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Chapter 239 Huang Tian
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Chapter 239 Huang Tian

After they had tried to destroy the invisible wall for quite a while, the He Brothers finally gave up, for all their efforts had been in vain.

Chen Li smiled faintly and released them from his Void Prison. "Do you have any confidence in my abilities now? Do you still think my ambition to unify the underworld is too big?"

"No!" The He Brothers answered in unison, and He Yan said to him. "Please forgive my previous behavior! Starting today, the Black Tortoise Gang will become a part of the Long Feng Pavilion, and we acknowledge you as our leader."

"That's good." Chen Li nodded with satisfaction and said to Chen Wei'er and Xiao Xianglin. "You guys can arrange for some of them to work at the Long Feng Security Company. Ye Xiao already told me that the renovations are almost complete, and the rest of them can move there immediately afterward."

The two women nodded in agreement to him. Chen Li immediately left the Northern Forest after he gave his new subordinates some pills and medicinal liquid.

However, Chen Li did not return to his mansion; he immediately entered the Void, and Xiao Kong'er accompanied him to practice.

Wasting no time, the members of the Black Tortoise Gang immediately went to use the two, for they couldn't wait to become as strong as the other members.

"Why is your expression like this?" Xiao Xianglin asked Yan Qiu, who looked gloomy after Chen Li left.

Yan Qiu sighed heavily and asked her back. "What exactly am I lacking, Sister Xianglin? Chen Li already has so many women, and I feel I am not inferior to all of you, yet he rejected me without a second thought."

The two women were stunned momentarily hearing that, and Chen Wei'er asked her. "Are you in love with Li'er?"

"I'm not in love with him yet, but-"

"No wonder Li'er rejected you." Chen Wei'er immediately interrupted Yan Qiu as she shook her head. "He does have a lot of women now, but some of them have fallen in love with him for a long time, so he is willing to accept them. As for Keiko, she is willing to be his woman out of gratitude at first, but she already has feelings for him."

"Then what about Shen Qing, Yu Hua, Bei Lian'er, and Yu Xuan? What made him willing to accept them?" Yan Qiu asked with a frown.

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However, Xiao Xianglin asked her instead. "What is your real reason for wanting to be his woman? I've known you for a long time, and it's not because he has seen you naked, right?"

"No." Yan Qiu shook her head and told them the truth, causing the two women to sigh softly.

Chen Wei'er then told her. "Li'er was willing to accept the four of them for different reasons, and they also wanted to be with him for no particular motive."

"Wei'er is right, Qiu." Xiao Xianglin then embraced Yan Qiu's shoulder. "If you want to know why Chen Li is willing to accept them, then you can stay with us for now, and you will definitely get the answer later."

"All right, I will live with you guys for now." Yan Qiu replied with an affirmative nod, and they started training with the members of the Long Feng Pavilion right after.




Meanwhile, Shen Yu's expression was angry, and her eyes glared at her sister-in-law and niece. "Where have you two been? I've been looking for you guys for three days, but I can't find you and your numbers are off too."


Shen Qing directly stopped Yang Li, and she said to her aunt. "Aunt Yu, I respect you as my aunt, but you have no right to interfere in our personal affairs. Instead of taking care of us, you better take care of your son."

"What do you mean by that?" Shen Yu asked with a frown.

Shen Qing smiled at him. "Do you really not know, or are you just pretending not to know?"

Shen Yu did not answer Shen Qing's question, for she already knew about her son's deeds, especially after her nephew died, and it also made her feel anxious.

"Sooner or later, Yu Wen must be held accountable for his actions." Just as Shen Yu wanted to scold her, Shen Qing hurriedly continued. "I know he is my cousin, but he is a criminal, and all criminals like him should be punished. So you don't have to meddle in my and my mother's business anymore, and you should take care of your son."

Upon hearing that, Shen Yu glared at them fiercely but did not speak further and immediately left the Shen House.

