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Pursuing my ex wife isnt easy

Chapter 2994
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Chapter 2994

"Your noodles, Miss." The waiter placed Gwen's noodles in front of her, then did the same for the man.

Within a few meters of each other, Gwen could clearly hear the man pick up his fork, remove his mask, and begin

to eat.

For a split second, she could not help wondering what she would see if she turned around right that instant.

However, it did not take her long to dismiss that thought.

She could not do this, not after promising Luna she would not force the man to remove his mask if he did not want

to, so why was she so curious about him all of a sudden?

At the thought of this, Gwen let out a sigh, picked up her fork, and began eating as well.

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At the table behind her, the man curled his lips into a smile as he watched her.

After their meal, the two of them paid their separate bills and exited the restaurant, making their way into town,

with the man following a few paces behind Gwen.

They had not gone too far when all of a sudden, they were surrounded by burly men.

"You messed with the wrong person, Gwen." Winson emerged from among these men and strode over to Gwen, his

gaze fixated intently on her face. "I didn't think you'd want to do this the hard way. I can't believe even after inviting

you to a nice art show, you'd still treat me like this..."

With that, he sneered. "Since that's how you think of me, I don't think there's anything else I'd like to reminisce

about our past with you anymore."

This time, there was no longer any hint of the adoration he had for her in his eyes.

Gwen furrowed her brows and instinctively took a step back.

To her surprise, she bumped into the man behind her.

This act of fear and apprehension was received by Winson to be Gwen's way of acting out toward him and

deliberately choosing someone else over him!

A glimmer of malice flashed through Winson's eyes at this realization." Very well, Gwen. I'm sure you're fairly aware

of this man's intentions toward you. I can't believe you'd rather give this faceless man a chance over an old friend

like me!"

With that, he gestured to the guards standing next to him. "Beat the shit out of that man!"

Gwen froze at this.

"Don't you dare!" A split second later, she extended her arms out to her sides, shielding the man behind her like a

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protective hen. "Don't make me hate you, Winson!"

As combative and agile the man was, she knew he could not overpower so many men at the same time, not to

mention that he had suffered injuries over his arm and back because of her.

How could an injured man like him possibly match up against so many guards at the same time?

"Hate me?" Winson cackled. 'So be it! You can't possibly think I'm still in love with you, can you, Gwen? If I wanted

you, neither Ben nor Luke would've stood a chance!

"I could've won your heart anytime I wanted. The only reason I didn’t do so, not even once during our high school

days or even after you broke up with Ben, is because I never once had a thing for you!

"If it weren't for the fact that you're Luke's ex-girlfriend, and if it weren't for the fact that the heart beating in your

chest right now belongs to Luke, I wouldn't have bothered tracking you down!’

With that, he brushed his nose and added, "Oh, you probably don't know this, but every single gang in Sea City is

searching for you, and they've put up a hefty prize for your capture.

"I just heard that your father was also captured because of you!"