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Pursuing my ex wife isnt easy

Chapter 3055
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Chapter 3055

John turned pale at this.

A split second later, he regained his composure and glanced at Tara, smiling. "Well, her condition is a little too

complicated to explain right now.

"I already have a doctor looking after her, which is why I'm struggling financially and have to resort to such

desperate measures, so I don't need your help as of now, President Moore. Still, I appreciate your kindness.

"Don't worry. I'll get in touch if there's anything you can help with in the future."

Tara knew there was no point pursuing this matter anymore, so she smiled and clinked her glass against John's,

toasting him. "Alright, then. Feel free to contact me, night or day, I'll be here to help."

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

John paused, then downed the entire glass of wine. "I have to go now, President Moore. I'll see you at the bid!"

With that, he put down his glass and left.

Tara watched him leave with a smile, then finally turned around and dialed Joshua's number.

At this moment, Joshua was in the middle of sketching out a plan with Luke to save Gwen's father.

He sounded rather panicked when he picked up the call. “ What?"

Tara furrowed her brow when she heard his tone. "Hey, does John have a sister?"

Joshua was silent for a moment, then finally nodded. "Yes, he does, but that information isn't in his current records.

She was adopted by John's parents, but she left them when she was fifteen after they managed to track her birth

parents down. They've lost touch ever since.

"This happened when John was seventeen, and since they never contacted each other since then, this information

was left out of John's records."

With that, Joshua frowned and said, "Why do you ask? Let me remind you, Tara, that you shouldn't stick your nose

into John's business. He matters a lot to both me and Luna, and you're not allowed to cross him. Do you


Tara rolled her eyes at this. "I know, I know. Tsk! Why are you always so serious? I don't even know what Luna sees

in you. Nevermind. Bye!"

With that, she hung up without even waiting to hear Joshua's response.

Despite having hung up, she could not help feeling her heart race.

Joshua was so preoccupied at the moment that he did not have the time nor the energy to check on her, so he had

no idea she had met up with John. She wondered what Joshua and John's reactions would be when they saw each

other at the bid.

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However, Joshua only said not to cross John. He never mentioned anything about what she should do if John

approached her.

Tara pursed her lips at this thought.

What a pity. She thought she had struck the jackpot, but it turned out John was telling the truth after all.

After coming out of the bar, John hailed a taxi back to his rental house in a distant corner of the city. As soon as he

opened the door, he stormed into the bathroom to vomit.

He was never good at holding his liquor.

"Were you out drinking, John?" a woman wearing an apron walked over to the bathroom, sighing when she saw

John's poor state. "Anne and Sammie were both worried sick when they realized you hadn't returned. It took me

ages to finally get them to fall asleep.

"Where were you? And why were you drinking? Did you manage to get the money for the surgery?"