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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler

Chapter 1587
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Chapter 1587

Chapter 1587

Joanne was dressed in white today. Her black dress and the black leather chair created a strong visual compact.

'What if I hold her down in the chair and then...' An evil thought came to Edwin's mind.

"You brought me a cake?" Edwin's Adam's apple rolled up and down. He forced himself to turn his gaze to the cake

on the desk.

Joanne forced a smile and pushed the cake towards Edwin, “ Yes. Lucas said you were in a meeting. I thought you

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must be tired, so I brought you a cake."

"I like it." Edwin reached over and opened the cake box, and a piece of cake in the shape of a bunny appeared.

Joanne felt embarrassed inside. Actually, the cake was for Tail.

She added, "It looks cute and it tastes really good."

Edwin had a tender look in his eyes. He took the knife and fork out of the box and handed it to Joanne. "Feed me."

Noah had never seen Edwin act like this before.

In front of Noah, Edwin was always aloof. Even when they were in a relationship abroad years ago, Edwin then was

still a big boy. He wasn’t as charming or seductive as he was now.

Noah's eyes were burning with jealousy.

Joanne then cut the cake with a knife, forked a small piece, and handed it to Edwin's mouth. She said as if she was

coaxing a kid, "Open your mouth. Ah..." Joanne was determined to put on a show for Noah.

Edwin smiled and opened his mouth.

When the spoon was put into Edwin's mouth, he held the spoon in his mouth.

Joanne could not get it back. She stared into his eyes. His eyes were so deep. She saw herself in his eyes.

Joanne's heart raced. She was lost in a trance...

Edwin was also looking into her eyes. The attentive gaze was charming.

Joanne blushed unconsciously.

"It's so sweet. How can I enjoy it alone?" Edwin said as he was still biting on the tip of the spoon.

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He sounded seductive.

As Joanne's cheeks blushed more, Edwin suddenly held Joanne's head and leaned over to kiss her on the lips. He put

the tip of his tongue in her mouth with the cake. Both of their mouths were filled with the sweetness of the cake...

"Uh..." It was too sweet for Joanne.

'Why do kids like things so sweet?'

"Edwin, you guys..." Suddenly, Noah interrupted them.

Joanne looked up and saw Noah propping one of her arms on the desk, her body shaking, tears in her eyes. Noah

looked pitiful. When she glanced at Joanne, her eyes were so fierce. But when she looked at Edwin, she put on that

pathetic look.