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Possessing Nothing

Chapter 280: Cron (1)
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I’m sorry.

Lee Sung-min silently briefly remembers the apology of Baek Sogo, who repeatedly murmurs, in remorse and guilt in his voice.

What she poured out was part of the feelings she had sustained for many years.

Oh and Tori, Such a sense of justice. Morally right. It’s more like they’ve been piled up. Feelings of a priest in such a lump. I had to leave the priest behind.

The guilt and regret of his choice that he was forced to turn his back on the priest alone, whether he or she was in any situation.

Back Sogo was such a person. I am good. From the mountain of Mt.

Good-looking. So I have a sense of guilt, and I suffer from it. Lee Sung – min slowly raised his hand and wrapped around the shoulder of Baek Sogo.

“… … Did not you say it was okay? ”

Lee smiled a bit. White Sogo was still tearing. Lee Sung-min gave me the shoulder of Baek Soo-goo as if he was soothing to a child.

She could not fully sympathize with the guilt she had, but she knew she was the one with the guilty plea, that it was her. Lee sincerely told her.

“that day. In that dungeon I made the choice to save the sister, as I had hoped. I have never regretted him, and even if I go back then I will make the same choice. So the sister does not have to feel guilty for me. I’m not dead. ”

“… … I was powerless at that time. I could not help but turn the body after the priest. that… … I’m sorry. I was too weak. ”


Lee Seong – min grabbed Baek Sogo ‘s shoulder. The distance between them drops slightly. Baek Soo – goo saw the sister with wet eyes in tears. Two eyes that are dyed gold.

“In the mountains of Mesh. I was weak. I did not know when to die. It was more than my imagination that I started to come in blindly, and I did not know when to die because of the foolish and arrogant superposition of the taboo. It was you, Sister, who saved me. ”

“About it … … The priest does not need to feel the thanks. I just acted like I was. I… … Good-bye. ”

“Neither do I.”

Lee smiled as if he was sick.

“I also made my choice. I’m not as good as a sister. ”

At the end of Lee Sungmin, Baek Sogo said nothing. Baek Soo Goo, staring at Lee Seongmin’s face with a blank eye for a moment, shed his foot and laughs and lifted his hand and wiped his eyes.

“… … I am glad to meet the priest like this. ”

“I also think so. … … Yes. Why is the sister here? ”

“The priest is here.”

After wiping away all the tears, Baek Soo – goo swallowed a great deal of breath. I was guilty.

But it was not only to say applause that White Sogo came here. Through Baek Sogo’s words, Lee Sung-min knew what conversation she was here for.

Lee Sungmin slowly nodded his head.

“There is a good drink.”

[You, you can not.]

“Drinking in my room … … It will be a little. I pick the right spot and tilt it. ”

“It does not matter if it’s a priest’s room.”

[When this elderly man wants to drink, he pulls it away!

‘Good things are good.’

He was grumbling, but Lee ignored the words. Baesoggo muttered with a smile.

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“It is the first time I have drunk with a priest.”

“I was too young to be in the mountains of Mesh.”

Lee smiled at each other and received the words of Baek Sogo. By saying that it does not matter, Sungmin brought Baek Sogo to his room.

In fact, it is too big to be a room. Thanks to his position as a successor to the company, Lee Sung-min was using the entire outpost.

It was a place that I did not use very much because I kept going out after a while.


Lee Seong – min ‘s feet stopped trying to get outside. He nostrils his artificial smell in the air.

It was not unfamiliar, nor was it a strange smell. Ah. Lee Seongmin grasped the situation and took a sigh of relief.

“I did something.”

Lee smiled and opened the door of the house and went inside. The inside of the room was full of reagent smell, and the atmospheric mana was moving according to an artificial flow.

It is only one person Lee Seong-min knows that he can do such things in his company.

“Are you back?”

Scarlet leans his head from the end of the corridor. Her red hair was covered with mess, and under the eyes dark brown circles were dark.

“Why is Scarlett here?”

“I told you to stay here because I needed a place for the experiment. Your sweet Teacher. ”

“… … Gentle? ”

“He was very good to me. Whenever you need to talk about the magic stuff you want to get it right away. ”

Scarlett said so and looked back at the scream.

“Ah. You also met a white fur. Have a lot to share? I will be quiet, do not think about me and play with me. ”

“… … This is my home. ”

“Your master asked me to write this place. I can not go out now, please understand. ”

Scarlett said that and hid him from the hallway again. It seemed that he was in full swing in the magic experiment. Lee Sung-min sighs and looks back at the whisper.

“… … I go to the back of the sperm. ”

There were few stars in the night sky. It was not a good night sky but it was cool because the night air was cool.

Lee Seong – min called the waiting queue and asked him to turn him into a street. He sat up in the sperm and sat down with Baek Sogo.

“Have you already met Scarlett?”

“I did not think she would be here. Huh. I’ve been here for three days, and on the first day I’ve already met and greeted you. ”

Baek Sogo said so and bowed to Lee Seong-min.

“I wanted to thank the priest for that, too. I… … I could not go to save her. I had promised Scarlet to help me at a dangerous moment. ”

“I think it was their own circumstances. Since Scarlett has not had any problems, you can not thank me. ”

“The matter of each person.”

Baesoggo muttered into a small voice. Lee Sung-min, who pulled out the flask from the space pocket, hesitated because he heard the whispering murmur.

Then, the servant came up with an orator and a liquor. Baek Soo-go was speaking while looking down at the cup in front of him.

