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Savage Hunt by Jane knight

Chapter 28
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Chapter Twenty-Eight: Morning Coffee


Coffee cup in hand, I stepped out onto the porch. It was early, but the sky overhead was

overcast. Painting the lake and the surrounding trees, dark shades of gray making the

shadows that much harsher. I looked at the lake, closing the door behind me softly, trying

not to break the stillness of the morning. A cold breeze ruffled my hair, which was still damp

from the hot shower that I had taken while my coffee steeped in the coffee press in the


I pulled my sweater tighter around me, lifting up my coffee cup and taking a sip of the warm

liquid, letting the rich creamy goodness of the coffee warm me up. They liked to use the

good creamer, but it was something that I didn’t normally buy for myself. It was too

expensive but if I finished it off, I would have to make a note to buy them a bottle. Sipping

coffee out here while I looked over the lake made me feel almost normal.

The shower had helped ease some of the soreness and a good night’s sleep had my head

clearer than it was before. I felt less like a trapped animal and more like myself. Lifting my

hand to the side of my neck, I thought about the marks on both sides and the ones on my

bottom. They were still healing, but not as angry looking as they had been. Yes, I was still

bruised but the wounds looked like they had been there for over a week instead of just a

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day. I would have a scar, but I was no longer worried about the wounds getting infected.

The mark was strangely sensitive beneath my fingertips as I traced the lines of those teeth

marks. It was like I could feel the touch all the way down to my toes inside the running

shoes that I had pulled on. I wondered if Ryan could feel it when I touched those marks? If it

felt just as good for me as it did for him?

Strangely enough, there was something else beneath the pleasure. A worry that I didn’t

understand. It bordered on anger and it made me wonder if that was what he was feeling

right now.

Was he worried and angry that I was here?

I hoped that he wasn’t. When we had spoken yesterday, it had felt like he understood what I

was feeling and that he was okay with me being away from them while I sorted out

everything I was feeling. With what I was feeling from him now, I wasn’t so sure.

My hand drifted to the other side as I stared out over the water towards the willow tree on

the edge of the water in the distance. It marked my stepdad’s property line with its big

wispy swaying branches. The summer that I had read Harry Potter, I had liked to think that

the weeping willow on the grounds of Hogwarts looked something like that tree.

My fingers brushed against the marks that Jason had left on me and I felt a swell of anxiety

bloom up in the back of my throat that threatened to take my breath away. Why was Jason

anxious? Yes, touching that mark felt good just as it did when I touched the one that Ryan

had left on me, but the anxiety was enough to trigger my own.

I lifted the coffee cup, taking a sip of my coffee before moving my hand to my bottom.

Tracing the sensitive spot on my bottom where Travis had bitten me, pleasure shot through

me, along with irritation and a sense of unease.

What were they doing to make them feel like this?

Were the three of them upset with me for being away from them? Or was something else

going on that I didn’t know about that had them feeling so on edge?

I decided that I was going to finish my coffee, then I would go inside and call the three of

them to find out what was going on. Things had seemed a little better when I had spoken to

Travis and Ryan last night. I felt like I understood a bit better what was going on with them

and they understood how I was feeling. I didn’t know how to explain it, but I was feeling

better about them mating and claiming me,

I liked that they had left their marks on my skin and I wasn’t sure why, but it filled me with a

strange sense of rightness. Like I was always supposed to be theirs. I liked that they had

claimed me as theirs. Sure, I was still nervous about it. But it was what I realized I wanted to


Ryan and Travis had soothed my concerns some. I wished that I had been able to talk to

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Jason too, but when I had called his phone had gone straight to voicemail. After that, I had

turned my phone off to get some much needed rest.

I was still worried about how everything was going to work between the three of us. There

was plenty of time to figure it all out when I got home. We could talk about it then. I wasn’t

sure how things were going to work out with the four of us, but I knew that

it was something that I wanted to pursue, even if the thought made me nervous about what

my friends and family would think.

Hell, even some of my coworkers if word got out. Then again, I had a boss that was a sex

demon. So that might not even matter to him and the few that might know what he was.

There were all kinds of relationships out there and though ours had a few more people. It

wasn’t any less valid in the way we all felt about each other. Or how I felt about them. I just

hoped that they felt the same way, which I kind of thought that they might.

Finishing off my coffee, I looked out at the walking trail, all thoughts of my mates and the

future vanishing from my thoughts. I tilted my head to the side, noticing that someone was

on the walking trail that led to the lake. Had they been camping in the forest and gotten


I sat my coffee cup onto the wooden railing, wrapping my sweater around me a little tighter

before making my way towards the porch steps.