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Chapter 596: Kingdom of Dawn
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Chapter 596: Kingdom of Dawn

Seven chakras.

Starting from the root Chakra located at the end of his spine, climbing to reach the Sacral Chakra located in the , and then the Solar Plexus chakra, which represented the core, Sol focused more than he had ever done in his life.

He could not afford to make any mistakes now. Carefully, very carefully, the energy climbed and reached the place known as the Heart Chakra and the location was more than clear.

Sol gritted his teeth as the pain exploded once again. It was as if thousands of needles were poking his heart and threatening to make it explode. But he could not hurry this part. It was necessary to stimulate his heart as much as possible to get rid of the old blood and bring in new blood.

The impurities in his body were caused by the mixed blood bath he had taken. After all, while this was mostly made with Tiamat blood, which was one of the purest things in the world, it did not change that neither her blood nor the blood of the dragon belonged to him and spart could not be assimilated.

Even with his eyes closed Sol knew that his body was expelling all the bad blood, not unlike what happened when he first formed his core. The sticky sensation and the fishy odor reaching him were not something he could easily ignore and were pretty disgusting as they cout from nearly every orifice of his body.

Once he was more or less done with the Heart Chakra, the energy continued to climb, reaching the Throat Chakra which prompted him to open his mouth and vomit blood and pieces of organs that were destroyed and replaced inside of him as if cleansing the interior of his body.

Soon it reached the Third Eye chakra and Sol acted even more carefully. After all, this place was related to his Divine weapon and he knew that once he finished, even his divine weapon would becstronger, which would push him further in the path of omniscience.

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The itchy feeling that spread in his mind was numbing and distracting but it was nothing compared to what he felt when he finally reached the last chakra — The Crown.

This was the final connection, the last energy point, and as Sol filled that place and completed the first rotation, he felt like his mind quite literally exploded as pure Whiteness covered his vision.

His body felt larger as if he was a giant that could reach a mountain and pluck the stars in the sky. His heart started beating louder as if responding to a beat only it could hear. The power of his heartbeat seemed to make the ground itself tremble under its might.

Slowly, his skin started tearing apart as new skin grew under it. His muscles grew and shrunk repeatedly, becoming sturdier as tpassed and so did his mana vein as they becwider and sturdier to bring in more mana at a faster rate.

Soon, the ambient mana was absorbed greedily and helped in making his body stronger.

Echidna, who had been observing his change in real life, immediately distanced himself and shouted at Isis and the other girls, “Let out your mana!”

The girls did not hesitate and did as they were told. Soon a full tornado of mana filled the area and the mana becso dense it was almost liquid, soaking completely Sol in the energy and bringing even more magical changes to him as his body devoured the mana like a starved beast.

Soon, golden flames covered Sol’s body, causing Nuwa to open her eyes wide as she realized that Sol was also using the phoenix flames to purify further his body even as he absorbed the energy. This diminished the quantity of mana but the quality was greatly enhanced.

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Sol meanwhile, was unable to focus on all of this. Hundreds of pictures and sounds were flashing in his mind and he felt as if he was witnessing things that were beyond his comprehension.

His connection to the river of tbecmore and more intimate and he slowly realized that he was looking at pictures of possible futures but those were all too blurry for him.

Soon though, things changed, as if going backward. The pictures moved and becclearer as Sol could see things that happened days or even months ago. From his fights against the sages to his return in the mortal realm or his fight against Surtr and even his first twith Milia.

Each tthose pictures went by him, he had the feeling that he could grab one of them and bring them out in reality but something was screaming at him that doing so would be the stupidest thing he could do.

He wondered for a moment if this was how his other self in the alternate future with Skuld was able to reset the entire timeline. Even though he could only see, he had the distinct impression that it wouldn’t be impossible for him to enter those timelines and change the future by affecting the past.

You shouldn’t even think about it. You are still far from this level. All this would result in, would be the creation of a parallel timeline.

Sol looked around him. Feeling like someone had been talking to him but he was unable to see anyone.

He soon was distracted as the image reached his period as a child, the first the met Medea was when he got lost with Setsuna. The first the meets Setsuna, then Milia, then Lilin, then Camelia, and finally Lilith.

Then the memories went even beyond, to a teven he could barely remember. He could see a beautiful woman with hair as red as fire looking down at him with a smile filled with affection and not far from her was a golden-haired man.

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It was pretty easy to deduce who they were. Blaze and Mars, his parents in this world. This was the first the saw Mars outside of his portrait and he had to admit, the man had a certain aura around him that brought confidence.

He wondered what was about to happen when Mars slowly approached him with a sad smile,

“If that woman is right, we will most likely not survive this ordeal. Are you sure you want to cwith me?”

Blaze shook her head, “You know I do not believe in destiny. Not even Tiamat can say things with such assurance. Much less a mortal who cfrom who knows where.”

“And yet you already prepared the ceremony to take out your core and horns as fast as possible.”

She shrugged, “We are about to face a demigod. Preparing my legacy is only right.”

Mars sighed, clearly understanding that he would not be able to convince his wife. As such he did the only thing that he could. He gazed at the baby and spoke

“I do not know. Whether the foreign soul awakened or not. Perhaps you do not even see us as your parents. But letleave you with a discovery I made and that might be useful for you.”

He looked around, “Many people wonder how I was able to beca demigod and where my territory could be. More importantly, how did I becso strong? The truth is — I was lucky and I will share a great secret with you.”

“Firstly, I am a false demigod.”

Sol gasped at this shocking news but Mars was far from finished. What followed was nearly mind-numbing.

There was an intensity in his voice but the voice slowly becfaint and Sol was having a difficult tlistening in, “This means that once upon a t— gods that were neither the fourteen nor Destruction, Time, Space, Death, and Life existed and, there may be more crumbling divine kingdoms in the mortal realm. As for the crumbling divine kingdom I found, it was called — The Kingdom of Dawn.”

Those were the last he heard before everything becentirely dark.