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Reborn : Space Intelligent Woman

Chapter 1894: Got A Call To Return Home
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Chapter 1894: Got A Call To Return Home

"Do you smoke inside the warehouse?" The supervisor asked again. "No. We don't." The guards shook their heads.

"It must be someone from the outside who wants to harm our company." Bai Shu Jin said.

"Let's wait for the result of the investigation." He added.

Bai Shu Jin frowned as he looked at the warehouse. He knew that their company had a lot of enemies. But no one dared to do something direct like this. Were they not afraid that they might get caught?

He already informed his father about this. His father told him to handle the thing over here. Well, he would use this chance to meet with Yu Qi. ....

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Yi Meirin was just about to eat when she received a call. She glanced over and saw it was from her father. She quickly grabbed the phone and answered the call. She did not dare to make her father wait any longer. If someone else, she would go and finish eating first before getting back with the person who called her earlier.

"Yes, Father. Is there something that you want to talk toabout?" Yi Meirin asked.

"Tellwhat did you do for the past few days?" Yi Meirin's father, Yi Mingli asked.

"Huh? What am I doing? I am here at the campus." Yi Meirin stated.

"Don't you dare lie to me? When I went to sign the contract that was worth 10 million, the person in charge toldthat they would not do business with us anymore. When I asked why, he toldto ask my daughter what she did. So, then tell me. What did you do? Who did you offend?" Yi Mingli shouted at her daughter.

Yi Meirin froze. She then remembered what she had done before. That was impossible. Yu Qi would not dare to do something like that.

"Cback hnow. We will talk face-to-face about this. If you don't chwithin 1 hour, you can stay away from this family." Yi Mingli said.

"No! No! I will go hright now." Yi Meirin said.

Yi Mingli did not want to talk anymore. He ended the call right away. Yi Meirin was panicked right now. She forgot the food that had been served on the table. She grabbed her bag, put the important thing in the bag and headed out.

When she was about to get out from the room, Deng Roulan was just about to enter the room. Deng Roulan almost collided with the hurry Yi Meirin. She managed to avoid that.

"What the hell..." Deng Roulan said.

As for Yi Meirin, she did not say anything but left in hurry. Deng Roulan was speechless.

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"She does not even know to apologize." Deng Roulan frowned. She noticed that Yu Meirin seemed to be rushed. So, she did not want to stop her. Yi Meirin had a car. So, she drove the car back to her house. She did not realize that she was speeding. So, she ended up being told by the traffic policemen who was happened to see her speeding.

Yi Meirin was scared to be told by the traffic policeman to stop. The policeman asked her for her identity card and license certificate. The policeman checked and did not find anything wrong with her identity card. Even the license certificate was still valid, not expired. The policeman checked Yi Meirin's information in his database. It seemed it was Yi Meirin's first tdoing something like this. Yi Meirin begged the policeman not to give her at ticket for speeding. She even cried saying there was an emergency at house. That was why she was speeding. The policeman beca soft hearted person when he heard about Yu Meirin's situation. So, he let Yi Meirin go with just a verbal warning. Yi Meirin thanked him while a smile. When the policeman turned his back to Yi Meirin, Yi Meirin's face expression changed. She rolled her eyes. She was angry at this policeman.

She was going to be late and that was because of this policeman. After the policeman left, Yi Meirin once again speeding without care. She arrived hafter 15 minutes late. She rushed entering the house. She could see that people were waiting for her at the living room.

 Her father, her mother, her brother, her sister and her younger brother were waiting for her. All of the family members were here.

"I am sorry. The road have heavy traffic today." Yi Meirin said. "I don't want to hear the excuse." Yi Mingli said.

"Dear, let's hear what she wants to say first before making the decision." Her mother, Huang Liqiu calmed down her husband.

"Let's hear about that." Yi Mingli glared at Yi Meirin. "Tell me. Who do you offend recently?" Yi Meirin bit her lips. She did not want to say it. And the post was being posted by anonymous. There was not her. Yi Meirin was kind of stupid about this technology. She did not know only a few clicks, then everything would be revealed. "If you don't want to talk anymore. Fine. Get out of my house!" Yi Mingli was furious when he saw Yi Meirin kept silent. "Meirin, you should tell us. Only from that, we can decide our next movement." Yi Meirin's sister, Yi Mingxia spoke up.

"Our company is having trouble because of you. Can you be more obedient?" Yi Meirin's brother, Yi Mingwei said.