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Pursuing my ex wife isnt easy

Chapter 3034
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Chapter 3034

"So what if I am?" Ben sneered at Luna and replied coldly," What does being a kind person get you? Look what Luke

had to go through for this bitch?

"If I didn't break up with her, she would've forced me to give her my heart too! I'll never be as stupid as Luke was.

He's the leader of notorious gangs in two cities, for God's sake! How can he be so stupid as to sacrifice his life for a

woman? What a joke!"

With that, he glanced at a pale-faced Gwen and said, "Luna, you said you'd be able to protect her forever, but are

you sure you can do that? Not even Luke could pull that off!

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"You and Joshua are going to go back to your lives eventually, and you can't possibly spend the rest of eternity

trying to protect her! The only solution is for Luke to come back to life and revive his old gang so that they can

bring down Tyson, but we all know that's impossible! As long as Tyson and Winson are around, they won't rest until

they get their hands on Gwen!"

Joshua curled his lips into a smirk when he heard this. He shifted into a more comfortable position, leaning back

against a pillar, then turned to look at Ben. "You say the only solution is for Luke to come back to life?"

Ben narrowed his eyes. "That's right!"

"Well, let's see what we can do," Joshua snickered, then turned to glance at Gwen, "You okay, Gwen? We should go


Gwen still tried to piece together what Ben said, but at the mention of her name, she snapped out of her stupor and

nodded at the mention of her name. "I'm okay."

Although her neck was still sore from where Ben grabbed her, she could still handle it. They could not afford to

waste any more time.

"That's good." Joshua nodded and glanced at the guards standing a short distance away. "Put something in this

man's mouth and hang him from the chandelier."

Ben’s entire body stiffened when he heard this, he widened his eyes in shock and gaped at Joshua. "What? What

are you doing?"

Joshua lowered his head to glance at the time and replied calmly, "This chandelier can barely just hold your weight.

If you don't feel like dangling from there anymore and instead want to struggle, the chandelier with no doubt snap

and bring you down with it."

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A glimmer of rage flashed through Ben's eyes. "The chandelier will bring me down with it! So, I'll be crushed!"

"That's right!" Joshua nodded, "But don't worry, this chandelier isn't too heavy to the point you'll die from the

weight. Some minor injuries may be unavoidable, but it's not too bad."

With that, he ignored Ben entirely and turned to stare at Luna and Gwen. "Are we ready to go now?"

Luna nodded, then strode over to Gwen's side to help her up.

Joshua, too, sauntered over to assist.

Gwen let out a huge sigh of relief when she took in the fresh air outside the house. After she got settled into her

seat, she turned to stare at Joshua. "Mr. Lynch, when you said you might be able to bring Luke back to life, what did

you mean by that?"

"I meant what I said," Joshua crossed his arms in front of his chest as he leaned back against his seat, then closed

his eyes and ordered the driver to start the car, "you'll find out when the time comes."