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Revenge After Death

Chapter 411
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Steven ignored Michael, took my hand, and proudly declared his sovereignty. "She's my wife. It's official." Michael's expression darkened. Taking a deep breath, he gritted his teeth and uttered, "You can get divorced even after getting married." "I won't get a divorce," Steven replied.

"Steven!" Michael appeared angry and ready to confront him.

Steven hid behindwith an innocent look. "Stephie, he's so aggressive. He wanted to killdown there just now." I frowned at Michael and gave him a warning look.

Michael appeared to be losing his mind. "Me? It was pitch-black down there. How could I even know where he was? Don't listen to his nonsense. Steven, have you gone mad?" Michael was usually aloof. However, he was definitely upset facing Steven, who feigned innocence.

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Steven took cover behindand said aggrievedly, "He injured my wound further. It was extremely painful and started bleeding." Steven deliberately exposed the wound on his arm. As expected, a distressed look crossed my face. He then lay contentedly on my shoulder.

Eason was disdainful. "Let's go. Leave him here to fend for himself. He's good at pretending." Joel had been a bit absent-minded and appeared slightly preoccupied. Upon regaining his awareness, he cast a glance at Steven, then lowered his head and left. He no longer exuded the svibrancy as before.

"Everything he says is false," Michael insisted, trying to persuadeto believe him.

"Stephie, he can't be trusted. Both he and Yasmin might be working under Peter. The Ford family is also one of the investors in GenSociety. He's an investor himself..." Steven complained toin a hushed tone.

Michael clenched his fists, his eyes brimming with an intense desire to kill Steven.

"I believe you two make a great pair. Enjoy your ttogether," I stated calmly. I then gently pushed Steven away before turning on my heel and exiting.

He clung toaggrievedly. "Stephie, it hurts so much." Search The Find Nøvelwebsite on Gøøgle to access chapters of early and in the highest quality.

Rachel walked in front, supporting the injured Quinn. Yasmin was clearly isolated and left alone after her identity was exposed. She was also injured, but she walked behind alone. The crazy principal was left to fend for himself as no one cared about him.

"Mike..." Yasmin called out.

Michael paused and gazed at Yasmin with a complex expression.

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Yasmin grinned sarcastically. "You've always been aware that I worked for Peter... In fact, even before Stephanie's passing, you knew about Ford Group's secret funding of GenSociety, right?" Michael remained silent and did not respond.

"Michael, you've always known that Stephanie was the result of genetic experiments. That's why you're so confident, so certain that she won't die. How can a genetically modified Haй monster die? She's so good at disguise," Yasmin said in a low Voice.

Michael remained silent as he walked alongside Yasmin. He was only aware that Yasmin could not die just yet. She kept many secrets about GenSociety and the Godmaker Project. "Why don't you explain to her? Aren't you convinced that she's Stephanie? Or... are you starting to waver?" Yasmin sneered.

"Understanding the truth can be unsettling. Stephanie is gone, irreplaceable. No one will ever be able to truly take her place no matter how similar they may seem or how memories intertwine." Michael frowned. "Perhaps there is truly a miracle in this world." Yasmin smiled. "A miracle? The real miracle is that you and I have found ourselves in this hellish place. Whether we can make it out alive is still unknown." I stopped and looked back at Yasmin. "Peter should have located you by now, shouldn't he? Why hasn't he brought anyone in?" Yasmin gazed at me, her voice dropping to a hush. "He can't afford to act recklessly and tip off the enemy. The mastermind behind this gis right here among us. He's also seeking to uncover the identity, whether it's you, Steven, or any one ofus."

I sneered and said sarcastically, "So, it seems that there are people who can cause Beter to have a headache and feel fear too."

This piqued my curiosity even m further... Who was the person responsible for it? Was it someone Επ among us?

I scanned the remaining few people still alive. None of them appeared to be the mastermind. To my dismay, E however, he was among us... X