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Permanent Martial Arts

Chapter 1967: The Power of 200 Timelines!
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Chapter 1967: The Power of 200 Timelines!

Please Continue reading on ΒƟXN0VEL.ƇʘM

Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios


Spacetwas fluctuating.

In reality, this kind of spacetwarp was very secretive. No one would know.

However, the West Wing Master and the others were different. They had long set up an inescapable trap and prepared everything, and had been paying close attention in the dark.

In reality, they had originally wanted to completely find Lin Feng, or rather, the future Lin Feng, in the Dragon Coiling Realm, and annihilate him. Unfortunately, they found nothing.

As a powerful spacetcultivator, if Lin Feng intended to hide, it would be impossible to find him even with so many spacetcultivators.

However, if Lin Feng used the SpacetHeart to warp, things would be different. They would definitely be able to catch clues.

“Let’s go!”

The West Wing Master immediately flew towards the direction with the most intense spacetfluctuations with the 13 spacetcultivators. He even already had a vague idea of the location.


Lin Feng opened his eyes.

He successfully warped into his future self. The memories in his mind immediately becclear.

However, after sorting out the memories in his mind slightly, Lin Feng’s expression suddenly changed.

The 13 spacetcultivators had already set up an inescapable trap, just waiting for him to be captured?


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Before Lin Feng could even completely organize his memories, a cold voice sounded in his ears.

Lin Feng looked over. There were indeed the 13 spacetcultivators. Moreover, all of them had controlled at least 10 timelines. The strongest person was the West Wing Master. Even though they had all lost to him before, when the 13 of them joined forces, this lineup was still very terrifying.

Right now, Lin Feng also had more than 20 timelines. Coupled with the spacetprison, he would not be afraid of anyone.

Moreover, Lin Feng had warped here precisely for an opportunity. His spacetprison was about to undergo metamorphosis, and he urgently needed a large amount of energy.

Right now, this was both a crisis and a once-in-a-lifetopportunity!


The power of more than 20 timelines formed a huge black cloud behind Lin Feng. At the stime, the River of Spaceton his body appeared majestically. A huge beehive-like suprtreasure suddenly descended.


As soon as the spacetprison appeared, the surrounding area all wound up within the confinement of the spacetdomain.

Even the weakest of the 13 spacetcultivators had at least 10 timelines, and the 13 spacetcultivators were joining forces. Once such power was combined, how terrifying would it be? Hence, even the spacetdomain could not completely confine it.


The spacetdomain shattered.

This was the first tLin Feng had used the spacetprison, causing the spacetdomain to be shattered. The spacetdomain had never been shattered before. This was enough to show how terrifying the combined strike of the 13 spacetcultivators was.

This might also be the strongest strike Lin Feng had ever encountered so far.

Once the spacetdomain shattered, all the violent power poured into the spacetprison.

Even the power of Lin Feng’s 20-odd timelines was useless. It was crushed almost instantly.


The spacetprison was shaking violently.

However, the next moment, the spacetprison erupted with a terrifying power that swept in all directions majestically. Wherever it passed, almost no one could stop it.

Lin Feng was like a deity descending. Seeing those shocked spatial cultivators, he sneered and said, “Do you really think I cunprepared? You know nothing about my power! Today, all your power will becfuel for me. Hahaha…”

Lin Feng threw his head back and laughed aloud.

This time, the 13 spacetcultivators joined forces. They even correctly deduced that Lin Feng would warp to the Dragon Coiling Realm, and were already prepared to launch a sneak attack. It could be said that they were fully prepared.

However, how could they have expected that Lin Feng’s spacetprison would be so terrifying? In a short period of time, it had already reached the critical point of metamorphosis. There were at least 200 timelines mobilized by the 13 spacetcultivators.

Even if they could only use a portion of the power of the timelines, a portion of the power of 200 timelines combined was comparable to the power of at least 10 complete timelines.

What was this?

This was simply fuel for Lin Feng.

His spacetprison had already reached a bottleneck, and was at its limit. For it to undergo metamorphosis, complete metamorphosis in an instant, a large amount of energy was required.

And now, this power was enough!


Lin Feng controlled the spacetprison in a frenzy, devouring all the timeline power mobilized by the 13 spacetcultivators.

Actually, this was also a risk.

Perhaps the spacetprison would really “overload” all of a sudden.

However, with Lin Feng’s understanding of the spacetprison, although this power was very, very strong and could kill Lin Feng countless times over, it definitely could not do anything to the spacetprison.

As expected, the violent collisions of the spacetprison actually devoured all the power of these timelines at once, and fused them in a frenzy.

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The aura of the spacetprison was also metamorphosing rapidly.

“This… What is this?”

“This is bad. His spacetterminating suprtreasure seems to be undergoing metamorphosis!”

“Quick, interrupt its metamorphosis!”

“The 13 of us joining forces to actually benefit the King of Devouring?”

The 13 spacetcultivators were simply furious. They were furious to the extreme. They had prepared for so long, and even spent a SpacetHeart, with the goal of killing the King of Devouring, Lin Feng, and obtaining the spacetterminating suprtreasure.

But now?

They had actually indirectly promoted the metamorphosis of the spacetprison. How could they tolerate this?

The 13 spacetcultivators were very furious. They focused their gazes on Lin Feng. Since they could not break through the spacetprison, they would kill the owner of the spacetprison, Lin Feng.


Lin Feng naturally knew what these spacetcultivators were planning. Hence, he entered the spacetprison immediately.

The spacetprison resisted the attacks of the 13 spacetcultivators outside.

Even though this was very inconvenient of controlling and could almost only be used for defense, this was the only way.

The most important thing now was not to repel these 13 spacetcultivators. On the contrary, their existence was helping the spacetprison to undergo metamorphosis.

The most important thing now was for the spacetprison to complete its metamorphosis!

Lin Feng entered the spacetprison. At this moment, the spacetprison was still expanding wildly. Even the spacetpower was churning, as if it was nurturing something.

Was he nurturing spacetrules?

Lin Feng did not know very well, but he had a vague feeling that the metamorphosis of the spacetprison was a once-in-a-lifetopportunity. He had to witness it with his own eyes. In particular, witnessing the metamorphosis of the spacetprison inside it was far more intuitive than from the outside.

Perhaps this occasion would also be of great help to Lin Feng’s cultivation of the principle of spacetime!