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Possessing Nothing

Chapter 288: To the North (1)
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Cron with hara and armor in his hands. The distance between the two cities was enormous.

Lee Sung-min had traveled all over the region for various reasons, but this was the first time to travel that far.

Besides, going to Kron is not the end. After arriving in Cron, it was planned to go to the north of Trabia.

To go along with the journey is to buy and scarlet. And one more.

Because the road was so long, I decided to ride a carriage, but I did not deserve someone to drive the carriage.

“It is called anecdote.”

There is an undisclosed SS in the history of buying. They do not stand out in the sphere of preparation, following strictly word-of-mouth.

The safflower (safflower) who escorted the legend to the forest in the past is one of the members of the state.

Yehwa was the man in charge of the safflower. Lee Sung – min sent an all – out voice to the artist, who was smiling at the story of his face covered by a fox mask on his single – headed hair cut near his shoulders.

[Why are you wearing masks?]

[It imitates the main body.]

The owner of the company replied with a loud voice. At that point, Lee Seong-min asked me again because he wanted to.

[Perhaps. Is this the daughter of Master’s hide?

[Make a sound that makes sense. How many times should I tell him that he did not have a child? ”

[If so, Miss?]

[I do not think this is the case, but the child ‘s thoughts may be different. Most of them are the Orthodox Orphans. There are also open-minded cubs in the vicinity of Harasawa, who has a history. In the end, the city’s beggars are not allowed to open their backs, so they live every day, hitting the Sapa Yangchi. ”

[He gave them mercy?]

[It is not. Approaching harvest a guy with a precious musculoskeletal hagieneun netting and begging something, give Bob made it given a place to learn Gong]

So he replied that he passed the story. The illustrator ran his head as he passed his side. Yehwa ‘s head did not sound until he passed completely.

[Even if it is only that, those who have taken this book accept the death even if it is the words of this book. It is because they are the main body that they gave what they have now. Rather than taking a good guy off to a loyalty, it is easy for him to pick up a young child who can not distinguish himself, and to take care of his loyalty.

Lee Seong-min looked back. The illustration was still bowed.

Although I did so, I thought that Lee Sung-min would not have done that to the members of the military, including the writer.

The person who said that Lee Seong – min has been living with me for so long has been a little different from the words and actions.

[Is the entire saffron going?]

[It’s too obvious. The only thing going for it is Yehwa. There is no one to drive a wagon. Other saunas, including safflower, will be breathed in the inside of the temple while they have no seat.]

Are you worried about buying?

Lee Seong – min reminded me of the words he had bought. In a thousand years of training, he said that other things besides his desire for nothing were abandoned.

That’s also … … Lee did not completely believe. It was because I was paying attention to other things besides myself that I bought for such a thing.

During the retreat in the forest, he was intervened periodically with the help of Osla.

[It is minimal awareness.]

My steps stood before the wagon.

[The subject is aware of the position of the line. I do not think this book is reigning. Even though this is so, the book is a masterpiece. I do not desire this seat, but many of them are straddling my toes.]

[Do not you want to make them die?]

[If I die, I can not help it. But, did not you say? A minimum awareness.]

I bought it and I got on a carriage. Scarlet was already in the carriage.

The wagons with various magic spots for convenience were more than the value of a few mansions, and were so comfortable that they could not be called carriages.

“I’ll leave.”

I opened the door of the wagon and said that. At first, I was wearing a fox mask, but now I am not wearing a mask.

A wagon dragged by a masked wagon will doubtless report the passing mouse. As the nobleman nodded his head, Yehwa immediately rose to the hawk and began to drive the carriage.

“How are you?”

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Asked the owner of the company. Naturally, Lee Sung-min, who was trying to meditate while wearing a headboard, awoke to realize that the question of preparation was toward him.

“What do you mean?”

“That child. Do you think it is pretty? ”

“… … What do you mean suddenly? ”

“I pretend to pretend not to be you, but to lure you around. I will take off your clothes in front of you without worrying if you tell me. ”

“excuse me. I’m listening now? ”

Scarlett, who took out the book, spewed it out in a wild voice.

