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Rich Daughter Reincarnates as Her Eighteen-Year-Old Self to Rescue Her Younger Brothers!

Chapter 564 - 564: Submissive
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Chapter 564: Submissive

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

“Grandpa, we walked here, and Mei Shu exercises every morning,” Lu Si explained for her, then helped her sit on the sofa and had someone bring the pre-prepared hot tea from home.

Mei Shu said, “Mr. Lu, 1 brought you the tea from last time. If you enjoy it, I’ll make smore for you when I have time.”

Lu Ting glanced at the jar put on the table by Lu Si, obviously pleased but still tried to appear indifferent, casually saying, “Just leave it here. Since you are Ah Si’s girlfriend, it’s only right for you to honortogether. In the future, you should inquire with Ah Si yourself about how much tea is left. If there’s not enough, you should know to bring more withoutreminding you.”

Hearing it, Lu Si looked nervously at Mei Shu, about to speak up for her.

But Mei Shu cut in before him, speaking in a submissive tone, “Yes, Mr. Lu, I will remember your words.”

Lu Ting had expected Mei Shu to argue back, but today she unexpectedly acquiesced, which surprised him. He looked at her, somewhat taken aback, “You’re behaving well. But don’t think that 1’11 accept you just because of this. Honestly, I still don’t like you much.”

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“It’s okay, Mr. Lu. You don’t have an obligation to like me,” Mei Shu nodded.

Now Lu Ting was completely stunned.

He probed further, saying, “If I happen to cacross a more suitable girl than you, I will still introduce her to Ah Si.”

“Grandpa!” Lu Si frowned, ready to protest.

Mei Shu intervened, “Introducing girls to him is your concern, but whether Si’s heart stays withdepends on my capability.”

Lu Ting fell silent for a while before he said, “You do have scapability. 1’11 wait and see if you can fulfill our bet.”

“I’m looking forward to it, Mr. Lu,” Mei Shu turned to Lu Si and said, “Didn’t you promise to make my favorite breakfast? I’m craving it now.”

Lu Si nodded and, facing Lu Ting’s displeased gaze, led Mei Shu through the breakfast options.

In the dining room, Mei Shu realized Lu Si had put a lot of effort into this meal.

The table was filled with dishes tailored to her taste.

Lu Li and his wife had gone to work, and Lu Yan had also left early. Only the three of them remained at home.

Apparently, Lu Ting’s taste differed greatly from Mei Shu’s. He sat by the table, looking even grumpier than before, and pointed at the sweet porridge in front of him, displeased, “I don’t like sweet food. Make another pot of porridge for me!”

He then looked at the sweet pastries on the table, disdainfully dropped his chopsticks, and complained, “I won’t eat them. How can I eat this? I’ll get diabetes if 1 finish all this!”

Mei Shu, watching Lu Ting stand up, smiled and said, “Mr. Lu, 1 didn’t know our tastes were so different. They’re not very sweet. You can try them. If you really don’t like them, 1 can personally make sfor you.”

Lu Ting was surprised to hear Mei Shu could cook. His expression softened momentarily, but seeing Mei Shu’s smiling face, he immediately stiffened and said, unkindly, “I won’t eat them. Since you can cook, go and make another pot of porridge and a few more dishes for me!”

He ordered her around as if Mei Shu’s visit to their hwas to serve as a maid.

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Usually Lu Ting wouldn’t have acted like this. After all, Mei Shu was a guest in their house for the first time, and she was also the CEO of the Mei family.

But now he had obviously been spoiled by Mei Shu’s submissive attitude from the moment she walked in the door, considering it only natural to order her around, even though he felt uneasy about it in his heart. He somehow felt that Mei Shu wouldn’t refuse any of his requests.

Sure enough, as soon as he said so, Mei Shu immediately put down her chopsticks and stood up, as if ready to go to the kitchen.

Lu Ting’s eyes revealed a long-lost sense of triumph, akin to taming a wild horse, as his burning gaze remained fixed on Mei Shu without blinking for a moment.

Lu Si couldn’t bear to see Mei Shu being treated this way in his territory. He grabbed her wrist and, facing Lu Ting’s angry gaze, said, “Grandpa, Mei Shu is a guest today. There’s no reason for her to go to the kitchen. Let the chef make it for Grandpa.”

“Let her go!” Lu Ting said imperiously.

Mei Shu gently pushed away Lu Si’s hand, smiled softly, and said, “Ah Si, don’t worry. It’s just cooking a meal. As long as Mr. Lu is happy, I’m not feeling wronged.”

This statement eased Lu Ting’s mind.

He sat back down in his seat with a sense of satisfaction, as if accustomed to being waited on.

Mei Shu went to the kitchen herself. After washing her hands, she picked out svegetables from the refrigerator to start making the porridge.

Lu Si followed her anxiously, whispering, “You don’t have to endure this. Lettake you out to eat..”

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