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Savage Hunt by Jane knight

Chapter 33
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Chapter Thirty-Three: He’s mine

Chapter Thirty-Three: He’s mine


Gideon retreated into the treeline and it was like he disappeared. I wasn’t sure how he had

done it, I just hoped that he stayed safe with whatever was out there. The thought of

something hurting him wasn’t a thought that I wanted to have.

It was strange, I knew he was a shifter, yet I wanted to protect him. It felt like I needed to,

there was just something about the way that he had looked at me that made me feel like

the hard parts inside of me were melting.

“Tillie.” Jason called out and I turned away from the path that led into the forest, looking at

Jason, Ryan, and Travis. I could feel something inside of me that almost burned with rage

and I knew that it wasn’t my emotions. It was something that they were feeling at seeing

Gideon near me. At seeing him touching me.

I looked between each of them, Jason Strode towards me. His face colored with worry more

than anything else. His grey eyes were dark with his wolf but his control was firmly in place.

His pressed white shirt looked crisp with his charcoal gray slacks. The rings on his fingers

and the thin chain around his neck glittered in the gray morning light. I didn’t know how he

did it, but there was just something about him that always looked so put together, even

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when we had been at the club and he had ordered me to ride him with my hands tied

behind my back. Even after he had made me feel like I was losing control of everything with

the way he kept me on edge.

Maybe it was because he was the alpha and that was just part of it? I didn’t know but I liked

the way that he looked right now. I wanted to go to him, to tell him how I had felt when

Gideon had touched me.

To make him see that Gideon was always meant to be mine and I hoped that he could

understand that. But I had the feeling that he and the others wouldn’t understand.

My gaze flicked to Ryan, who walked at Jason’s left-hand side. His hair fell in wild curls

around his face. Streaks of blue and green peeked out beneath the dark strands, but they

did little to lighten the anger that burned through him so hot it felt like it would burn me up

from the inside. His eyes were locked onto the treeline, scanning the dark-colored trees for

any hints of movement.

His skin moved in a way that a human’s skin didn’t move and I caught glimpses of dark

midnight-colored fur. It was like his skin was contorting, trying to hold in the beast.

It seemed to ripple and shift with every step closer that he took. What was he thinking that

had him so riled up and ready for the fight?

Was he worried about my safety or had it been because another man was touching what he

thought of as his?

Travis looked no different from the other two. He moved past Ryan and Jason, almost at a

run, his eyes locked onto the path behind me. His dark hair was slicked back from his face

and he wore jeans and a black concert t-shirt. There was something dangerous in the way

that he moved his footsteps barely making a sound as he came closer to me. His dark eyes


“Travis,” I said, lifting my hand up towards him as he got closer. “Travis, stop.”

He went to move around me and I darted into his path, blocking him from going after

Gideon. He looked down at me, his lips pulling back from his teeth. I rested my hand on his

chest, feeling his heart beating fast beneath my palm.

I was scared, but I couldn’t let them go after Gideon.

“Matilda, get out of my way.” He snarled, his body hard against mine as he tried to step

around me.

His pierced eyebrow lifted up but his lips pressed together in a hard line before he spoke.

“Matilda, you are cute when you try to get all snarly with me but I’m not playing with you

right now. Get out of my way.”

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“No,” I snapped at him. “You are not going after Gideon.” My eyes flew to the others and I

shot them all a pointed look. “None of you are.” “Tillie, you can’t-“ Jason started to say but I

cut him off before he could continue.

“I said no. You guys will listen to me on this.” I all but shouted at them, so many emotions

were spilling out of me but the biggest

was my own. My anger at not having a choice when it came to them. My anger at my best

friend for lying to me.

Ryan and Jason stopped behind Travis and me. Both of them looked towards the forest, their

nostrils flaring as they tried to breathe in the scent of Gideon. I move closer to them, trying

to let my scent drowned out any of his scent that might be lingering in the air.

I didn’t want them to go after him. I didn’t want my mates to hurt him. If they did, I didn’t

think I could bear it.

“Tillie, we have to go after him. We need to make sure he won’t try to hurt you.” Ryan said,

coming closer to Travis and I.

“You don’t understand“

“No, Matilda,” Travis said, resting his hand over mine. “You don’t understand. We are your

mates. Some unknown wolf had his paws all over you”

“He’s my mate.” I blurted out, making Travis go quiet.

“Your mate?” Jason asked, his voice oddly quiet.

“Yes, my mate.” I sucked in a breath, looking between the three of them. “He’s mine.”