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Pursuing my ex wife isnt easy

Chapter 3070
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Chapter 3070

Luna slammed the phone down, strode out of the hotel, and hailed a taxi straight to the hospital.

She was fuming throughout the trip, unable to understand Joshua's point of view. Was he simply too much of a

workaholic, or did he simply choose to ignore his health?

He barely had the time to rest, yet he chose to help Tara-a cousin whom he was not even related to-with her


She could not believe this man. He had four children to feed, yet he continued to take his health for granted. What

would happen if he fell ill? Would she have to take care of five people then?

Besides, it was one thing to do this, but another issue entirely because he had failed to update her on the situation

or at least tell her he was not going home.

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If she had not called him, she would still be clueless about everything that was going on.

Bonnie was right about men; Joshua would never have done this in the past!

The more Luna thought about it, the more furious she got.

The taxi soon arrived at the hospital.

Luna was so angry that she got out of the car and stomped toward the hospital in a huff, barely even noticing

where she was going. By the time she came to, she bumped into

another woman.

"Ouch!" Robyn glanced at Luna, clutching her chest in pain." Watch where you're going!"

As angry as she was, she had to admit her mistake. She smiled and apologized to the woman she had bumped

into." I'm sorry. I was engrossed in my thoughts and didn't see you coming. I'm sorry if I hurt you."

The woman in front of her seemed to be a visitor too. There was an open thermal food container by her feet, and

its contents were spilled all over the linoleum floor.

Luna felt even more guilty at this sight.

A janitor approached them to help clean up the mess. Luna thanked him, then helped pick up the empty food

container and asked, "Are you here to visit someone too? I'm sorry that I caused you to spill your food. Why don't I

take you to a restaurant and buy you a meal?"

Seeing that Luna appeared remorseful, Robyn decided not to pursue this matter any further. Instead, she frowned,

snatched the container from Luna, and strode toward the nearest bathroom. "It's okay."

Luna sighed and followed her. As she waited patiently outside the bathroom, she dialed Gwen's number.

Gwen did not pick up.

As worried as she was about Gwen’s whereabouts, Luna knew she had another priority at hand-to atone for

bumping into the woman.

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Therefore, she had no choice but to push her thoughts to the back of her head and wait patiently for the woman to


After washing the empty food container, Robyn turned and came face-to-face with Luna. She frowned and said, "I

don't need you to make it up to me."

Luna smiled. "I know you're here to visit someone, and I'm sorry I made you spill the food you brought. Even if you

don't need me to buy you a meal, we certainly can't let the patient wait too long for food, can we? I want to bring

you to a restaurant where I'll buy you another meal for the person you're visiting. I'll feel better this way."

Robyn finally relented and nodded. "Alright, then."

She intended to return home and get another batch of food for John, but seeing that this woman was so insistent,

she decided to take her up on her offer instead.

The two women walked over to the restaurant across the street.

Luna ordered a set of the food that Robyn had brought, then added some more for good measure.

"You don't have to," Robyn said when she noticed this.

"It's okay. I just want to make it up to you." Luna grinned at her. "Who are you here to visit?"

Robyn paused before she replied, "My brother. He suffered a gunshot wound."