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Revenge After Death

Chapter 433
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"Stephanie, you've grown an interest in us, right? You're welcto join us..." Quinn lifted her hand toward the sunlight.

"Callum worked for Peter. He also supplied women to the GenSociety to be used as mothers. He deserved to die." Callum trafficked women at ideal childbearing ages. He handed them to the GenSociety as test subjects for the genetic and embryo experiments. It was cruel.

"Everyone who died here wasn't innocent." Quinn walked up to the wall and pressed a switch. Following that, the windows that were sealed with bricks shattered and let in a lot of sunlight.

Quinn smiled atand said, "Stephanie, the gisn't over yet... The mastermind is still among you." Then, Quinn turned around and jumped out the window. She disappeared into a car.

I stood by the window and looked outside, wondering where we were...

"Stephanie!" Behind me, Michael held Yasmin and shouted at me.

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I snapped back to my senses and ducked behind a wall, dodging the bullets fired from outside...

"Everybody get down! Get down!" A group of mercenaries rushed in with guns. They gathered everyone together.

"Get down. Hands on your heads!" Search the Findwebsite on Gøøgle to access chapters of early and in the highest quality.

I glanced at Steven and did as told.

Soon, the leader walked in and looked at the dying Yasmin.

"It was... Quinn Lloyd," Yasmin said hoarsely.

Quinn was the spy.

"She escaped. I saw her escape..." The leader said to his subordinates, "Go after her." They were mercenaries working for the GenSociety, and they all had the stattoo behind their ears.

"Take them away!" Amidst the chaos, we were pushed to leave the ruined building.

"Take him. He's not dead." Zion and Eason insisted on carrying Taylor, whose breath and vital signs had becweak. But he was still alive.

When I got outside the ruined building, I closed my eyes from the bright sunlight.

"Where is this?" Eason mumbled.

"Crhaven Myrindara, Loania, or... Cambrela?" Eason gasped.

We had to take nutrient injections when we were unconscious. It out that we were transported soned isolated countrySW There was a bustling market just outside the ruined building.

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While a killing spree was going on inside, the local citizens were do 60s and have fun t belongs to swet As I stood among the bustling crowd, my ears began ringing.

My head started to throb.

When Quinn escaped, she said that the mastermind was still among us.

"Get in!" The mercenaries were pushing us to get into the car.

I examined the rest of the group as my breath quickened.

Rachel, Eason, Joel, Zion, me, Steven, as well as the unconscious Taylor.

There was also Michael and Yasmin, who was taken away to receive laway treatment. m I scoffed.

I wondered who was the mastermind.