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Reborn : Space Intelligent Woman

Chapter 1914: Met An Acquaintance
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Chapter 1914: Met An Acquaintance

After Liang Mo Han becstable, Yu Qi moved him out of Sere while he was sleeping. He was placed in the room next to Ren Qian Qi. The next morning, Ren Qian Yi finally met Liang Mo Han. He already stood up and walked around. "Yo... Third Brother." Ren Qian Yi greeted Liang Mo Han.

Liang Mo Han could not stand up yet and was feeling annoyed. "I thought I would not see you anymore." Ren Qian Yi laughed.

"I have not married yet. How can I die?" Liang Mo Ha replied.

"Well, you also don't have a girlfriend yet." Ren Qian Yi added a wound to the injury. "Hmm... It is not like you have one." Liang Mo Han stated. "Well, I already have one candidate. She just does not agree to my approach yet." Ren Qian Yi grinned.

"What? Who is the girl?" Liang Mo Han was eager to know about the girl.

Ren Qian Yi just grinned. "Hehe... Just wait. I will introduce her to you later." Long Hui entered the room and saw the two brothers talking. "How is your condition?" Long Hui asked.

"Second Brother, who do you ask?" Ren Qian Yi asked.

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"Both of you." Long Hui said.

"As you can see, I already can walk around." Ren Qian Yi stood up and walked around in a circle.

"I am feeling fine right now. I probably can walk within two days." Liang Mo Han said. "Second Brother, hear this, Fourth Brother toldthat he had been wooing someone."

Long Hui's expression did not change at all. "Yeah. I noticed that.

"Wait. Second Brother, you know?" Ren Qian Yi was surprised. "What do you think? Thinking I am not seeing what you have done for this past half year?" Long Hui raised his eyebrow.

"So, the woman you are currently chasing is from the military too. I see... I see." Liang Mo Han nodded in understanding.

Yu Qi appeared and checked on Liang Mo Han. She was satisfied with the progress of Liang Mo Han's recovery. "The poison is already out of your body. However, your body suffered a lot of injuries. So, it takes a long tbefore you are fully recovered." Yu Qi said. "I am grateful to be alive. What more to ask?" Liang Mo Han stated.

"I think it is about tforto return home. I only asked for one week off." Yu Qi said.

"You are leaving already?" Long Hui asked.

"Hmm..." Yu Qi nodded.

"I cannot leave yet." Long Hui was sulking. "Then you should finish your work and cback soon." Yu Qi leaned over and whispered in Long Hui's ear. "I will be waiting." Long Hui's eyes went widened. He already imagined something. "Okay. I will finish the work here and rush home." Long Hui nodded.

Yu Qi smiled. Liang Mo Han and Ren Qian Yi were watching them. They were fed with sdog food again. Yu Qi packed her things. There was nothing much because she put much of them inside the Sere.

Long Hui arranged the private jet for Yu Qi to return to Binhai Nation. Long Hui sent her to the airport and went back. He had a lot of work to settle before he could return home. So, Yu Qi walked alone to her gate. While she was walking, she was greeted by someone from behind. "Miss Tang..." Someone talked to her in Helios Language. Yu Qi turned around and saw Angelica Ruston there. "Thank goodness. I am not getting the wrong person." Angelica Ruston said.

"Miss Angelica... What are you doing here? Are you travelling somewhere?" Yu Qi was surprised to see Angelica Ruston here. "Just callAngelica." Angelice Ruston said.

"I see. Then, please call me, Yu Qi." Yu Qi smiled.

"Well, to answer your previous question, I am here to pick up my granduncle." Angelica Ruston answered.

"Granduncle?" Yu Qi tilted her head.

"Yeah. Well, he is my grandfather's youngest brother." Angelica Ruston explained. "Oh, I see." Yu Qi nodded.

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"Are you going back hright now?" Angelica Ruston asked.

"Yes." Yu Qi nodded.

"Then, the poison..." Angelica Ruston's eyes were shining.

"Hmm... It had been detoxified." Yu Qi said.

"Hmm... Yu Qi, can I see you again in the future? I am interested to learn about those ancient poisons." Angelica Ruston was particularly begging to Yu Qi.

"Well, I mean why not. You can cand findat Binhai Nation. Just givea call. I will entertain you." Yu Qi said.

Angelica Ruston was happy to hear that. She once again confirmed Yu Qi's number and email that was given to her. She could not wait to go there and talk about the ancient poison. "Lica." Someone called Angelica Ruston.

Angelica Ruston turned and saw the granduncle that she was waiting for.

"Granduncle, you are already here." Angelica Ruston said. "Hmm... I cannot find you anywhere. So, I walk out myself." The granduncle said.

"I am sorry. I lost track of ttalking to my friend." Angelica Ruston said. She then turned to Yu Qi. "Yu Qi, this is my granduncle. Granduncle, this is my new friend from Binhai Nation, Tang Yu Qi." "Mr Noel?" Yu Qi was surprised to see a familiar face in front of her right now.

"Miss Tang?" The granduncle that Angelica Ruston waiting for was Noel Ruston. A man who happened to be a secret admirer of Yu Qi's grandmother.