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Pursuing my ex wife isnt easy

Chapter 3079
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Chapter 3079

Luna peeked through the crack in the door.

John, dressed in a hospital gown, sat up in his bed and ate while speaking to Robyn. "Did Miss Moore really say


Robyn nodded. "I also bumped into the woman who bought you this lunch at the elevators just now. You won't

believe this, but she's related to Miss Moore! They're cousins by marriage!"

John's hand froze mid-air, clearly surprised. He chuckled and asked, ’Really? What a coincidence."

"You're right! The world is such a small place!" Robyn nodded. "Not only that, but since they're cousins by marriage,

she's also related to the man you saved last night.

I think his name is..."

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Luna's heart leaped to her throat when she heard this.

She had committed a foolish mistake. She would have never mentioned Gwen’s name if only she had known John

was the man who had rescued Gwen's father!

They were so close to blowing their cover!

At the thought of this, she could not help glancing at Tara with a frown.

Tara was also at fault. If she had come clean about John and Andy earlier, Luna would not have revealed so much

information to Robyn accidentally!

It was too late; she already revealed the identity of the man whom John had saved to Robyn.

All she could hope for was that Robyn misheard or could not remember Gwen and Andy's names properly.

"I can't remember, but his surname is Lar...Lar...something?" Robyn furrowed her brow in concentration.

John could not help chuckling as he watched her struggle with her memory. "It's okay if you don't remember. It

doesn't really matter anyway."

Luna let out a sigh of relief. Thank God John did not seem too bothered to know Andy's name.

"I’ve got it!" Robyn exclaimed all of a sudden. "I don't know the man's name, but I remember the name of the

man's daughter!"

John raised his brow at her. "What's her name, then?"

Luna's breath caught in her throat.

If John found out Gwen was also in Sharnwick City, everything would be ruined!

Tara closed her eyes as a chill ran down her spine.

If John were to find out about everything. Joshua and Luke would be furious, and she would have a hard time

explaining herself. They would surely blame her for messing everything up, and she would get in trouble with her

father, too...

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

At the thought of this, Tara felt like she was about to burst into tears.

"Andie Larson!" Robyn exclaimed.

Tara and Luna both froze.

John, too, froze in shock when he heard this. "Andie Larson? " he repeated with a frown. "Why does it sound like a

man's name?"

"No, it doesn't." Tara pursed her lips. "A-n-d-i-e, probably. I think maybe it's short for something else. Yes, that's her

name. I'm sure of it! I remember them saying this!"

Tara, with her eyes still fixated on the two people in the room, inched closer to Luna and whispered, Does John...

know Gwen's father’s name?"

Luna shook her head. "I don't think so."

John was from Banyan City, whereas Andy and Gwen lived in Sea City their whole lives. Thus, John was not too close

to Gwen and probably did not know her father’s name.

"Well, you should probably get something ready,” John said to Robyn. "Once I can start walking again, we should go

visit this Andie woman and thank her. Although she's given us money in return for saving her father, we should still

thank her in person and visit her father, too, as a sign of respect.”