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Revenge After Death

Chapter 403
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It appeared that this serial killer had significantly impacted Peter's supposed genetic experiment. The motive of the serial murderer in killing Stephanie was to protest against Peter and those who supported human genetic modification.

"The wolf has a winning gwhen the shepherds quarrel," I said sternly.

At first, I was reluctant to expose Yasmin. However, her repeated attempts to harmleftwith no choice.

I threatened Yasmin by pulling her hair. "I'll see how you manage to escape this place without relying on any cheating devices. Did you lure us here on purpose just to kill me? You can attack me... But if you try to harm Steven, I won't hesitate to kill you." A flicker of fear and shock crossed Yasmin's eyes. She uttered in a quivering voice, "You..." She vehemently denied her thoughts. "No way, you can't be Stephanie. She's already dead..." "I didn't intend to lure you here. Quinn..." Yasmin tried to say something but was interrupted before she could finish.

"Stephie!" Steven appeared behind me, searching for me.

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I immediately let go of Yasmin and stood up. Turning around, I greeted him with a smile.

Steven rushed over in a panic and embracedtightly. "I'm so relieved that you're alright." "What happened over there?" I asked.

"There was a trap on the ground. Someone fell in and broke his leg," Steven explained softly.

I nodded. "Steven, do you find this amusement park familiar?" He took a deep breath. "Yeah... It's a replica of the one in the orphanage." "What's the murderer's purpose?" I asked.

Steven cast a sinister glance at Yasmin. "Punishment... Back then, there was a child named Benjamin White at the orphanage. He was bullied by them. One day, he was forcefully pushed out of a moving roller coaster. His legs were trapped in the machinery and broke." He lost his legs and was sent to a school for the disabled. No one had heard from him since.

Yasmin instinctively looked away. "It was Howard and the others who bullied Benjamin." "Toot-toot! The roller coaster is approaching. Everyone, fasten your seat belts and prepare to go! Three, two..." The eerie voice sounded once more.

Steven instinctively wrapped his arms aroundand stepped onto the platform of the carousel. The moment the countdown reached zero, the floor tiles immediately started flipping.

Yasmin sat on the ground, with open floor tiles in front of her feet. She was fortunate enough to keep her, legs raised. Inside the floor tiles, there was a trap with a rotating knife. If she fell, both of her legs would be cut off quickly.

There was another scream coming from over there.

Steven and I hurried over. We saw a man who used to live at the orphanage fall into a trap with one leg.

"Everyone, find a safe place and quickly get on the rotating chairs on the carousel!" Zion shouted in panic as he asked everyone to find a seat. SEARCH the Find Nøvelwebsite on Gøøgle to access chapters of early and in the highest quality.

The two injured individuals were pulled to a place of relative safety. However, they had lost a significant amount of blood, and the treatment conditions here were inadequate. Simply attempting to make it to the first floor would result in their deaths.

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"Hahaha... This is so much fun." The laughter cfrom the speaker.

Zion couldn't contain his emotions and shouted into the air, "Get out! Stop pretending! Even if they deserve to die, it's not your place to judge! They'll face the consequences they deserve!" The eerie voice chuckled mockingly at Zion. "How naive, Officer Landon. Do enlighten me, how do you plan on delivering justice to them? When Benjamin claimed the first row of the roller coaster, they covertly roler unfastened his seatbelt and pushed him out while the ride was in motion." "That's murder, Officer Landon. How are you going to punish them?" The strange voice screamed hysterically.

As I listened to Steven's heartbeat, an inexplicable pain surged through my heart. I couldn't help but wonder what kind of nightmare people like Steven and Simeon, who were incompatible with those demons, had experienced. Steven lowered his head, and his gaze locked with mine. His eyes darted restlessly as he whispered, "Stephie... they're not innocent."

"Let's play hide-and-seek. You have 30 seconds to hide. But be warned, whoever is found... wil die! The eerie voice reverberated as the countdown started. The man urged us all to hide. Without hesitation, Steven gripped my wrist and ledto take cover in the space under the carousel.

"Ten, nine, eight... Three, two, one... I'm coming out..."

Not far away, a stone wall opened.

Ten people emerged wearing strange masks and holding chainsaws. With NO their strong arms, they looked like hired killers. "Are you hiding well? Don't letfind you." X