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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler

Chapter 1571
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Chapter 1571

Chapter 1571 "Yes! They bear a striking resemblance to each other, especially in their mouth and nose. It's almost

as if they were sculpted from the same mold, leaving no doubt that they are father and daughter."

The next morning.

Joanne slowly opened her eyes.

The faint morning light poured into the bedroom through the light-colored curtains. She was stunned for a long

time before realizing that she was lying in Edwin's arms. Edwin was still in a sound sleep, without any trace of

brutality and wickedness. His handsome face had even gained a touch of tenderness, and the firm lines of his face

had been softened by the light.

She hadn't gotten used to sleeping next to someone yet. As she tried to quietly climb out of bed with one hand on

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the mattress, Edwin's arm suddenly fell towards her slender waist.

In a daze, Joanne was pushed back onto the bed. His slightly warm lips pressed onto hers and he whispered in an

unclear voice, "Good morning, Mrs. Atherton."

Joanne let out a low murmuring sound, with her nose filled with Edwin's distinct masculine scent.

She quickly took the opportunity to roll over and get out of bed, running into the bathroom.

She could still hear Edwin's gnashing teeth and resentful voice behind her. "Joanne, you'll make me impotent sooner

or later."

After a quick wash, Joanne emerged from the bathroom to find Edwin still lying in bed playing on his phone.

Wearing his pajamas casually, he showed no signs of getting up. She raised an eyebrow and asked, "Aren't you

going to work today?"

"No, I'm staying at home to accompany you and Tail." Edwin pulled the blanket over himself, and he could still smell

the faint fragrance left by her.

It would be even more perfect if Tail were with him at this moment.

But the little girl was probably still not awake yet.

"You seem to have been slacking off at work recently. Aren't your employees protesting?" Joanne asked.

"I don't care about it at all. Even if they go on strike, I can still afford to support you and Tail." He propped his head

up with one hand and said with confidence.

Joanne rolled her eyes and walked over to pull the blanket off him. "Get up now. Later, I'm going to take Tail out to

buy daily necessities. If you want to gain a good impression from her, I'll give you a chance to be our driver."

As Edwin listened to her slightly coquettish tone, a hint of surprise flashed across his handsome face.

"Honey, you allow me to get close to Tail now?"

He had thought that Joanne was still holding a grudge against him for mistreating Tail before.

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Of course, Joanne wouldn't forgive his past actions so easily.

"You said before that although Tail has parents, she still lives in a single-parent family. The reason why I give you this

chance is that I don't want her to have any regrets in the future. But this doesn't mean that all the wrong things you

did in the past can be easily forgiven," Joanne said.

"I will treat you two even better than before." Edwin smiled with a gentle expression.

He got out of bed swiftly and headed to the bathroom to take a shower. Joanne tied her hair into a ponytail and

went to the closet to pick out clothes.

She pulled open the large closet door and saw that it was neatly filled with the clothes he had bought for her last

time. Now there were significantly more of her clothes than Edwin's suits and pants.

This took her by great surprise. When she had just moved here, there were barely any of her clothes in the closet,

but now it was crammed full...

With her fingertips brushing over those clothes, she was lost in thought.

She really didn't know whether she had forgiven him or not.