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Revenge After Death

Chapter 359
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"I always sensed that he was alert and cautious around people, but now he's determined to restore order within the family and is resorting to silencing them..." Lois murmured to herself. I could see her veins bulging as she fought to control her anger.

"Meetat Coast Restaurant at 6 o'clock to discuss the new terms. If you fail to come, I cannot guarantee my patience with you." Lois was givingan ultimatum.

As soon as her car drove away, I swiftly ran toward the trash can. I was determined to find the envelope that Steven had discarded. It held the photos that Yasmin had brought with her. Despite the photos being torn to pieces by Steven, I painstakingly pieced them back together. Within the photo, there was undeniable evidence that Stephany and Peter had met. The photo captured a secret meeting between Stephany and Howard with Peter. There was also a photo of Stephany introducing a homeless child to a stranger. No... Not a stranger.

I managed to put the photos together as best as I could, my breath trembling. Stephany brought the homeless child to meet the man, who was the second victim in the mutilation case. Rumor had it that he was involved in import and export trading.

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Combined with what Lois said about the consequences, it seemed that Stephany's identity was indeed more complex than I had imagined.

I arrived at the Coast Restaurant ahead of time, before six o'clock. To my surprise, Lois was already there, patiently waiting for me.

She was an exceptionally resilient woman. My mother had often mentioned her, stating that the Ford family relied solely on her. Her husband, Michael's father, on the other hand, contributed very little. She was also a pitiful woman. She lived a life akin to that of a widow, yet she wasn't one. Ever since she had Michael, her husband was rarely present at home. During my twith the Ford family, I rarely had the chance to catch a glimpse of her husband.

Lois asked calmly, "How much money did Peter give you to pretend to be Stephanie, get close to Steven, and deceive him into selling the Lincoln Group and ruining the Lincoln family? What's the next step? The Ford family?" I was momentarily stunned and did not argue. But, instead, I was contemplating her words. She believed that Peter sentand that he intentionally askedto get close to Steven and Michael.

"I don't understand what you're talking about," I replied seriously.

Why did Peter want to eliminate the Ford and Lincoln families? Lois scoffed disdainfully. "No point in pretending, Stephany. I won't cto you if I don't find enough information about you. Do you truly believe I spent my taway on a vacation? Peter has taken care of everyone who needs to be taken care of. Do you really think I will just sit back and surrender?" I frowned and said nothing.

Lois casually asked, "I looked into your background. Do you know why you resemble Stephanie? Do you know why he selected you to mimic her? It's because, in a way, you both share the sgenes." I looked at her in shock. "What do you mean...' She took a sip of wine and smiled playfully. "You need to tellPeter's conditions in exchange for a secret of equal value." I had a headache and was completely clueless about the agreement made between Stephany and Peter. "All I can recall is that there was a classmate named Howard. He mentioned something about Sir asking us to do something, but I can't remember the details." I was uncertain if that "Sir" happened to be Peter.

Lois said confidently, "It's very likely that Peter has your handle. Knowing Peter, he might brainwash you and then implant Stephanie's memories under hypnosis. When you wake up, you'll believe you are Stephanie." She then murmured, "He's certainly a lunatic." I remained silent, pondering the implications of Lois's comment about sharing the sgenes.

"Charles' wife is unable to conceive, and he has been diagnosed with m azoospermia, which means that they afe medically unable to have biological children together," Lois explained in a low voice, looking at me. Search the (Find) website on Google to access chapters of early and in the highest quality. Lois's unexpected news stunned me. It turned out that Stephany was not their biological child as well.

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"Back then, Charles and his wife begged Stephanie's mother to help. them have a child. Stephanie's m mother carried out an in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer for Mrs. Larson, resulting in an embryo with the sgenes as Stephanie. That's all I know for now." Lois frowned. She only knew that Stephanie and Stephany were embryos frozen in the laboratory for experimental purposes. Stephanie's mother only mentioned them because they shared the soriginal genes.

"After I married Steven, Peter didn't ask anyone to contactor giveany tasks. Everything that happened was natural. Whether you believe it or not, Michael's suicide was a result of his own choices, and it has nothing to do with me." I tried to explain. However, it was clear that Lois would not trust me.

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