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Pursuing my ex wife isnt easy

Chapter 3000
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Chapter 3000

Stefan felt a little sorry for Kurt, seeing him in this state.

Back then, he only cared for Gwen. His only concern was to have the love of his life live her best life yet had

neglected his brothers in the process.

If he were still alive, Kurt, the man who was always loyal to him, would not have been attacked so badly.

At that thought, Stefan took a deep breath and smiled at Kurt. "Who said we don't know each other?"

Then, he clenched his fists and glared at the thugs fearlessly. "I’m here just to let you know one thing.

"Whether in the past or the future, Kurt Will is under my wing. If you want to bully him in the future, you'll have to

go through me!'

Then, he swung his fist at the thugs.

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The leader of the thugs never thought that Stefan would be so courageous. They were caught off guard and

stumbled a few steps backward, almost falling.

After a while, the thug got a hold of his footing. He looked up and glared at Stefan. "How dare you hit me?!"

Stefan snickered. "Not only do I dare to hit you, but I'll kick you, too."

Then, he sent a kick at the leader, sending him stumbling backward and falling to the ground.

When the surrounding thugs saw their leaders being beaten up, they glared at Stefan viciously. "You must have a

death wish!'

Then, they attacked.

Kurt, who had no more strength, leaned against the wall feebly, looking at the outnumbered fight going on


He could not help at all. He could merely watch and occasionally alert Stefan of incoming attacks.

Kurt thought that Stefan, who looked skinny and frail, would surely not win against those burly thugs, but he did not


In just a few minutes, all the thugs were on the ground.

Seeing them sprawled on the ground and unable to get up, Kurt was bewildered.

He remembered the last man that fought so bravely was the late Luke Jones. He was tall and thin like a stick, but

when he fought, he could easily beat up men much bulkier than him.

After Luke passed away, Kurt never met anyone like him anymore.

Could it be...

At that thought, he furrowed his eyebrows and looked at Stefan, who was looking at him too.

Their eyes met.

Kurt looked stunned while Stefan's eyes twinkled with amusement.

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The way Stefan's eyes twinkled and how he had a habit of wiping his nose after fighting made Kurt's eyes widen.


"It's me." Stefan smiled and took off his mask, showing off his angular handsome face.

Kurt's jaw slackened. He was struck dumb and could not even make a single sound.

How could it be? The entire gang sent him off to his funeral rites. They saw Luke's body cremated before their very


The face was Luke’s, and the body was his, too. The men had verified a few times the soulless body before allowing

Joshua Lynch take the body away for cremation.

How could this be? How could a person who was burned to ashes come back from the dead and even fought so


"It's a long story.'

As if he could read what was on Kurt's mind, Stefan smiled and touched his nose. "I go by Stefan Joneson now.’