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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler

Chapter 1492
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Chapter 1492

Chapter 1492 "Is Tail's boyfriend really your grandson? I see you guys competing to reward her, and I thought you

guys didn’t know each other. Turns out you were helping your grandson win Tail's heart. It looks like Tail is going to

marry into a rich family."

Numerous people flocked to her page, seemingly familiar with her. Even Tail sweetly called her grandma.

Edwin looked unhappy when he saw his comment was drowned out.

Tail quickly finished a painting and showed it to everyone by holding it up to the camera.

Suddenly, the screen was filled with colorful rocket special effects.

It lasted for most of an hour.

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Tail's Dad gave out Aircraft Carrier* 1000!

The gifts she received hit a value of 88 million dollars, which instantly caused a sensation on the entire app. The gift

giver was really rich, and his account drew everyone's attention.


"The father upstairs, still lacking a daughter?"

"Tail's boyfriend, come back! You're no longer No. 1 on the tipping list."

While the crowd was stunned, Edwin slowly typed out a string of words.

"Tails, I'm really your dad."

Tail exclaimed in shock, "Wow! So many gifts. Thank you! Love you."

Edwin continued, "Call me Daddy."

Her long eyelashes drooping, Tail seriously counted the amount with her fingers. Her attention was on the value of

the gifts rather than the comments. "Ten, a hundred, a thousand, ten thousand, one hundred thousand, a million,

ten million... So much money. I can buy anything for my mom without caring about its price."

Her words made Edwin furrow his bushy brow. If her mother and she hadn't left him, things wouldn't have been like


Just then, Lucas knocked on the door from outside.

"Mr. Atherton, the comparison results of the blood samples are out."

Edwin suppressed his chagrin and exited the APP.

He pulled open the door to find Lucas standing there respectfully. A report was in his hand, but the expression on

his face revealed nothing.

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Edwin's eyelids fluttered. "Give it to me."

"I can just tell you the result," Lucas proposed.

The ominous feeling in Edwin's heart grew heavier and heavier. He reached out and grabbed the report. The first

page was the comparison report between him and Tail. He turned to the last page to see the test result. "Paternity

not established."

He staggered and took several steps backward.

"Impossible!" When Edwin looked up again, his eyes were scarlet red. He grabbed Lucas' wrist and asked, "How can

Tail be Patrick's daughter? I asked you to personally keep an eye on the test. Did you slack off and allow Patrick to

tamper with it?"

Lucas felt that his bones were almost crushed. He said in a shaky voice, "I was there the whole time. Even my

meals were sent to the laboratory. I can guarantee that the results were not tampered with."

The fact was like a pot of cold water splashing down on him.

Before this, he was elated, but now he was angry. Tail was not his daughter. She was Patrick's daughter.