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Savage Hunt by Jane knight

Chapter 38
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Chapter Thirty-Eight: Do it again

Travis.” I whimpered, moving my hands to his waist. I needed to touch him, to feel his skin

hot beneath my fingers. I moved my hands beneath his black t-shirt. The cotton was soft

beneath my fingers as I dragged it out of my way. His fingers tightened on the back of my

neck and I bit my lower lip. trying to fight back a moan. I wanted to be mad at him still. But

it was hard to stay mad at him when all I could think about was having him inside of me.

“That’s right, Tillie. You’re mine, aren’t you, sweet girl?” He growled, nipping at the mark on

my neck and I moaned low in the back of my throat.

“Yes, but you can’t use sex to make me not be mad at you. Even if I’m yours.” I said, trying

not to shiver at the way his teeth moved over my skin.

“I’m not trying to make you not mad at me. You know you are hot as fuck when you’re all

mad like you were. Makes me want to fuck you so hard, to be deep inside my pussy so I can

fuck that anger right out of you.” His words were rough as moved a hand up to my

shoulder, pushing my sweater down my arm. I shook my arms, letting the sweater fall to

the floor so that I was standing in front of him in my tank top and yoga pants. “Tell me,

sweets, do you really feel like that about him?”

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I pulled back, looking into Travis’ face, trying to gauge how he was feeling. I mean, besides

horny. It seemed like he was always ready to go, even outside when we had been arguing. I

had felt it. Tracing my fingers over his abs, I nodded. “Yes, I wouldn’t say that I was willing

to be claimed by another unless I meant it. From what you guys have told me, it seems like

a forever type of thing.”

“I’ll try not to be jealous then.” His lips pressed into a thin line as his thumb stroked up the

side of my neck. “You won’t be in the hunt alone. We all will be there.”

“Do you mean it?” I asked, a slow grin spreading across my face.

“Yeah. Matilda, you are mine. I won’t risk anyone else claiming you. That’s not one of us

or… Gideon.” His lips curled into a snarl and he closed his eyes.

“You said you wouldn’t be jealous.” I pouted, biting my lower lip as I moved his shirt up

higher, splaying my hands over his torso so that I could touch more of him. A heat spread

between us that I had felt building up outside when he was glaring down at me.

“I said I would try. Sweets, you keep pouting at me though and I can’t make any promises.”

He smirked, wrapping his fingers around my throat and pulling me closer so that his lips

pressed against mine. The kiss was searing and demanding. His tongue moved into my

mouth, almost like he was trying to stake his claim and remind me that I was his.

pushed his shirt up, dragging my hands up his back. He deepened the kiss, his tongue

moving against mine as his muscles flexed beneath my touch. The door opened up and I

heard Ryan and Jason come into the house. Their bags hit the floor as the door closed

behind them. Jason let out a low chuckle as he moved deeper into the house.

“Looks like Travis isn’t wasting any time making sure he’s covered in our kitten’s scent.”

Jason said, moving to sit on the couch so that he could watch Travis all but fuck my mouth

with his tongue. His fingers tightened around my throat and my heart started to beat faster

at the thrill that went through me.

“He’s got the right idea to throw anyone interested in her off of her scent and confuse

them.” Ryan said, moving to sit in the big armchair that sat beside the couch.

I scratched my nails down Travis’ back, biting at his lower lip until he groaned against my

mouth. His fingers dug into my throat and he pulled back to look at me. His eyes were dark

with lust as he ran his tongue over his now bloody lip.

“Sweets. That wasn’t very nice of you.” A dark smile moved over his face and his eyes

seemed to burn into mine. He loosened his hold on my neck and dropped his hands to the

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hem of his shirt, pulling it over his head. He dropped the shirt to the floor, letting it fall to

the floor to join my sweater at our feet.

“I’m just reminding you who you belong to. You don’t want me to do it again?” I teased,

pressing up onto my toes to nip at his bloody lip as I brought my hands up to his chest.

Tracing those hard muscles until I reached the small silver loops that pierced his nipples. I

tugged at both of them as I kissed him so hard that I knew my lips would be bruised. If he

wanted to use the sexy shifter thing of his to try to control me, then I was going to make it


His hands moved to grip my ass and he moaned into the kiss. His hard length pressed into

my lower belly as the moan turned into a growl and he pulled back. “Fuck, sweets. Do it


Author’s Note: Sorry about the delay on the chapter. Our dog ate a cherry and we had no

idea that he had. It turns out that those are toxic to dogs so we had to rush him to the vet.

At the time we didn’t know that he had eaten one until it came up. So we spent all of

Saturday at the emergency vet. We’re back home, Potato (the dog in question, pics

available on my FB) is feeling a ton better and back to his stubborn self. I’ll be working hard

to get another chapter up today so we’re all caught up. Thank you guys for understanding
