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Reincarnated as an Energy with a System-Novel

Chapter 1363 Camina, Capital of Karadhan
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Chapter 1363  Camina, Capital of Karadhan

Ning arrived in the Caminar, the capital city of Karadhan, the country where the Godking ruled.

He first arrived at the top of the sky, looking down at the magnificent city. The architecture of the city reminded him of Egypt of earth, but not one from the twhen he was born but long before.

The uneven city was layered with buildings of a story or two at most with sharp rectangular buildings with only buildings having a golden or bronze dat the top.

Palm and date trees line the roads that were paved with black cobblestone. People walked around in white garbs mostly showing off slightly tanned skin with clothes that hid their hair.

Camels and horses pulled carriages with people riding on them, most of whom seemed to wear less clothes than other people. Even the women wore revealing clothes. They had their chest and nether regions properly hidden but everything else was only behind a thin linen cloth that did nothing to hide their appearance.

There were also large buildings made of marble and limestones in the distance at a height where one could oversee the entire city.

The city was cupped on both sides by two rivers, one of which was on the thinner side and the other one large.

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Ning watched the people in somewhat awe at the different cultures. He slowly flew down from the sky, and even before he was all the way down, a few people had already spotted him and surprisingly were attacking him.

Ning saw the image of a large green bird appear out of nowhere and it flew directly at Ning. Ning looked at the bird curiously, wondering what it was exactly. It was constructed with energy clearly, but Ning hadn't yet checked what sort of energy this plhad.

He simply flicked his fingers and produced a gust of wind that easily destroyed the bird before it could even cclose. He slowly cdown and saw a group of bare-chested soldiers pointing sharp spears at him.

Beyond them were a small number of men and women who were equally lacking in clothes, but were weirdly wearing gloves on their hands. They didn't seem afraid at all.

"Why did you attack me?" Ning asked the people.

"Anyone who dares enter intrude upon the Divine Palace is to be killed without question," one of the women in the small group beyond the soldiers spoke out loud. "Now, kill."

Soldiers ran forward with their spears pointed at Ning.

Ning stood where he was and dodged the first stab at him and grabbed the spear that was meant from his heart next.

He pulled on that spear and used it to part aside the next two spears that were meant for him. With the four soldiers in disarray, the other soldiers didn't manage to get to him and were easily thwarted. Suddenly an arrow of fire flew at Ning from the distance. Ning turned to the side, and let it fly past him. He looked toward the small group of people and saw that one of the people there had moved forward and was targeting him.

The man in his 30s had his right-hand glove taken off and there Ning saw 5 tattoos, one on each finger, right where the fingerprint usually was.

Ning's eyes narrowed at the sight and then saw the tattoo on the man's ring finger glow bright.

Suddenly, he felt wind gather around him, wrapping him in its clutches as though they were ropes that bound him.

"Interesting," Ning said and flexed simply to break open the binding. He struck 3 incoming spears from the soldiers in front of him and broke each of their spears with every single hit.

Ning then started hitting the soldiers with the back of the spear, knocking them each out one by one.

Just as Ning was dealing with the last few soldiers, rocks jutted out of the ground, sharp and fast. Ning's eyes widened as the soldiers he had knocked out were pierced by this rock, and killed instantly.

His eyes moved toward the man with the tattooed fingers whose index finger tattoo was now glowing. Seeing the man attack his own men made Ning angry.

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Ning flipped the spear in his hand and threw it in the man's direction so fast that the man had no tto block it at all. The spear pierced through the man's arm and dug into the ground behind him with a massive explosion of rock and dust.

Ning landed in front of the man and grabbed his throat before he could let out a pained scream. He stared down at the man in his grasp. "If you're going to try to kill me, then do so. Why are you killing these people who have nothing to do with me?"

"All intruders must die," the woman's voice cfrom the distance. A defensive wind barrier had formed around her at spoint, created by one of the people behind her. "Why must they die?" Ning asked her.

The woman's eyes narrowed slightly. "Why else? Because it is the decree of the Godking," she said. "Prepare your attacks. Holding Anukal won't stop us from killing you."

Ning threw the man in his hands to the side and stood still. "Con then, try it."

The woman grinned. "Attack!"

All sorts of attacks ranging from a fiery tornado and a lightning bolt to inducing pain and hypnosis landed on Ning at the stime. If it was any other person, that person would have most definitely died right then and there.

Thankfully, Ning was not just anyone.

Before the dust even settled, he walked out in front of the woman and stood before her, a head taller than her, looking down at her.

Finally, the woman's eyes showed fear. She took a step back, unable to believe that Ning hadn't taken a single scratch of damage.

"Ho… how?" she asked and looked back at his face. "Who are you?" "I am Ning," Ning said with a scornful voice. "And I'm the person who killed your Godking."