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Pregnant and Rejected by My Alpha Mate

Chapter 70
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Bastien‘s POV

Fucking incredible.

Those are the only words I can conjure as I look down at my mate. Selene is dazed and drugged on

pleasure, spiraling towards an overdose that will satisfy her heat and prepare her to be marked. I almost

can‘t believe she‘s really in front of me, the very image of all my erotic fantasies over the last few years.

Her taste is still on my tongue, and I can‘t help but revel in the Goddess‘s wisdom. She could not have

made me a more perfect mate if she tried. Selene is an extraordinary beauty, but lots of she–wolves are

beautiful. The true magic is in her sweet submission, her incredible responsiveness and vulnerability.

Selene is an experienced woman, yet every time with her is like the first. She‘s never lost her innocent

spirit, that sheltered quality I never get bored of scandalizing. Whatever else might have happened

between us, she‘s not capable of hiding her feelings in the bedroom. She experiences everything openly

and honest ly, surrendering to pleasure with absolute abandon.

She‘s still so tight, and unless I‘m mistaken, it‘s been a while since she‘s taken a lover – a fact which

pleases Axel to no end. I thrust into her as slowly as I can stand, watching her face contort as I spread

her wide. I rock back and forth to help her spasming channel adjust to the invasion, savoring her panting

breaths and the adorable squeaks she emits.


Selene‘s eyes are glowing, the heat keeping her wolf close to the surface. Her small hands are fisted in

the blankets around her, her pale skin glistening with sweat and her rosy mouth open in rapture.

I‘ve never seen anything more stunning.

The sight of my thick length disappearing into her is severely testing my control. I release one of her

legs, returning my fingers to her clit and circling it in hopes of easing my entry. Selene‘s back comes off

the bed and she cries out as I torment the little nub, clutching my wrist and undulating her hips, pushing

her self further down my cock.

I growl in triumph when I‘m finally buried so deep in Selene‘s silky heat that my pelvis is resting against

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her soaked mons. She‘s velvety and sleek, her internal muscles gripping me like a vice. My mate is

gasping, for air, filled to the brim and completely exposed.

This is the way it‘s supposed to be. We should be like this always, joined as mates and never parted.

1 begin moving, withdrawing with agonizing slowness before slamming back into her at full force. Se lene

is emitting raw, punched–out gasps every time I bottom out, her eyes rolling into the back of her head. I

know I should be gentle, but I can‘t help it — even if she wasn‘t in heat, it‘s been far too long since we

came together last.

I set a relentless pace, taking her without restraint as every ridge of my steely flesh scrapes along her

insides with delicious friction, Selene is still propping herself up partway, meeting me thrust for thrust with

her long legs wrapped around my back. Needing to be closer to her – to feel her soft body flush against

mine – 1 scoop her up, letting her wrap her arms around my neck and bouncing her on my hard length.

Finding a handhold in her long hair and I tug her head back so that I can claim her mouth as ferocious ly

as I claim her body. She drags her nails down my back as our tongues tangle, and a guttural moan

leaves my mouth as I increase my speed, pounding into her as her cries become more frantic.

The instinct to mark her is getting stronger every second. I begin kissing my way towards her neck,

scraping my jaw along her silky cheek. My scruff leaves a rash of red marks across the delicate surface

but Selene simply nuzzles her face against mine, adding to the scrapes and dropping kisses over every

inch of skin she can reach.

Mine. Mine. Mine. Axel chants as I tease the junction of her neck and shoulder with my tongue. Finally,

#Chapter 70 Marked

he exclaims, we should have claimed her long ago. Her wolf is begging for it.

I want to sink my teeth into her tender flesh more than anything, but I have to time it right. I don’t want to

hurt my mate, I don‘t want her to associate being claimed with pain. Timed right, the mark can take a

she–wolf to new heights of euphoria. Timed wrong, it can ruin the moment completely.

