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Revenge After Death

Chapter 328
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Chapter 328 “As the most outstanding business prodigy of the Lincoln family and also Ignatius’ favorite heir, Andy learned about children with rare diseases with your father’s help.

“Andy set up a charity fund and invested in medical facilities, providing sufficient funds for them to explore and research...

“Peter and your parents, along with Andy and other people of the noble class, becclose friends. They went from celebrating good times to being on the verge of collapsing.

“Somebody planned the accident to happen. I'm guessing that Andy and your parents must know of a terrible secret that can't be told.” The people dying now were people who knew of the secret.

Somebody was killing the witnesses.

*Five years ago, a new psychoactive drug appeared in the Verdentia Isles region. The creator was unknown, but once it was released into the market, it broke countless families.

“It spread diseases, fear, violence... It was the result of raging dopamine and endorphins...” the top righ Steven pointed toward the top right corner.

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“Stephie, the serial murder cases are not the only scary thing. Behind that is another wide, deep which its full coverage can’t be seen.

“I hid it from you because... | didn’t want you to get involved. | wanted you to live a normal life,” Steven said with a trembling voice.

| looked at the central position of the wall of photos. It was a photo of Stephanie Carlson.

Steven had taken countless photos ofafter the accident. It was like... he had never left. He had been protecting me.

Warm tears streamed down my space as | fixed my eyes on a photo of myself from high school.

| could remember how on that day, the bullies who botheredsuddenly disappeared. In an alley nearby, somebody screamed for help...

| heard that a teenager got stabbed during a brawl.

That must have been Steven. He had been protectingthe whole time.

“After | lost my memories, you didn’t choose forto recall my memories about you. Instead, your silently protected me... It was because you wantedto live a normal life and escape this net, right?” | asked in a choked-up voice.

Steven didn’t answer me, He had tried many ways to protect me. But in the end, he failed to escape with me.

Chapte 320 “But we're like insects stuck on the web... If we don’t burn it, how can we escape?” | said softly but firmly.

Since Steven had decided to confess to me, it was also tfor us to face the situation and Investigatel together.

We should find the culprit and reveal the truth, along with all the darkness and dirt, under the sun.

“Stephie... You're right. We tried to escape, but we falled. Instead of surrendering like helpless insects, we should fight back...” Steven heldtight in his arms. His body was trembling.

“This time... | swear I'll protect you. | definitely will,” he whispered.

“Steven, you can guess who's the culprit behind the serial murder cases and the deaths of the psychiatrists at the asylum, right?” | gazed at Steven.

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After all the years of observation and investigation, | guessed Steven must've discovered the culprit. However, he probably did not hold actual evidence.

Steven looked away, clearly avoiding my question.

| wonder who the culprit would be that it was so difficult for him to confess.

| glanced over the wall of photos and evidence.

| couldn’t help but suspect... that Steven was trying to cover for the culprit behind the serial murders.

“After Mandy died, you calculated the next victim before the second victim died. But you didn’t report that to the police...

“Steven, do you hate them, or are you trying to cover for the murderer? What was it... that made you decide to help the police? Was it because of my death?” | started to get emotional.

| wondered if Steven had not expected Stephanie to fall prey to the murderer. Was that why he blamed himself, felt guilty, and went crazy? Steven remained silent as he tightened his fists.

After a long time, he finally said, “Stephie... that doesn’t matter. Please stop asking.” “It doesn’t matter? | frowned at Steven. All of a sudden, | felt disappointed.

| couldn’t understand why my murderer would not matter. The key figure on this wall of clues would be Peter.

Steven wanted to expose Peter, but was my death simply a tiny unexpected accident that didn’t matter?