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Reincarnated as an Energy with a System

Chapter 1333: Randal Tarmon
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?Randal Tarmon stood by the window of the room he was allocated to on the 3rd floor of the Mayor's mansion. He watched down below at the vast city, still amused to see there was a city as large as the capital this far to the west.

Three girls lay in his bed, trying to sleep as they were tired from their journey. They needed sleep.

"Ran, come on. Come back to bed," one of the girls said. She usually had a sharp mouth around others, was quick to speak, and even quicker to insult. But around her husband, her words never reached that tone.

Her name was Bayona, daughter of the High prince of the kingdom of Azurage.

She was warm around Randal, like the glow of a morning sun, shining through a thick fog in the winter. Her voice was melodious and held a charm to it that was completely natural.

At the same time, she was also trained since a young age to fight, for a daughter of a high prince needed to learn how to protect herself.

"She's right, Ran," another girl spoke. She was the one with the white hair and was surprisingly the youngest of the three girls.

She was Sheriya, the daughter of the leader of the Dark Institution, a terrible yet frighteningly competent group of assassins who could get any and all jobs done.

Her father had been the leader for a long time, but one of his subordinates killed him and was going to kill her too. Had it not been her fortunate encounter with Randal all those years ago, she would've most likely been dead by now.

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The cause of her white hair had been a side effect of a medicine that Randal had to feed her to save her from death when they were stranded in the Southern marshes, trying to find and kill the new leader of the Dark Institution.

The both of them had nearly succumbed to their death at the time, but miraculously, Randal had saved her with a timely medicine that he never told how he came to make.

She had married Randal that very moment when he saved her, speaking her vows out loud as it was custom in their assassin group. Randal had still insisted on having a proper ceremony later on.

"What are you even doing there, honey?" the third girl asked. She was one with light blonde hair, and the princess to the throne of Icelit Empire. She was also an excellent knight and a master at using the very rare Ice Essence core she was born with.

Her name was Gallena, and her marriage with Randal had been one of convenience at first, but slowly love had blossomed between them and had become far closer.

Randal turned around and smiled at his 3 wives. How lucky was he?

He had never imagined he would get a wife so pretty as any one of them, and he had three now. Sometimes, it felt surreal.

He was a nobody in this life. He was born in the Snowden Empire, in a village to the east. At the age of 7, his memories of his past life had returned to him.

He had been from a world far worse than this one, with humans living in settlements in a snowy region of their planet. He hadn't even known there were planets until this life.

He was a nobody in his past life, and a nobody in this life as well. But, time and time again, he had proved himself, doing better and better until he was where he stood.

And it was all thanks to the wonderful voice that spoke in his ears whenever he needed to. The voice that called itself a System.

Randal walked back to the bed, but he didn't get into the blankets. He turned around toward the window as if looking for something.

"There is… something in this city," Randal answered. "Something that should not exist, and yet somehow it does."

"What does?" Gallena asked from the corner of the bed, clutching the ends of her blanket tighter. As far as she knew, her husband was the strongest man to live in the entire Blueflame continent, not counting the Divine beasts.

If he said there was something amiss, then they had better be careful.

Randal couldn't answer their question. They knew about the system, but no matter how he had explained it to them, they couldn't make any sense of it.

"Let's just wait, I'll know soon enough," Randal said. As soon as he finished, a voice spoke in his head.

<Anomaly analyzed>

His ears perked up at the sound, even though the sound had been in his head.

<There is a spatial pocket created to the northwest of the city, one not made using Essence.>

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"A Spatial pocket created without Space Essence?" Randal frowned. "A natural spatial pocket or…"

He wasn't asking the system. The system had given him all the answers he could hope for. Now, it was time for him to investigate.

"I will be leaving for a bit," Randal said, standing up. "I will be back soon."

"Husband, this feels dangerous," Sheriya said.

Randal smiled. "Just wait for me, my darlings. I will be back in a second."

A light appeared in front of him, silvery-white, which coalesced into a portal that appeared directly outside the location of the spatial pocket.

He walked into the portal and appeared on the bright road with a sign that stood in front of him on the building.

"Heeran's love?" Randal frowned. "Isn't that…"

He looked up to the roof, sensing some sort of presence there. "A thief?" he thought but quickly forgot about it. He needed to investigate the phenomenon that had created the spatial pocket.

"So it really wasn't created with Space Essence, huh?" he thought and stepped to the door. He was surprised to see the door open so easily. The lock had been cut down.

Now that was curious.

He most definitely needed to see what lay inside of this Spatial pocket.