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Savage Hunt by Jane knight

Chapter 25
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Chapter Twenty-Five: Stop alpha-ing me

I rolled my eyes, looking back at Ryan’s room. It was neater than normal. The bed was

made and someone had taken the time to clean up the piles of books and sheet music that

were normally scattered over his dresser. The notebooks that he used to write his song

lyrics in were stacked neatly on his bedside table and the scent of lemon polish hung in the

air. “It’s clean.”

“Yeah,” Travis said, pushing past me to head over to Ryan’s closet. “When I finished your

room, I came in here and picked it up. You guys are kind of a mess.”

“My room wasn’t a mess until you came into it.” I grumbled, moving over to the bed and

sitting mine and Travis’ bags down. I looked over at Ryan, watching him move over to the

dresser. He opened the top drawer up and grabbed a couple of pairs of boxer shorts and t-

shirts before turning away from the dresser and dropping them onto the bed. He moved

over to the closet, following Travis inside the small space as he rifled through his jeans.

“Do you know the pack?” He asked, looking over his shoulder at me.

“It looks like it’s Branson’s territory but I can’t be sure.”

Travis held up a green and black gym bag that had a logo on the front with a wasp sporting

a football helmet. “I didn’t see any other bags. Is this all you have?”

“Yeah, I don’t really need more than that right now,” Ryan answered before pulling down a

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pair of jeans from a pink plastic hanger and bringing them to the bed. Did you try calling


“Straight to voicemail. Pretty sure he’s asleep. He and his mate had their first pup recently,

so I wasn’t expecting him to pick up.” 1 said with a frown. Why was Ryan still using his

football bag from when we were in high school? I resolved myself that I was going to replace

that bag the first chance I got. He was tied to me now through Tillie and I found myself

wanting him to have nice things.

I mean, I had always wanted that for him before as my best friend. But this was different.

Things were different between us now.

“Which car are we taking?” Travis asked, pulling Ryan’s clothing closer to him as he climbed

onto the bed. Folding his leg beneath him, he picked up a shirt, folding it neatly before

placing it into the gym bag.

“I figured that we would take my SUV. It would be easier than taking the bikes.” I said,

looking between both men realizing that neither of them had on shirts. “Ryan, you should

get dressed. You to Travis, I’ll finish packing.”

“You’re right. I’m just, I can’t seem to get my head on straight.” Ryan growled, his fingers

through his long curling hair and tugging at the ends.

“When we head out, I’ll call Branson’s beta and see if I can get some information from him

or if he can wake up his alpha to let him know we are coming,” I said, hoping that it would

help him relax some to know that we weren’t just sitting idly by while our mate was out

there. “Get dressed.”

“I don’t need you to be like that with me, Jason.” Ryan said, pressing his full lips together as

he swallowed hard. “What. I’m not doing anything.” I said, picking up his jeans and folding

them up before tucking them into his bag. “You don’t need to do the whole alpha thing with

me.” He turned away from me, moving over to the closet.

“Ryan, he’s not” Travis started to say but Ryan spun around to face him.

“Don’t, you are my mate but I don’t need you to start either.” He snapped and I watched

hurt flash across Travis’ face before his face smoothed out. Almost like he was trying to hide

those emotions. I could tell the moment that he shut off his bond with Ryan. The way the

other man seemed to almost deflate.

“Travis, I’m sor- Ryan started to say but Travis held up a hand.

“Save it and hand me a shirt.” Travis said, shoving the rest of the clothing into the bag

before he unfolded his legs and slid to the edge of the bed.

Ryan shook his head, turning away from us and grabbing two black concert t-shirts from the

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closet. He handed one to Ryan before slipping on the other one.

Chapter Twenty-Five: Stop Alpha-ing me


“I’m not doing the alpha thing with you and neither is Travis. But you’ve got to snap out of

it, Ryan. We are all worried about her.” | said, picking up my bag. My eyes met his blue eyes

and I could see the worry there. His beast was still close to the surface, but the more he

was around Travis and I. The more in control he was becoming and not needing us to guide

him as much as we were before. “I’m heading downstairs. I’ll see you guys there.”

Turning away from Ryan and Travis, I left the room, heading down the stairs to the garage.

When I was in my car I pulled out my cell phone again, thumbing through my recent call list.

I tried to call Tillie again. It went to voicemail, I pulled the phone away, ending the call and

leaning forward to rest my body against the steering wheel. I needed to know that she was


The bond that I had with her was still so new, but I didn’t feel the same worry that I had felt

all day so I hoped she was just sleeping and that’s why she wasn’t answering: My phone let

out a ring and I lifted my head, looking at the screen. Hoping that it was Tillie.

It wasn’t, but Alpha Branson’s name flashed across the screen. Swiping my thumb over the

screen, I brought the phone up to my ear. “Hello.”

“Alpha Jason, good to hear your voice,” Branson said, his voice was rough and a little

breathless. But it felt good to hear it.

“Alpha Branson,” I said, trying to show him the same respect he was showing me.