“It’s not a story that you should not listen to?”

“I do not want to hear it.”

Scarlett grumbled. He laughed at the horse and laughed at his head.

“I was not caring enough.”

“You are so nice. Unlike when you deal with me. ”

“This is not a man who knows politeness.”

“Why do not you take that courtesy to me?”

“For us, courtesy is a reasonable distance.”

The company has laughed and laughed. Scarlet heard the words and excited and snorted. She was feeling to some extent. It is not a simple favor to show the owner, but a proper distance.

“Do you have to distance yourself from the disciple?”

“… … Just do as usual. ”

“anyway. It does not matter if you touch the illustrations, but if you do, let him be in a place where you do not know.

“I do not.”

“I pretend to be in trouble.”

Ignoring the words of the Lord, Lee Sung – min closed his eyes and entered meditation. In my head, I was chuckled.

[Pretending to be decent. Would not it be nice to enjoy it when you can enjoy it?]

‘Why do you want to hear me?’

After I spit it out, I remove my mind from my mind. Lee Sung – min restored his latest fight.

It was a fight with King Chang. I had to admit to admit it. The number of people in Changwang was higher than that of Lee Sungmin. I tried to make up for what I lacked in aerodynamics, but the difference in price generated by the technique of Chang-wang was not enough to overcome with full aerodynamics.

I could not finish it even though I opened the circle of the armless arm. It was true that it was able to gain some advantage, but it is a double-edged sword.

If it lasts for a long time, Lee Sung-min’s vigor will run.

‘I have to find a way.’

In any way. Lee Sung-min chewed his lower lip.

* * *

It was only after the night that the carriage stopped. I did not care about the example of the wagon, but the opinions of the buyer were different.

In the words that there is no haste, I did not refute the illustrations, but the firewood was gathered together with the fire.

I could not sleep because I had a lot to think about. I was sleeping in a wagon and I tried to sleep, but Lee Sungmin sat near the bonfire and watched the fire.

The story of Abel was still confusing him.

Also, his body in ambiguity.

Not far away, Scarlet sat in a thick robe squatting. Lee looked at Scarlet, wearing glasses and moving the pen.

“What are you writing?”

“Do not book.”

Scarlet answered.

“It’s a bit of a hassle, but I think it’s better to put it off.”

“Where do you think you’ll donate?”

“At first I was planning to donate to the mage guild for the purpose of educating the child. When I think about it, I do not think the senators are going to see how the young boys are doing well. If I donate it for everyone to read, they will take care of themselves and not disclose it. ”

Lee Sung-min does not know about the mage guild. However, through Abel ‘s story, it became clear to some extent that the senators above the Maruti provinces were corrupt.

“But I have to finish it once. It ‘s no good to have me alone. someday… … If there is a chance, there will be time to disclose. ”

Scarlett muttered and took off his glasses. She stretched all the time and folded her throat left and right. Then I raised myself up to the carriage.

“I’m tired, so go in first.”

“There is a Master in it.”

“I do not think I’m shameless enough to stutter my body.”

“Yes, I do.”

Scarlet laughed at his answer. Scarlet, who opened the door, stopped and looked at Lee Seong-min.

“I have a lot of trouble. If you think and think and you do not get the answer … … Sometimes it may be the answer to not think at all. ”

Lee seemed to have hung up inside. Scarlet shrugged his shoulders as he looked at them.

“Well, I mean, I do not know what you’re worrying about. That’s not what you want to hear. I do not want to give advice that will help you to answer your troubles and roll your hair. ”

“… … Fine.”

“Then I’m glad. But, if it is hard and hard. I can comfort you in a healthy way. ”

“What is the healthy way?”

“The opposite of an unhealthy way.”

Scarlet smiled bitterly.

“Or, you covered everything, and you are not a kid. Do you have more abuse?”


“To answer the question, I am hurt.”

“Is that a joke too?”

“I think you’re too stiff, so I’m feeling better. Of course, I do not want to comfort you in the way you deserve. It just means to drink and to listen. Just nod your head without a soul. Do you hear that you have a great drink? ”

“I have to stay.”

