CHAPTER 109 In the evening, Benjamin just arrived at Rye’s Pizzas after delivering the final order. He took his work-sim out of his mobile and was about to put his own sim inside.

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“Lord, don’t do it,” Shadow sent a mental message. “It'll be easier to track you with your sim card active.” “You're not wrong, but... “It’s not like anyone is going to call your number, so please keep the sim outside until we take care of your bounty.” Benjamin pursed his lips together. (What if Rebecca calls?) It was unlikely, but there was definitely a chance. He didn’t want to miss her call, so he inserted the sim into the mobile.

“Benjamin?” a black Mercedes stopped not far from him. Jane got out of the car, looking as if she had a lot of questions that needed answering. “What the hell happened between you and Rebecca? Just when | thought you two were getting close...” As she was talking, Donovan also got out of the car. Benjamin's eyes slightly widened. (Why is he still with her? Didn't Rebecca read my message?) “Why aren’t you answering?” Jane almost demanded an answer. “What happened?” “My in-laws made false claims onand kickedout,” Benjamin replied. “That's what happened.” “And Jane just let them kick you out?” Benjamin's mouth turned down. “There’s my fault in it, too. | kept sthings hidden from her, but | never cheated on her.” “Hmph,” Donovan snorted. “How can you prove that? Rebecca did the right thing by sending you out.” Benjamin swiftly dashed past Jane, startling her and Donovan. “Keep my wife’s nout of your stinking mouth!” A fist flew into his face. Though Donovan could see it coming, it looked like he was facing a moving mountain. The fist pounded his face and sent him crashing into the car through the open door. “Donovan!” Jane cried out in shock, as it looked like her boyfriend got seriously injured. She immediately pulled Benjamin to her side and slapped him. “How could you hit him like that for a few harsh words? Don’t ever talk toagain. We never knew each other!” She hurriedly went to help Donovan. “Are you okay? Nothing happened to your back, right? | think | heard scracking sound.” However, Donovan was completely knocked out of his senses, with his nose turned into a grotesquerie.

Benjamin's tongue poked his cheek out of anger and annoyance. “He’s not worthy of you, Jane.” Saying that he went into the pizza hut. His words reached Jane's ears, but she didn’t take them seriously.

Inside the pizza huts, Christopher was talking to someone. “SGNG? Never heard of this grocery store. We only take supplies from known and trustworthy stores because we are not making pizzas for dogs.” “I know, sir. I'm just asking for a chance, that’s all.” “Sorry, Mr. Carlos. We can’t take risks. You should try somewhere else.” Benjamin briefly glanced at this man as he walked away with a disappointed expression. (Isn't he...) he remembered this man whom he had seen kept locked in the cottage behind the Myers mansion. He faintly smiled. (So she kept her word. Good.) He went over to his locker box to put his clothes and work-sim inside. Damian’s locker box was also right next to his.

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“How was today?” Damian asked. “Okay.” “Mine went well,” Damian said with a smile. Sasha cup to him and planted a kiss on his cheek before leaving as she waved goodbye with her fingers. Benjamin looked surprised. “That was fast, dude.” “Haha, “Damian chortled a little. “We had dinner a couple of nights back. Our tastes were matching, so... it happened.” “Good for you.” “Don’t you have a girlfriend?” as he asked, Benjamin put on his wedding ring. “Oh, you're married?” He didn’t notice the ring until now.

Benjamin didn’t say anything. He didn’t smile, either.

“How about you inviteand Sasha to your home?” Damian asked.

“I would if I could,” Benjamin replied and walked away.

“The heck is that supposed to mean?” Damian could only wonder. “I don’t believe a seven star deliverer can’t afford to invite two guests over for dinner. | guess I'll ask him again when he’s in a better mood.” As Benjamin walked out of the pizza hut, a red Porsche entered his view, skipping his heart very much. “R- Rebecca?” Did she cfor him? His heart fluttered as if it had grown wings. He rushed forth, but his excitement and happiness didn’t last long after seeing George step out of the car. Benjamin's complexion immediately changed. “Why are you driving Rebecca's car?” George amusedly laughed. “I expected you'd return to your old job, and | was right. Trash like you can’t easily get a new job, after all, so you ccrawling back to this crappy place.” Benjamin clenched his fists. “I asked you why you're driving Rebecca's car!” “l asked her, and she gave me,” George said and snorted. “Why are you so surprised? It seems, as her uncle, she cares formore than she ever cared for you as a husband.” Veins popped in Benjamin's arms all over.

CHAPTER 109 “Whoa, your face is getting red all of a sudden,” George acted like he was slightly intimidated. “Don’t get so mad. I'm here to give you a proposal. I'll give you a million dollars if you sign these divorce papers,” he took out a file from the car. Benjamin's gaze sharpened. “Did your sister put you to this?”. “No one senthere,” George said, faintly smiling. “I chere because | want you out of Rebecca’s life. | just want her to live peacefully.” The mobile in George's pants had the recorderswitched on, and the whole talk was being recorded. George, of course, didn’t have a million dollars, but as long as Benjamin agreed to sign the papers, he could show the auclip to Rebecca and reveal Benjamin's true character, that he was just as cheap as George if not more. The trap was set beautifully; all Benjamin needed to do was take the bite. “How much do you earn per year?” asked Benjamin. “Mm? Why?” “Let’s say, it's 50,000 dollars per year,” Benjamin said. “So you're paying 20 years worth of your salary to bring speace to Rebecca’s mind? ‘How compassionate of you’ is what | want to say, but I'm sure whatever money you may give, it’s not earned by you.” “So if the money was mine, you would have signed the papers?” “I'm not obligated to answer that question, but get out of my sight,” Benjamin started walking toward him, “or you'll suffer sbroken bones.” “Hmph, | may look like this, but | grew up as a thug,” George threw the file back into the car and assumed a boxing posture. “I'll hit you until you agree to sign the papers.” He shuffled his feet as he closed the distance rather quickly. A quick left jab went for Benjamin's face. He moved his head back. At the smoment, something struck George's fist. Benjamin's ears caught the noise of a small sonic ‘boom’ in the distance, and his eyes widened as blood sprayed out before his eyes.