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Revenge After Death

Chapter 313
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Chapter 313 Damn it...

As the car was hit, | could still hear Zion cursing...

| felt warmth on my face. Looking up, | saw St face.

He was protecting me, holdingtightly. Blood dripped from his forehead, down his chin, and onto my face.

“Steven...” Perhaps because of the drugs, his consciousness was hazy.

“Zion... there are more of them!” | heard Eason’s panicked voice, which sounded distant.

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A dozen people got out of the truck that had crashed into us. Clearly, they were targeting Steven and me.

“Steven...” | panicked, calling out his nanxiously.

The deformed car door was forcefully ripped open. Eason and Zion were trapped and unable to escape.

“What are you doing? Police!” Eason shouted angrily, but those people seemed unfazed.

Steven and | were dragged out of the car, and blood blurred my vision.

“Steven...” Suddenly, someone hiton the head with a baton. The ringing in my ears grew louder as my consciousness slowly faded.

“Steven...” When | woke up again, my head was throbbing painfully.

| called out Steven’s name, but | couldn't see anything clearly in the darkness.

Suddenly, the lights in the warehouse lit up.

| saw the person who had walked in.

It was Dax Lincoln.

He was released? It seemed Ignatius used sconnections.

Dax was known for holding grudges. He must have been waiting to vent his anger.

My head ached terribly as | nervously looked around.

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That bastard tied my hands and feet. | couldn’t escape now...

“Bring him in Dax commanded in a deep voice as he pinched my chin.

His henchmen dragged the bloodled Steven from the other room and threw him to the side.

The effects of the drug hadn't yet worn off, and Steven was still unconscious.

“Dax!” | screamed, trying to get to Steven to check on him.

“What a pity...” Dax grabbed my hair and laughed hysterically. “You chose a lunatic. It's a shame.” “Dax! You kidnapped-" Dax slappedhard. | fell heavily to the ground, my vision darkening and my ears ringing again.

“Stephie...” Steven was awakened by the splash of cold water, and he called out my name.

Perhaps they knew Steven had been drugged and couldn't fight back due to his injuries, so they didn’t tie him up. They only pressed his head to the ground.

“Let him go...” | shouted anxiously, praying that Zion and Eason would find us soon.

Even if Dax were crazy, he wouldn't dare attack the police. Zion and Eason would definitely find us...

“Steven, you've been playing a deep game, huh?” Dax laughed, picking up a baton from the ground and hitting Steven's back hard. “You've been colluding with Ewan for a long time, right? You've been tunneling the Lincoln family, trying to take it over. You even planted a spy by my side to betray me!” Dax hit Steven hard with another baton.