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Savage Hunt by Jane knight

Chapter 37
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Chapter Thirty-Seven: Vanilla and Bourbon


Pacing the floor of the living room, I glared at the window that overlooked the water where

Jason, Ryan, and Travis stood talking. Like they hadn’t just shown up at my stepdad’s house

and messed up my time alone and scared Gideon away.

I knew I should feel guilty for talking with him, but I couldn’t. Gideon needed me and I had

the feeling that I needed him too. That even though the others didn’t know him yet, I had a

feeling that they would feel the same pull that I was feeling if they just met him. It just felt

right when he touched me. I got those same butterfly like feelings in the pit of my stomach

and my heart beat faster.

I just wished that I could make them see that. Crossing my arms, I looked out the window.

Watching my mates as they looked out at the water. Travis was still furious and I could see

that anger beating against the back of my mind like a steady drum. It was feeding into my

own anger and I knew that I needed to figure out how to block that feeling or I was going to

end up saying or doing something that I didn’t want to do.

That wasn’t who I was, but damn it when he had glared down at me. His hard chest pressed

against me, his eyes all dark. It did something to my insides that I didn’t know it I liked yet.

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It was like something inside of me wanted to do what he wanted, even as I had fought

against the feeling.

I wasn’t going to give into that feeling. I couldn’t, I couldn’t back down from him about this.

The things I felt for Gideon were like what I felt for Travis. What I felt for Ryan and Jason. I

could no more turn my back on them than I could on him.

Travis glared at Jason and I could see his lips moving. They were pulled back into a snarl

and it looked like he was in pain. What had Jason said to make him look at him like that?

Like he had betrayed him. Anger flashed through me, white hot and burning. Making me

feel like the air had been knocked out of me.

I wrapped my arms around my waist, closing my eyes and trying to block out that feeling.

There was a calmness in that storm of emotions and I knew the moment that I felt it, that it

was coming from Jason.

Jason. He was an alpha. He had been worried about going feral when I met him at Savage. If

anyone could understand my worries for Gideon, it would be him. I needed to talk with him,

to see if there was any way that I could get him to help me with the hunt.

If anyone would be willing to accept Gideon, I had a feeling that it would be him.

Hopefully, he would be able to help me talk to Ryan and Travis. They had to understand. I

mean, they were shifters, too. Both of them knew about going feral more than I could ever

know about it.

Travis stalked away from Jason and Ryan, moving to the SUV. He shouted something at

Jason but I felt something different from anger. Something like understanding. I didn’t know

what had happened out there but I felt relieved that maybe I would be able to talk to him

without wanting to have super angry sex with him now.

He made his way up the steps of the porch, his footsteps were heavy on the old wood. Jason

and Ryan stood beside the lake talking as Travis opened the door and came into the cabin.

“Sweets.” Travis called out and I turned away from the big window to look over at him. He

closed the door, dropping his black duffle bag off to the side. It was the same bag that he

had used the night before last. The one that he had pulled the sex toys out of. I hated the

way that my lower belly tensed up like there was a coil tightening inside of me at seeing

that bag.

It was an excitement that I had not thought I would be feeling at thinking about those toys

that he had brought. The toys that Ryan and Jason had used on me. What was wrong with


“What do you want, Travis?” I asked, wrapping my arms tighter around my body. I should

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feel like this, I shouldn’t be this turned on right now. Yet, I was.

*Tillie, I’m sorry.” He said, walking into the living room until he stood in front of me. “If you

want this, this wolf-”

“Gideon. His name is Gideon.” I corrected him.

“Gideon, if you want Gideon. If you feel the same thing that you feel for him when I touch

you. Then I’ll learn to live with it.” He reached out, gripping the back of my neck. Pulling me

closer so that my body was pressed against his.

I uncrossed my arms, licking my bottom lip. His touch made me feel the same way that

Gideon’s had. My heart raced and I felt my nipples tighten, scraping against the thin cotton

tank top that I had pulled on after my shower. “I do.”

He leaned down, his nostrils flaring as he breathed in my scent. His eyes slipped closed

before he brushed his nose along my jaw. “Vanilla and booze.” He growled, trailing his nose

along my skin until I shook.

“Travis.” I whimpered, feeling goosebumps rise along my skin as he moved his nose lower.

“No, not booze. Bourbon, the expensive shit.” He groaned, his tongue darting out to trace

along my jaw and then down to my neck before he let out a growl. “Fuck, Tillie. You smell so

god damn fuckable. Is it me my pussy is wet for, sweets?”