I force myself to slow down, pressing Selene‘s back into the wall and rolling my hips in synchrony with

hers. I grind my pelvis into her clit in between thrusts, bracing her weight against the wall to free my

hands. I can‘t decide where I want to touch her most: her luscious breasts, round ass or overworked sex.

In the end I don‘t decide, shifting my touch between all three. My hands are everywhere, drawing out my

mates bliss any way I can.

Selene‘s expression is completely glazed over, and I watch her like a starving man, drinking in her plea

sure as if it‘s my own. I could watch her like this forever, especially when a flash of panic breaks through

the haze, dashing across her face as she constricts around my cock with almost painful intensity.

I don‘t have to ask to understand what‘s happening. I’d be willing to bet my naive little mate thought she

was done with climaxes for the day. I’m sure she imagined she was just along for the ride at this point,

but she should have known better.

“You gonna give me another one, gorgeous?” | purr.

Selene tosses her head back and forth, looking as if she’s near tears. A keening wail settles on her

tongue. ‘I can‘t.’

“Yes you can, baby.” I promise huskily, angling my thrusts upward into her most sensitive spot.

“Bastien –” Selene yelps, writhing in my arms as if she‘s attempting to escape, nevermind that I‘m more

than twice her size. She whimpers when she doesn‘t gain an inch, “It‘s too much!”

“Don‘t fight it,‘ I warn her, taking long, deep strokes while I cradle her body. ‘Just let go.”

Selene opens her mouth as if she might respond, but no sound comes out. Instead she clamps her eyes

shut, her sheath clenching desperately around me.

‘That‘s it,” I praise her, trying to remember if I‘ve ever loved her more than I do in this moment. “Just like

that, fuck.’

Just as Selene detonates, I return my mouth to her throat, letting my fangs extend and positioning them

for the mark. Axel is howling in my ear at a deafening pitch, driving my lust and egging me on.

With no time to waste, I sink my fangs into Selene‘s neck, sinking in deep and letting the magic of our

bond flow through me and into her.

At last. I think, At last – she‘s mine.

Selene‘s POV

He‘s trying to kill me.

It‘s the only explanation,

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After three years of marriage to Bastien I didn‘t think he could surprise me anymore – not in the bed

room at least. He‘s always had a habit of inundating me with more pleasure than I can bear, of testing my

limits and introducing me to new forms of carnal delight– but nothing like this.

I‘m teetering on the edge of sanity, no longer feeling as if I‘m even in the same room as my mate. I feel

like I‘m in a distant cocoon: wrapped in soothing warmth, completely blissed out, and only vaguely aware

that I‘m still on a roller coaster of lust.

I start coming back down to earth when Bastien triggers my final orgasm. I‘m so overwhelmed at this

#Chapter 70 Marked

point that I don‘t think I can survive another, my erogenous zones are all so sensitive that the magnitude

of this climax feels impossible and terrifying at the same time. Yet he does it anyway, gently shushing my

concerns and carrying me over the edge.

As white lights block out my vision, I feel a piercing pain around the curve of my neck, like two small

daggers driving into me. I can‘t explain how or why, but the pain only makes my orgasm more intense. It

propels it higher and higher, until it‘s no longer one climax, but a string of multiple explosions striking one

after the next.

An incredible warmth and sense of peace flows through me as I ride out the torrent, free to enjoy the

sensations knowing I‘m safe in my mate‘s arms. All at once, I feel a rush of love spreading through my

body, swelling my heart and anchoring me to Bastien like never before.

Tused to feel like we were two different people, two souls intertwined but undoubtedly separate. Now it

seems like I can‘t tell where I end and he begins. Luna is howling joyously, harmonizing with the blood

singing in my veins.

We‘re one now. She tells me, celebrating raucously in her little corner of my heart. Forever.

He‘s marked me, I realize.

That‘s why I feel so wonderful.

My mate finally claimed me, and though we will never share a brain or body, Luna‘s right: We are no

longer two souls, we are one.

Bastien is mine, not even the Goddess can come between us now.