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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler

Chapter 1598
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Chapter 1598

Chapter 1598

Noah was ready to explode when she recognized that these phones were those she had discarded in the

underground passage. She had done those things very covertly, but didn't expect Edwin to find the phones and the


"No! It’s not me. I’ve never seen these things, and I don't know the two men... They must have taken money from

Harry to slander me. Lucas, beat them again and they will tell the truth," Noah said.

Lucas twitched his mouth. 'If I beat the two kidnappers again, they'll kick the bucket.'

At Noah's words, Harry and the two kidnappers got angry.

Before Harry could defend himself, one of the kidnappers argued, "Miss Sinclair, how can you say you don't know

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We’ve known you for over ten years..."

The other kidnapper added, "Yes. Your family was poor, and you had no money to go to school. So, you became our

boss's woman when you were only fifteen years old. Later, you met Mr. Atherton and then ditched our boss. Four

years ago, you suddenly came to us and asked us to make Joanne and Patrick sleep together. And you wanted Mr.

Atherton to catch them red-handed.

"And there is another secret, Patrick and Joanne didn't sleep together. That day we fed the philters to both Patrick

and Joanne. But Joanne hit Patrick's head with an ashtray. We wanted to force them to make love, but you arrived

so quickly with Mr. Atherton that we didn't even have time to take action..."

'What? They didn't have intercourse.’ When Noah listened to the kidnappers' words, her face turned pale.

And the kidnapper continued, "It's you who asked us to prepare these disposable phones. You said you planned to

get rid of a loathsome little bitch and even obliged us to help you find a few fearless gangsters. Do you forget all


Noah's face turned bloodless. She attempted to give explanations, but no one believed her. She was so angry that

she kicked the leading kidnapper's chest fiercely. "It's not me. I've never said those words!"

The leading kidnapper uttered sarcastically, "Huh? You've never said those words? We have recordings!" His chest

hurt so much that he directly played a recording on his phone and handed it to Edwin. Then pointing at Noah

furiously, he scolded loudly, "Bitch, you have a red mole on your thigh. How dare you pretend not to know us?

You’re really a wicked woman!"

"I didn't...” Noah was now like a cat on hot bricks.

"It's really you." Harry also lost his head and yelled, "After harming my son, you hurt my daughter-in-law. And now

you mean to use my granddaughter to frame me?

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"Edwin, you've known everything. It’s Noah who instigated me to force you and Joanne to break up. Unlike Joanne,

Noah is a malicious woman. I couldn't bear to injure Joanne. But Noah was always abetting me then."

Unconvinced, Edwin gave a colder smile.

"How about hearing what your loyal subordinate has said and then telling me who instigated who?"

'My loyal subordinate?' Harry's whole body became numb with tension and terror. His lips trembled, and he couldn’t

even speak. Following Edwin's eyes, he saw a man lying on the ground.

The man was injured more seriously than the others, whose face was bloody. He was lying motionless on the

ground. If Harry hadn't heard his breathing, he would have considered him dead.

Sensing Harry's eyes, the man slowly raised his head, revealing a terrifying face familiar to Harry.

When Callum moved his mouth, blood flowed down the corner of his mouth. He said in a humble and guilty voice, "

I... I'm sorry, boss. I didn't endure the punishment, and I told everything to Mr. Atherton..."

Harry's face became ashen at the moment. 'No wonder I couldn't get through to Callum just now. It turns out that

he has been caught by Edwin.'

For a moment, Harry couldn't help but panic, who looked at Edwin in horror. "I... He... I don’t know what he told you,

but I was really instigated by Noah."