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Pursuing my ex wife isnt easy

Chapter 3052
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Chapter 3052

Joshua was silent for a moment, then shook his head. "I don't know."

Although he had been in touch with Stefan lately, it was always Luke he was corresponding with-never Steven.

When he thought about it, the last time he recalled meeting Steven was almost a fortnight ago.

The two brothers shared a single body, yet it was as though Steven's subconscious disappeared, leaving only Luke


Joshua also wondered about this and brought it up to Luke before.

Although Luke was also in charge of their shared body, he, too, did not have any idea where Steven’s subconscious

went, nor how to make him reappear again.

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Joshua suggested Luke get this checked out, but Luke had been so busy dealing with Tyson and formulating a plan

to rescue Andy that he did not have the time to visit a doctor.

Their utmost priority was to track down and save Andy; Luke could get himself checked when that was done.

Who would have thought that the fake Gwen would cause Luke to expose himself prematurely and ruin all their


At the thought of this, Joshua furrowed his brow and said," We have to find Andy as soon as we can. Only then will


be able to visit a doctor and get things checked out."

Luna nodded.

As much as she wished that Luke could return permanently and remain by Gwen's side...Steven was also a person

with his own thoughts and feelings and deserved to be treated with respect.

They could not banish him just because they were closer to Luke.

Although the body Steven possessed was Luke's at one point, the heart beating in Gwen's chest was Steven's. Gwen

would have died if it were not for him.

All of a sudden, someone knocked on the door.

Joshua pulled the door open.

An exhausted-looking Luke was standing outside the door." Joshua, do you have enough men with you?"

Joshua was silent for a moment then nodded. "My uncle owns a company here in Sharnwick City, so we do have

enough manpower."

"I need your help." Luke sighed and explained, "Since my identity is now exposed, I'm certain that news of this will

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reach Sea City. Tyson will hear about this before sunrise tomorrow.

"I think he'll try to harm Andy once he finds out, so I need your help finding Andy before it's too late."

Luke and Kurt had intended to go undercover and win the trust of Tyson so they could find Andy's location and

break him out, but since their plans had been foiled, he had no choice but to ask for Joshua's help.

Saving Andy was his utmost priority.

"No problem." Joshua smiled, then dialed Tara's number.

Tara, who was cradling a drink in a bar, did not sound pleased on the phone. "Do you know what time it is, Joshua?

Shouldn't you be all cuddled up to your wife now? Why are you calling me at this hour? I know I'm a lazy bum, but I

deserve to get some time off work too, you know."

She was no longer willing to put on an act. If it were not for the fact that her father had forced her to learn from

Joshua, she would never have willingly put up with this.

"That's not what I'm calling you for." Joshua pressed the phone closer to his ear so Luna would not overhear. "I need

your help, now. It's a life and death situation."