“I believe in priests.”

There was no lie in that word.

“No matter what happens. I believe in priests. Even if all the world say that the priest is a liar, I will believe in the priest. The priest has not forsaken his life to save my life. The priest is my priest. Yeah, that’s all. ”

Lee Sungmin listened to Baek Soo Goo and listened to the bottle. He slowly followed the liquor to the cup of Baek Sogo.

“Even if the priest lied. Even if the lie is too obvious, there is no doubt. But I will believe the priest. ”

“I have no intention of lying.”

Lee Sung – min filled his cup with alcohol. It has been a long time since I have drunk this drink since the village of Dwarf, and I was thrilled in the head, ignoring the atmosphere.

“Do you think I am the sister?”

“I do not want to believe rumors are true.”

“What if I am right?”

“If the priest is against my beliefs and is the right man. maybe… … I will act like that. ”

That was the reason why he kept harsh penance in the mountains of Mesh, and that made him a thousand years in the spiritual world of Denir.

Beliefs that believe in themselves all the way. Even though it is a set of curves that are twisted and bent and twisted to form an upright conviction.

Even if the other person is just a mass of stubborn stubbornness.

White Sogo is bound to follow it.

“… … There was a lot of misunderstanding. ”

Lee sighed and began to speak. The first thing to say is about the relationship between Lee Seong – min and Lee.

If you tell him, you will be able to answer the question of stopping the armor and saving her and killing the armor.

“Are you a good man?”

Lee Sung – min asked Baek Sogo a question like that. Baek Soo-soon did not answer immediately. She understood the relationship between Lee Sung – min and Lee.

To save a friend who was in trouble, he stopped the hard-hatched Shinchang and all he had to do was to confront death with his death.

“She did not do any evil.”

Baek SooGo muttered.

“Even when the name is spreading as a small horse in the midst of the feud. She did not go out and commit evil. Those who are interested in her absence are challenged, defeated and dying repeat. Because of her lack of mercy, the name “Toshin Mara” was created. ”

“It can not be called evil.”


Baek Soo – goo closed his eyes with a small voice.

“… … It was a fascination to watch and control the city. ”

“Iron Maiden?”

Lee smiled and laughed. Lee Sung-min also had a lot to say about trolley.

Lee Sung-min has told me about the things that happened in the forest of deceit, which largely contributed to what is known as the ”

In order to convince Baek Sogo about the story about him, he had to speak about the Heavenly People.

White Sogo had a long silence. She did not know about the group called Chuncheoncheon.

The heroism that she regarded as a righteous group was only a subordinate to the group of the heaven and outer heaven, and the fact that the hero belonged to the heavenly heaven was enough to prevent her speech.

In addition, it was the black stamina of the armor that killed the Zegor government and the mokyunjin in the circumstances.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“The armor forced the armor to die in order to pressure the priests. He murdered Zech’al Tae-ryeong and Su-jin Moo-hyun and put the sin against the priest … … ”

“Do you believe?”

“The priest is sick.”

I laughed at the question of Lee Sung – min.

“I said I would believe the priest’s words unconditionally. And… … The words of the priest now. There is no doubt that it is false. Chuncheon, Chuncheon … … ”

Sacks raised the cup. The liquor syrup, which the thriller feels, was left without touching anyone immediately after the liquor store.

Baesoggo continued to shake the lightly shaking glass.

“In this world, we destroy all the people and make the human world.”

“What do you think of the sister?”

“I do not sympathize with their ideals.”

Baek Sogo said so.

“All men and women are not evil. It is true that most of the people other than people are predators, but there are people who are not predators. ”

[It’s a narrow year.]

He was grumbling.

[Is it not right or wrong to judge whether you are predatory or not? In the end, he just asks the two of them in person.]

‘The sister is a human being.’

Lee Sung – min took a cup of wine with a goblet of grunting gibberish.

“I can understand the position of the priest. It was an act to save Toshima … … In the process, it became the enemy of the temple. Huh. It’s a common thing in the forest. ”

Baek Soggo takes the cup to the mouth. She made a surprised look at the scent of alcohol and was once again amazed at the taste of the alcohol that was passed on her neck.

She waved her hair for a moment and looked at the empty cup.

“… … Priests. I thought a lot about coming here. About the world I know. About what I have seen and what I have made up my mind. Yes. The standard of my beliefs and the standard of right and wrong may not be narrow and justified for others to see. ”

[Good to know for yourself.]


Haju muttered, and Baek Soo – soon immediately added.

“Even if it is narrow and unfair. I will act as I wish. Even if it is selfish self-righteousness. Live in righteousness. Walk the torii. That is… … It was the last word of my teacher who lived like that. ”

I had never heard the teacher’s story. I used to ask a few times, but Baek Soo Goo smiled and smiled every time I heard such a question.

“I do not think the priest is evil.”

Sacheogo slowly got up.

“But I think the group of buying is evil. Yes. In this group there will be sleepers who are not wicked. Just as everyone in the faction, the Alpine, was not a threat. ”

“… … What does the sister want? ”

“Eradication of evil.”

Baek Sogo said without hesitation. It was a ridiculous answer, and Lee Sung-min was forced to retire.

“… … Yes?”

“To eradicate all the wicked in this world. That’s what I want. ”


He laughed loudly.

[It’s a really new fool!]

In the laughing laugh of laughter, Lee Sung-min was forced to sympathize with the laughter of a certain extent.