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Rebirth of the Wife in Despair by Tess Munoz

Chapter 251
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Chapter 251 This Is Just Too Strange

The next day, early in the morning.


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The text in one corner of the newspaper read: Chandler, in an attempt to evade the law, ingested lye

while in prison. Unexpectedly, he died due to an overdose of the substance.

The bustling streets, filled with traffic, were crowded with commuters rushing to catch the subway, each

clutching the same edinon of the newspaper. Yet, no one paid much attention to the inconspicuous

news tucked away in the corner.

It was Friday today, and Eileen got up relatively late with no plans to go out.

The housekeeper took out this morning’s newspaper from the mailbox and, following Jasper’s habit.

placed it on the coffee table. Eileen, dressed in her school uniform, came out of the kitchen with a cup

of orange juice and happened to see the newspaper. She casually picked it up and took a look.

The housekeeper greeted, “Mr. Jasper.

Jasper, burtoning his sleeve, descended from upstairs. His figure was upright as always, looking

handsome. If you don’t want to go back to school, you don’t have to. I can hire the best private tutor for

you. Studying at home can be just as effective

“It’s okay. I can’t just stay at home all day doing nothing.

Eileen saw it.

Chandler died in prison, having swallowed lye in an attempt to evade his punishment

She stepped forward without any change in her expression, feeling rather emotionless deep down.

Regarding Chandler’s death, Eileen was somewhat surprised. Ifast he injured by Jasper at the hotel

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and sent to the hospital? Was it said that he didn’t make it?

Now, once again, she learned about him through the newspaper.

Did Jasper send someone to do this?

Swallowing lve?

He is not Eric… Eileen swiftly waved the thought away.

She moved forward to adjust the brooch on Jasper’s chest-the diamond-edged centerpiece was a red

gem, with a chain dangling and swaying on his chest-it made the man in front of her seem even more

extraordinarily precious.

“What’s wrong? Are you feeling unwell?” Jasper noticed something off about her mood and reached

out to touch Eileen’s forehead.

flis gaze fell on the newspaper on the coffee table.

The expression was dark and unreadable.

“No, it’s just that I’m worried. The last time I returned to school, there happened to be a test. Today, the

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Chapter 251 This Is Just Too Strange


+15 File Cons

things to do?

Eileen walked her own path, seldom engaging with others. She didn’t want Natalie to become too

reliant on her. She believed that those who got too involved with her would not end well. She

remembered how Eric had once used Natalie to threaten her. That was why she dared not make

friends with anyone.

She feared that anyone could become her vulnerability.

Jasper watched her walk into the school gate until she was out of sight, then he withdrew his gaze with

a smile. Whose daughter is that

Fabian replied. The Scott family.

“Which Scott family”

Fabian responded. I also found out not long ago, quite by accidem, that Old Mrs. Smith recently sought

the expertise of a livestock specialist. The unfortunate thing is… that specialist happens to be the father

of Ms. Eileen’s friend.

Jispers lips curved into a faint smile. “It’s the first time I’ve seen Eileen with a look on her face that

wants to be angry but can’t. She did something I didn’t dare to do,”

Fabian stated, “Mr. Smith… Should we investigate the person around Ms. Eileen? I fear her intentions

for getting close to Ms. Eileen might not be pure.

Jasper responded. “No need, just drive. She can figure it out on her own.

If Eileen really didn’t like her, things wouldn’t have happened like that just now.

Moreover, over the past few days, Jasper had been picking her up from school. He had also noticed

her. always waiting for Eileen….

Having a friend by her side is actually quite pleasant.

The thing Jasper feared the most was Eileen feeling lonely at school. She was naturally introverted and

disliked talking. He couldn’t always be there with her, and he was afraid that she might end up like he

used to be.

Whenever he thought of the scar on Eileen’s wrist, even if she tried to conceal it, he was not oblivious.

All sorts of things, and they all revolved around the adopted son of the Swan family….

It appears he’s more compler than I initially thought.

Smith Corporation

CEO’s office

Jasper stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, and Fabian expressed his surprise. “Lye: Before he

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was sent to prison, I explicitly ordered that no one was to see him. How did Chandler obtain that packet

of 1ye

Jasper touched the watch on his wrist and lowered his head, lost in thought. “Find out who has

encountered Chandler these past few days, and report back to me in half an hour.”

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Chapter 251 This Is Just Too Strange

The morning, Eileen’s face turned pale after reading the newspaper. Clearly… she knows something.

Eileen seemed to be very afraid, resisting him.

Otherwise, why would she leave the mansion, not even wanting to stay in her own home?

Fabian nodded. “Understood”

Soon. Fabian quickly discovered.


The surveillance footage captured a black sedan heading towards Hulbury’s Hepta Prison and


The person who exited the car was none other than Eric

Indeed, it was him

Fabian said, “The surveillance shows that he spent a total of an hour inside. What’s strange is that he

met with Chandler alone in the interrogation room. During that hour, aside from his assistant, no one

knows what they discussed. Then, dying the very next day. That’s just too suspicious

Jasper lowered his head, a mocking and sarcastic smile playing on his lips “A wolf in sheep’s clothing! I

should have suspected. He’s not as simple as he appears. I suspect the repeated incidents with Eileen

are all somehow connected to him. Go and find our what he’s been up to all these years at the Swan


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