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Revenge After Death

Chapter 435
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The mercenaries' leader instructed his subordinates to get us injected.

Steven and I had to separate temporarily. I was taken to a room by someone else.

Inside that room, there were many weak-looking women. They were locked in a tiny room, and they all looked like they were about to go into labor. They couldn't even scream for help.

Frowning, I leaned against the wall and waited for the person to approach me.

Suddenly, I recalled when Quinn had said, "Stephanie, you're getting interested in us, right? You're welcome... to join us." I could understand why Quinn was so confident. She knew that the GenSociety would take us away once we left the ruined building.

She knew that I would be exposed to portions of the truth and darkness.

I would not be able to rescue everyone with my powers alone.

And the police? In gray areas like these-where crand greed were most condensed and had no military government-nobody would care about the well-being of the trafficked children and women.

The person approachedwith a needle; I pretended to comply but injected the needle into him when he had his guard down.

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The person was dressed in a hazmat suit and gas mask. I removed his hazmat suit and put it on, leaving him tied up in the wardrobe. In the smaller room, the women looked atas if they saw hope. Teary-eyed, they were all beggingto save them.

Most of them were heavily pregnant. They were like experiment subjects, locked away in a sealed room with glass panels and doors. There was only one bed in the room. They must've observed what these women did and made records of so-called data.

I nodded toward the women and communicated in sign language. I wasn't sure if they would understand me.

I would try my best... to rescue them.

"Are you done?" Outside, somebody outside urged.

I filled the syringe with drugs that I took from the shelf. Once I left the room, I injected it into the person's neck. When the man lost consciousness from the drug, I took away his gun.

Meanwhile, Steven exited the other room in a hazmat suit too. He disarmed the guard in the exact sway that I did.

We smiled at each other.

But it was too early for us to rejoice.

"This isn't their base camp. It's just their data collection site," I whispered.

Based on my observation of the pregnant women inside, I could tell this was not the ultimate base camp.

GenSociety's base camp had to be extremely secluded. We couldn't possibly find it so easily.

"I've memorized all their profiles." Steven had a photographic memory.

I said to Steven, "I've memorized them too." I paused briefly. When I regained all my midories in the abandoned building, my intelligence and y had seemingly improved too.

We left the place, casually waving to the other mercenaries who passed by.

We had to leave before they discovered us.

But it was apparent that they were not very alert. Otherwise, it might have been... on purpose.

Everything went too well. From the seventh floor to the first floor of the ruined building, we left that place and chere with these people to witness these things too easily. Now, we escaped easily too.

"Did you realize that somebody let us go on purpose?" I asked Steven.

"The Rebels are among the

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mercenaries. Even now, we're not completely detached from the killing gthat they designed," Steven En said. We were only seeing what they wanted to show us.

I scoffed.

We were caught up in the war between the GenSociety and the Rebels.

In fact, they had predicted every action and every step we made.

The mastermind of the Rebels had to be a genius.

"They showed us these things to incite our hatred toward the GenSociety Next, t we'll find them...." We would find the Rebels.

And join them.

Steven said to me, "I'll support everything you do." I smiled at him.

"Let's join them, then."

"Darkness is always behind power. In that case, we should becm powerful," Sath FindNxl.nøt website on Google to access chapters of early and in the highest quality. Steven held my hand and ledout the back door brazenly.

X "Quinn said that the mastermind of the killing gis still among us..." || I stopped and took Steven's hands.

"Steven, is it you?"