After that, Yang Li laughed loudly. "Haha! Your aunt must be furious right now!"

"Just let her be; I'm sick of her meddling too much in our affairs." Shen Qing replied as she stood up. "I think she won't be coming here anymore after this, so we can stay with Chen Li from now on."

"That's true." Yang Li nodded in agreement and followed her daughter to pack their things.




After waiting a long time, Huang Tian finally arrived at the pavilion, and the people greeted him respectfully, including Jiro. "Sorry, I'm late."

"Since you've arrived, we can start the meeting now." Old Tang said to him.

"Why are you in such a rush, Old Tang?" Huang Tian asked as he laughed. "We haven't seen each other in a long time, so we can talk about things casually, right?"

"Old Huang, the problems we are facing are very serious." Old Tang replied as he shook his head. "First, Xiao Xianglin has stepped down from her post, and Jiuxiao and the others haven't found a replacement for her yet. Second, Xuanyuan Wan'er has already crippled Qin Feng. Thirdly, we still haven't been able to find the members of the Green Dragon Gang."

"Do you think we can do something about Xuanyuan Wan'er?" Huang Tian asked with a raised eyebrow. "Even the people from the government don't dare disturb her, remember? As for the bureau chief position, I've already found the right person to fill the position, and that person is coming in a few days."

"Who is that person?" Old Tang and the others asked in surprise.

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"Haha." Huang Tian laughed at that. "Why are you guys so impatient? You only need to wait a few days to meet her, and you'll find out about her identity later. If she takes over Xianglin's position, I'm sure she can sort things out easily. As for the Green Dragon Gang, we don't need to think too much about them, for they are just a bunch of trash."

They could only shake their heads at his last sentence, and Old Tang asked him again. "What do you think about that man called Mo Xie? My son-in-law and the others have tried to investigate him, but they have never been successful. However, he told me that his true identity is Chen Li, Chen Zhen's son."

"Oh?" Huang Tian looked at him in surprise. "Does he have proof that Mo Xie and Chen Li are the same person?"

"No." Old Tang replied with a shake of his head. "Jiuxiao suspected that they were the same person based on Mo Xie's closeness to Lin Qingzhu, but they didn't have solid proof of that."

Huang Tian shook his head after hearing that. "Back then, Chen Zhen was strong; we even had to ambush him to get rid of him. However, I remember his two children are very weak, so I can't believe Chen Li is Mo Xie."

Mayumi Keiko frowned upon hearing that, and she used her smartphone to record their conversations. Meanwhile, Shiori Aya was shocked to hear that, especially since she didn't know much about Chen Li.

"So what do you think of Mo Xie, Old Huang? Do we have to do something about him?" Mo Long asked him.

"For now, we can't do anything against Mo Xie, especially since we don't have any proof that he was Shen Hu's killer." Huang Tian replied as he shook his head. "However, I have instructed that fellow that her first duty as bureau chief is to take care of Mo Xie's matters, so we just need to wait for her to come, and she will take care of things later."

"Are you sure she can do it?" Ma Teng asked him. "During these years, no one dared to disturb us, so we must take care of Mo Xie as soon as possible, or else everything will become a mess for us."

"Hmm?" Huang Tian thought for a moment. "I can't give you a definite answer right now, but I have full confidence in her abilities."

"Anyway, I just remembered one thing." Huang Tian and the others immediately turned to Old Tang. "Jiuxiao previously told me that Xuanyuan Wan'er is living with Mo Xie now, so you'd better tell that person to be careful with her, or else she will end up like Qin Feng."

They frowned after they heard that, and Huang Tian turned to Jiro. "What about your research on that thing? Have you succeeded in creating it?"

"Yes." Jiro nodded and handed a small bag to Huang Tian, making Shiori Aya and Mayumi Keiko frown.

Huang Tian directly opened the small bag, and there were several injections filled with dark green liquid. He then took one and asked Jiro again. "Are these still prototypes or final products?"

- To Be Continued -