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Pursuing my ex wife isnt easy

Chapter 3072
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Chapter 3072

"It's okay. I didn't save him for his money." John smiled as he reached out to take the cutlery from Robyn.

He had been wondering the same thing as Robyn was, but truth be told, he did not regret his decision at all.

Although he had gone there for the money in the first place, it had not been his motivation when he leaped in front

of the bullet.

He had done it without even thinking. Even if he turned back time, he would still save that man without hesitation.

Robyn sighed and shot him a rather helpless look. "But John ...will you even be able to attend the public bid in your

current state?"

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John turned pale at this. A split second later, he grinned at Robyn and said, "Of course I can. Only my shoulder is

hurt, not my brain, so I'll still be able to work as usual and prepare for the bid. Don't worry. Just take care of Anne

and Sammie, and I'll do the rest."

With that, he glanced meaningfully at Robyn and said," However...l need you to pretend you're sick."

Robyn used to be a nurse and had some connections from her past. Therefore, she managed to help John switch

out all the information in Anne's health records and make it her own.

That way, every time Anne got admitted or required surgery, it would be under Robyn's name.

After all, Anne was already certified as dead, and this was the reason John had to go into hiding. The only way he

could get Anne treated was if he registered her under Robyn's name.

Although it was against the law, this was the only way to keep up his charade.

After what happened with Jacqueline, he was certain that all of Joshua and Luna's enemies knew how important

Anne was to Luna.

If they found out Anne was still alive, they would surely hunt her down.

The night before, John had lied to Tara by saying that he needed money for his sister's surgery to win some brownie

points. If Tara were to investigate this, he would need Robyn to play along with his act.

Robyn nodded when she heard John's explanation. "Okay."

She had done worse to help John and Anne; pretending to be sick was no big deal.

All of a sudden, someone knocked on the door. "Sir, I'm Tara Moore. We met last night. I heard you injured yourself,

so I came to visit you. Can I come in?"

John and Robyn froze when they heard this voice. They exchanged a glance, and John gave her a meaningful look.

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Robyn understood immediately and started pretending to be frail as she got up to open the door, letting out a

feeble cough for good measure. "Hello."

Tara frowned when she saw her. She glanced first at Robyn, then at John, who was sitting on the bed, eating his

lunch." You are..."

"She's my sister. The one I told you about last night," John replied, turning to look at Tara. "What a surprise, Miss

Moore, n

"You're his sister?" Tara frowned as she gave the woman in front of her a once-over. Her face was etched with


She had seen Anne's photos before, and this was not the same woman.