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Reincarnated Princess Wishes To Avoid Death-Novel

Chapter 566
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Chapter 566

Miabels Revenge Begins Maybe?

Wow, Miss Mias amazing

After finishing his breakfast, Malong went outside to feed his horse.

She said that since she had done sresearch beforehand, it was possible to recover. Honestly, she really is great.

Malong respected people like his Father Mayun, who properly thought through things and made advance preparations. Follow current novᴇls on novelenglish.net

However, if you think about it properly, it seems to have been the Chaos Serpents doing. I heard about this mysterious group just the other day. It is somehow connected to the Fire Clan. Miss Rafina and Miss Mia have been fighting against this heretic cult for a while. I never noticed that during my tat the Saint Noel Academy.

Miss Mia seemed to be riding the horse without much thought, but sometimes it did seem like she was riding as if she was desperate. Perhaps it was because she was thinking of this fight.

After feeding and brushing his horse, Malong suddenly tilted his head in puzzlement.


He felt a presence behind him. When he turned around to look, he saw Rafina standing still, looking like she wanted to say something.

Oh, Miss Rafina. Good morning. Did you sleep well? asked Malong with a smile.

Rafina looked at Malong, and when their eyes met, she immediately looked away. Perhaps she was worried about something, as she was fidgeting with her beautiful hair, looking anxious.

Good morning, Malong-san. Rafina replied in a small voice.

Malong found it strange and thought, Perhaps she is still worried or is it something else?

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Malong was a little concerned and gently placed his hand on Rafinas forehead.


Rafina let out a little scream and jumped in surprise.

Hmm, do you have a slight fever? Perhaps you caught a cold last night?

No, thats not true. I dont have a fever, so dont worry.

Rafina replied in a slightly raised voice after stepping back one or two steps.

Malong finally looked convinced and said, Well, I hope yesterday was a good change of pace. That being said, Im going to ask for your help today, Miss Rafina. I dont think Miss Mia will be able to help at todays Chiefs Meeting.

Eh? Why is that?

As Rafina looked confused, Malong explained to her the meaning of Mias entry into the castle yesterday.

I see. To think that such a mistake was made yesterday.

After Rafina heard that, she finally returned to her usual calm expression.

Miss Mia did say that we could make a recovery, but I think we also need to act on our own. Having said that, I am just the son of the Chief, so there is a limit to what I can do.

The Meeting of Chiefs was essentially a discussion conducted between the Chiefs of the Twelve Clans. This time, due to the course of events and Malongs deep involvement in the matter, he had been permitted to participate. However, Malong was extremely concerned about the extent to which his opinions would be heard or considered.

In that respect, I think the words of the Holy Saint of Belluga will carry weight and will not be ignored. Im sorry, but I will be relying on you. Please lendyour help.

Malong bowed deeply and Rafina responded with a nod and a cool smile.

Yes, of course. I will do everything in my power to resolve the tragic fate of the Equestrian Kingdom. By the way

Rafinas expression then changed completely. She had a slightly troubled and pitiable look on her face.

Um its about what happened yesterday. If possible, Id like you not to tell anyone about it.

Hmm? Oh, thats fine, but

Rafinas face instantly lit up upon hearing his reply, but

Ah, but Ive already talked to that girl.

Rafina froze upon hearing the words that followed.

B-but whom? Whom did you tell?

Its to that girl who is with Miss Mia. The one called Bel.

Rafinas body swayed, and a silent scream escaped her lips.

After a long time, the opportunity for Miabel to take revenge on the Empress Prelate Rafina may have arrived. But well, that was not a matter of significance.

In the central portion of the Southern Capital stood a relatively large building named Great Horse Castle. It was a moderately sized mansion built by Fuuma, the Chief of the Mountain Clan. The architectural style was strongly influenced by the Remno Kingdom and seemed to include sfunctionality of a battle fortress.

Anyway, what an unfortunate name.

Great Horse Castle

Mia felt dizzy at the strange naming sense.

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At the very least, they should have used an Equestrian Kingdom-style name. It seems like they tried too hard to use a foreign-sounding name. It feels almost unbearable to stay here any longer.RE????d updated st????ries at n/????vel/bin(.)com

Incidentally, Mias naming sense was also quite peculiar, considering she had named her horse Silver Moon and her grand-daughter Miabel. However, she had conveniently tossed aside that fact from her memory.

Mia discovered something as she passed through the mansions gate: a gigantic statue of a horse overlooking her.

Oh! What a wonderful sculpture. Theyve done an incredible job. It could be a big help in improving the quality of my horse-shaped bread.

Mia had approached the statue to observe it closely when she suddenly noticed the title of the horse statue.

Dedicated to my beloved daughter Falling Dew a.k.a. Rakuro. Hmm, the nof the horse sounds Equestrian Kingdom-like, but beloved daughter Read Web s Online Free - Fire Fire -

Mia looked up at the horse statue again and nodded to herself.

It doesnt matter toeither way, but whether its Father, or other powerful people, why do they always wish to erect statues of their own daughters? There must be a more meaningful way to spend money.

Just like that, Mia was lamenting the folly of the powerful people of the world.


A voice called out to Mia from behind.

When she turned around, there was a young girl standing there. She was around the sage as Mia. The girl had tied her black hair which was characteristic of the Equestrian Kingdom in a cute foreign ribbon. She had slightly lifted up the hem of her skirt.

My nis Xiaolei. I am the daughter of the Mountain Clan Chief, Fuuma. She said with an awkward smile.

Please be kind to me. My nis Mia Luna Tearmoon. I am the princess of the Tearmoon Empire.

Mia responded with the attitude of a perfect princess.

When Xiaolei saw that, she exclaimed, A real life princess.

She stared at Mia with a shocked expression, then quickly shook her head and turned away, gesturing for Mia to follow her.

Ah, um, Father has askedto show you around. Please cthis way.