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Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan

Chapter 691: Anticipation & Combat Training
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Inside a dark and gloomy cave.

Shimura Danzō, who got rid of the pursuit of Konoha Anbu, was hiding here. Although he managed to escape, his mood wasn’t very good. With gloomy eyes, he glanced at his chest which was pierced by Kakashi not long ago. Seeing that it had fully recovered as if he didn’t suffer any attack, he finally heaved a sigh and snorted coldly, “Who would have thought that Kakashi would be able to hurt me… Hatake Sakumo’s son seems to have finally grown up… and Uchiha Itachi… although only for a brief moment, Itachi was able to put me in his Genjutsu, despite the difference in our Visual Prowess!

To be honest, I knew that Uchiha Itachi would be a threat for sure… but Kakashi? I never expected that he would reach this level after just a few months of training…!”

Danzō was really surprised that Kakashi was able to injure him. Heck, from start to finish, Danzō never even considered Kakashi a threat, so this was really beyond his expectations.

It mustn’t be forgotten that the current Danzō is one of the strongest Shinobis in this world. Whether it’s his speed, responsiveness, or insight, everything is top-notch. Heck, even Yondaime Raikage, who claims to be the fastest shinobi in the world, can’t hold a candle against him. And the same Danzō was surprised by Kakashi’s speed!

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Thinking of Kakashi’s speed, Danzō was caught off guard and even thought of the man who was once known as the fastest shinobi in the world while he was alive, Konoha’s Yellow Flash and Yondaime Hokage Namikaze Minato.

After a while, he smiled evilly and muttered to himself, “At any rate, my purpose was achieved… No matter the process, I was injured because of a problem in my ‘soul’. Team Rō will definitely pass on this information to the village. Hopefully, Homusubi also learns of it, believes it this time, and comes after me.”

Although the situation didn’t play out exactly as he intended, his purpose was still achieved. And because it was completely real and not fake, Danzō believes that Amatsukami might not be able to see through the deceit, and Homusubi will very likely come after him.

As for the hole in his chest that he suffered, Danzō didn’t worry about it all that much. He has the Chimera Buds inside his body, and the Chimera Buds will protect him. Moreover, Danzō also has Hashirama Cells implanted in his body; these cells have amazing recovery ability, so Danzō’s injury has almost healed, and there is nothing to worry about.

In fact, his injury could have healed long ago, but Danzō suppressed it and chose to deliberately leave behind a trail of blood so that Konoha Anbu would think that he was injured. All just to create an illusion for Homusubi to think that currently, he is very weak and a perfect target to kill.

Thinking of all that he has done, Danzō thought to himself in anticipation and excitement, “Homusubi… I am waiting… I want to see how much can you resist!”

Immediately after that, his face turned hideous, and intense wailing and screaming resounded in the cave….


It was as if something was affecting his sanity, causing him to show a multitude of expressions he won’t show normally. After a long while, the wailing finally subsided, and Danzō, with heavy breaths and a sweaty body, roared viciously, “You lowly scums… you dare try to take control of my body! Just wait… as soon as I kill Homusubi and get the higher-level Dōjutsu, the first threat I am going to deal with will be you all, you pieces of trash…! The day I evolve my Dōjutsu, it will be doomsday for all of you!”

Ancor Vantian

While Danzō was laying plans to bring out Homusubi from her hiding, Kuroto, being completely unaware of Danzō’s intentions, was in Ancor Vantian. Currently, his soul resided inside the body of the blonde reverse trap—Earth Chakra Nature Clone Sample 2.

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Looking at her work, she smiled in joy and satisfaction, “It seems I am not as untalented as I thought when it comes to art, umu.”

Well… she is looking at the different creatures she created using explosive clay. She has crafted all kinds of shapes that might prove useful in battles, such as spiders for espionage and sneak attacks, centipedes, birds, ants, and bugs, as well as some other shapes.

Of course, no matter how good the shapes were, they were nowhere near as good as the ones Deidara makes on the spot while engaged in battle. But it didn’t matter, and to be honest, she was totally fine with it. She knows that when it comes to art, she won’t ever be as good as him, so she simply gave up on being as good as him.

Although she would prefer to be as artistic as Deidara if she can’t, then she can’t; there’s no helping it. Being aware of the fact that she won’t be able to shape the clay in battle, she decided to shape them beforehand and keep them stacked. This will also save her a lot of time while in battle.

Of course, keeping them stacked beforehand and not creating them on the spot will reduce her flexibility in battle. She won’t be able to deal with all kinds of situations since she is limited by the resources she can use. But this isn’t such a big problem; she can always rely on her other trump cards.

“Well, even if I say this, the most important thing in a battle is mobility. Using clay birds, I can perform airborne raids, and I would definitely hate to give up this advantage. This means, no matter what, I must have more than three to four clay birds that I can use at a moment’s notice. At least until I learn how to fly using the ‘Light-Weight Rock Technique,’ so I have to keep the clay birds stacked. And the next most important thing is the Clay Clone. I have to make sure to keep several Clay Clones with me so that I don’t run out of them in the midst of the battle!” she muttered as she continued to prepare more and more shapes.

After she had everything prepared, she stored everything in several storage scrolls and put them inside her Shinobi Bag.

Of course, she has to be careful and not store too much in a single scroll, lest they explode. As everyone knows, explosive clay is quite unstable, so one has to take some caution while carrying it.

After she had everything stored, she left the shaping room that was specifically created to store the explosive clay and paced toward the training facility of the Ancor Vantian.

“It’s time for some combat training for this clone…”