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Savage Hunt by Jane knight

Chapter 32
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Chapter Thirty-Two: Go inside, little mate  

“What if I don’t want to?” She asked and it tested everything inside of me. 

“I need you to go into the house if you don’t…” I trailed off, not trusting myself to warn her


“If I don’t, what? What will you do if I stay here?” She asked, looking at me. Her long lashes

fluttered but it wasn’t overly so like she was doing it on purpose. Did she know how

gorgeous she was when she looked like that? 

Did she know how the smell of her arousal made me want to do things to her that I knew

that I shouldn’t? 

“Little mate. I would do anything you wanted me to do.” I growled, feeling my wolf pull to

the surface. Tillie’s breath caught in her throat but she didn’t pull away from me. Her grip

tightened on my wrists, almost like she wanted it just as much as I did. “You should go


She pressed her lips together before shifting closer to me. Her lips almost touched mine,

testing all of my carefully constructed self-control. 

“Tillie.” I whispered. It was a pained sound but I wanted her so much. It would just be a

taste, that was all I wanted. If I kissed her, 1 could stop with just that. I didn’t have to claim

her, she was already spoken for her. But I wanted so badly to kiss her, to get a taste of her

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before I let her go. 

“Gideon, I-” she started to say and I closed the distance. Tangling my fingers into her hair as

I pressed my lips against hers. Her hands fell to my chest and she whimpered against my


Tasting her like this was like tasting heaven. It was like tasting what things could be like

between the two of us. 

I untangled my fingers from her hair, moving my hand down to her hip. Pulling her close,

she was all soft curves beneath her sweater and I wanted to push the sweater off of her so

that I could feel the warm skin beneath the knit fabric. Her lips parted and I let out a groan

as her tongue caressed against the seam of my lips, seeking permission that I was more

than happy to give her. 

The brush of her tongue against mine sent a shock of pleasure through me that I felt in

every part of my body. Kissing Tillie was like nothing I had ever felt before and even though

I knew that I couldn’t have her. I couldn’t help the way that I longed for more. 

I would go feral without her, but I would treasure this kiss until that day. This taste of her

would be something that I would hold on to and maybe, just maybe, when I went feral, my

beast would remember the way that it had felt to kiss our mate. That it would keep my wolf

calm enough for my alpha to do what needed to be done quickly. 

Her hands pressed against my chest and I pulled back, opening my eyes to look at her.

“Gideon, I didn’t-” She started to say, but I moved my hand from her hair to put my finger

over her lips. My other hand gripped her hip to keep her close. Gods, I wanted to touch her

more. My blood burned for my mate, but I knew that I couldn’t give into that feeling. 

“I know you didn’t say that I could kiss you and I would say that I was sorry for doing it,” I

said, savoring the way her lips parted beneath my finger. “But I would be lying to you, Tillie

and I promise I will never do that to you. You should go into the house now. Someone is


The crunch of gravel sounded in the distance and I could hear the low rumble of an engine.

She stiffened in my arms and as much as it pained me to do so, I let her go. Watching as

she took a half step towards the house. 

“What will you do?” She asked, her blue eyes watering as she looked at me. 

“What do you mean?” 

“Will you, will you turn feral if you don’t claim me?” She asked, worrying her lower lip. 

It touched a part of my soul that she would worry about me going feral. That even the

thought of it happening would make her eyes fill with tears. I wanted to lie to her, to tell her

that everything would be okay. That I wouldn’t go feral, but I had made a promise to her

and I was a wolf of my word. “Yes.” 

“Gideon.” She closed her eyes and a tear slipped down her cheek.  

“None of that, little mate. No tears for me.” I brought my hand up, brushing that tear from

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her cheek. “You’ve given me such a sweet kiss that I will never forget.” 

The car drew closer and I looked at the big black SUV before looking at Tillie one last time.

She watched me with watery blue eyes that made me feel like someone had stabbed me in

the heart. I didn’t want to see her crying. I couldn’t bear it. Turning away from her, I took

the path towards the woods. 

“Gideon, wait.” Swift footfalls followed me and I realized that my mate was running after

me. I stopped walking, looking back at her, knowing that I should just keep going but unable

to make myself go. “What time does the hunt start?” 

“At nightfall,” I answered, turning around to face her. “You can’t be out here when it does.

The hunt, the pack. They would want me to claim you in front of them. I can’t-” 

“Meet me at the lake, right here. Tonight.” She said and I looked back at the SUV. Watching

the doors open as a tall lanky looking man got out of the vehicle, followed by two other

men. Their eyes landed on Tillie before moving to meet mine. I could see worry there, along

with something else. Something possessive. Tillie was theirs and they were pissed that she

was talking to me. 

“Tillie your mates 

“Please, Gideon. Please say yes.” She begged, her fingers tangling into the front of my shirt,

to pull my attention away from the men that I was pretty sure were her mates. “Say you’ll

meet me here.” 

“Okay, I’ll meet you here this afternoon.” I said, unsure of what was going to happen, but I

knew that I wouldn’t be able to stay away from her.