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Rebirth of the Wife in Despair by Tess Munoz

Chapter 278
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Chapter 278 I Am Not Your Only Choice

Eileen raised her cup and took a sip of the cold water. As she heard his words, her sleepiness slowly

faded. away. Lost in her thoughts, she listened to the ticking of the pendulum clock in the living room.

Five seconds passed.

With a calm gaze, she looked at Jasper, her lips slightly pursed as she spoke in an unruffled tone,

“Alright. Do you want me to temporarily move out?”

Eileen remained incredibly calm, and Jasper couldn’t detect any signs of resentment or unhappiness in

her demeanor.

In truth, she had noticed it too. The warmth that once existed in Jasper’s eyes was gone. Now, when

he looked at her, it was as if he was looking at a stranger, with a hint of scrutiny as if he wanted to see

right through her.

His sudden change in attitude did not come without reason.

These days, he rarely came home, and when he did, it was usually in the middle of the night.

Deep down, Eileen knew the answer. She had experienced it herself. How can one easily forget

someone they once loved so deeply and passionately?

Moreover, Nancy hadn’t done anything wrong.

Jasper looked at Eileen with his jet-black eyes, but he didn’t continue the conversation in the direction

Eileen was leading.

Eileen nodded, a slight curve forming at the corners of her lips. “You don’t need to feel anything else. I

respect your decision. I’m going to rest in my room now. You should also get some sleep soon.”

Upstairs, she entered the unlit room.

Sitting at the end of the bed, she finished the water in her hand in one gulp.

Eileen looked towards the dressing table. A figure emerged from the darkness, sitting in front of the

chair, but she still couldn’t see her face clearly. “If you’re feeling upset, just let it out and cry. You don’t

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

have to force yourself, Lenie. In my eyes, you’ll always be a child.”

Eileen lowered her head to look at the water cup in her hand, drawing circles at the bottom of the cup

with her finger. “I’m not upset because I’ve done what I wanted to do. Mom… I’ve always wanted to be

an excellent painter like you. I want to follow in your footsteps and keep going forever. Father has never

supported my choice. Will you support me no matter what I do?”

“Of course, Lenie. Remember, don’t be too hard on yourself. Do whatever you want to do…”

“Thank you, Mom!”

Meow. It leaped down from the chair in front of the dressing table, sniffing Eileen’s scent. Then it

jumped up again, landing on Eileen’s lap, rolling over onto its back, seeking her touch.

Last night, Eileen didn’t sleep well. When she came downstairs, she was surprised to see Jasper at the

dining table, along with Layla, who was dressed in old, somewhat tattered clothes.

The wall clock chimed, marking the precise arrival of seven o’clock.



The housekeeper looked at the person coming down the stairs and called out, “Ms. Eileen.”

“Eileen, come join me for some breakfast.”

“Alright.” Eileen nodded, descending the stairs. Jasper, dressed in light-colored casual attire, was

sitting on the couch, reading today’s newspaper while sipping his coffee.

Layla asked, “How did you sleep?”

Eileen replied, “It was fine.”

Layla’s expression suddenly turned serious. Her eyes were filled with tender affection. Holding Eileen’s

hand, she said, “Richie has already told me about the postponement of the engagement party. I came

early just to ask you if you truly agree. If you want to proceed with the engagement ceremony with

Richie, just give me a nod. No matter what he says, I will make sure he’s there even if he doesn’t want

to go.”

Jasper put down the newspaper in his hand and stood up from the couch. “We’re just postponing the

engagement party for now. The date on the invitations can be changed.” As he turned around, his gaze

remained on Eileen as if trying to discern something from her.

Layla scolded him, “Shut up. I didn’t ask for your opinion! Don’t forget that you begged for this marriage

yourself. Now the whole Hulbury knows about it. You think you can just call it off? Have you considered

what people outside will say? Have you thought about Eileen’s feelings?”

Layla rarely spoke to Jasper in such a tone.

Eileen lowered her gaze, feeling as if her throat was filled with cotton. After a long and thoughtful

silence. she finally said, “I think Jasper probably hasn’t made up his mind yet. He may have his own

reasons for temporarily calling off the engagement. After all, this is a matter concerning his entire life. I

agree to temporarily call off the engagement. I’ll have a proper talk with my father about it. He won’t

have any objections. Besides, I’m about to take my exams now, and I don’t want to be distracted by

anything else. Can we discuss it again after I’m done with my exams, please?”

Layla didn’t say anything further. She was afraid that Eileen’s nonchalant demeanor was just a facade,

a show of strength. She was certain that Eileen must be hurting inside. When she looked at Eileen, her

eyes were filled with sorrow.

After breakfast, Layla asked Jasper to drive and take Eileen to school.

He responded nonchalantly, without making any excuses.

Eileen settled into the passenger seat, fastening her seatbelt. Only then did he slowly step on the

accelerator, driving smoothly all the way.

When the light turned red, the car came to a stop.

Jasper rolled down the car window, lit a cigarette, and rested his hand on the window frame “Regarding

the temporary cancellation of the engagement, I need a few days to think it over, but the promise I

made to you won’t change”

“Affection is straightforward. It’s either present or it’s not. Emotions aren’t as complex as they’re often

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perceived to be. Regardless of our engagement status, I deeply appreciate all that you’ve done for me

in the past. Eileen looked at the road ahead, twirling the ring on her right middle finger.

This was the ring that Jasper had taken her to pick out on the third day after they sent out the

invitations She easily removed the ring.


“Jasper… I’m not a child anymore, you know. Even though you’re a few years older than me, there are

things that I understand perfectly well. You haven’t really let her go, have you? If you truly love her,

then win her back and be with her properly because I… I’m not your only option.”

When Eileen uttered these words, she did so with genuine emotion, as she too would experience.


However, she rarely displayed these emotions now.

She placed the ring on the table between them. “I couldn’t say anything earlier when Grandma was

present, but now I am returning it to you.”

Jasper stared at the ring, his expression suddenly turning dark. The frustration and fear he had

suppressed for so long finally erupted in this moment. As soon as the traffic light turned green, he

pulled the car over to the side and flicked the cigarette butt from his hand.

“So, are you threatening me? If we can’t proceed with our engagement as planned, you’re going to


“You no longer need me, do you? Your leg has healed, and you have regained full control over your

emotions. Besides our social status, I have no reason to stay with you.”

She wore an innocent expression, as harmless as a lamb. It was this very innocence that had once

easily deceived him, making him dance to her tune.

All she had done for such a long time was a performance she had directed herself, aiming to become

Mrs. Smith and gain control over the Smith family’s resources for her partner.