“Save it. I’ll pick the mong later. I’m tired and I’m sleeping today, really. ”

Scarlet opened his mouth like a blanket and yawned.

“good night.”

Scarlet entered the carriage. The only things that remained were Lee Sung Min and Yeh. Lee Seong – min sees the opposite story sitting opposite. Since I first heard the introduction, I did not share personal conversation with the illustrations.

“Do you need comfort?”

First of all, Yonghwa asked. In the end, Lee recalled the words he had joked in the wagons, and he colored them.


“If the Soviet Lord asks you, I will meet your expectations at any time.”

The title of Soviet state was unfamiliar. Lee smiled and shook his head.

“Please do not keep in mind that there is nothing to do.”

“Are you not satisfied with me?”

“No, not that.”

Lee Sung-min looked at the face of Yehwa and sighed. Despite the painful words, there was no shame in the face of Yehwa. It was an attitude of course that it should be.

[young. You can not even eat it.]

‘Is it a man to eat as he gives? It’s a beast. ‘

[Why do not you give me something to eat?]

‘I’m not hungry.’

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[I’ve been eating for a while, but I’m not hungry? The strange man logo … … .]

‘Can you please stop that cheap analogy?’

In the words of Lee Sung-min, he chuckles in his head.

[It is frustrating to be thinking about the idea of being depressed.]

‘Is not it frustrating?’

[You can not get the answer right now because you have to worry about your head popping. The imbalance of the loudness is something you can not do, and the story about the ending is something you can not answer now. You tend to be too hasty.]

‘I do not get it.’

Lee Sung-min hammered his stuffy head.

‘I. I used to always worry about it. Why me? It was a mere coincidence that we caught the stone of the previous life. But those who met me back in the past, everyone said I was special. That was a question. I just came back by chance, why are you telling me special? ”

I knew the answer to that. It just did not matter who it was. When I grabbed a stone from my previous life and died and returned to the past, the former I ‘s I do not matter. The past life alone will become an observer and have the fate to lead the world to the end.

‘It was good for anyone. Yes. I was just an unlucky, ‘who’ who got caught up in him. like that… … I was thrown into this situation. To the end that started because of me. ‘

[It would have been good for anyone. It is not you.

‘I do not feel responsible. I do not want to die. ‘

[There are quite a lot of looks in life.]

‘I wanted to live a better life than my previous life.’

Lee Seongmin saw the sky.

‘In the early days of my life. I thought about it. I have never seen a star in past life. so… … I lived so far. My effort, not only my strength. Due to the fate of fate. I’m not hypocritical. Anyhow, I survived, and I gained power unmatched by previous life. ‘

[Looks like you are not satisfied.]

‘My previous life.’

Lee closed his eyes.

‘It was a life without a star. Life as a mercenary. I earn a day, live a day, drink. I do not know when to die … … But still. I was not as frustrated as I am now. The reality was terrible and I was in a bad mood, but it was not as frustrating as it is now. ”

Haju heard the words of Lee Seongmin.

‘What can I do?’


‘What the hell am I doing?’

[You are the one.]

The silence broke. Haju replied.

[You are you. This is Lee Seong-min. Like a fool. And… … In this elderly thought. Nobody liked it. I think that you had to catch the stones of your previous life and return to the past.]

The voices of Hajoo have sunk.

Why did I die? It was a question, but I did not care much. I do not know why I died because I have a question.

For him, his death was of such value.

I am here. That ‘s enough. I am here with you. Even if I am dead, I am a loser here. You too. Even if you die and return here, you are a sister. It’s like a freak. Do not doubt him.]

‘I am not you.’

[You are saying the same thing again. You are not me, of course. The size of the cock is different.]

He laughed chuckle.

[Maybe this elder is … … I think I might be dead to meet you.]


[Do not you say there is no coincidence?]

The laughter of the laughing grew bigger.

[That does not mean to blame you. Rather fun and curious. Is your being worth so much that my death had to be forced?]

Huhju reminded Lee Seong-min’s identity in his mind.


He remembers the monster that put his fingers on his lips, and he did not say any more.